WASPS press conference from the Ricoh at 10am (2 Viewers)

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Well-Known Member
As I've alluded to recently, Coventry is becoming part of greater Birmingham and the Midlands sprawl. Maybe it's just a bit of a train ride { Nuckle} now for most of the Midlands to the Wasps JLR Arena !!



Well-Known Member
coventry city being dictated to by a london team in coventry , now thats funny .im completely fed up tbh , i dont know where we go from here , as our current deal will only ever really allow us to just "get by" , so basically league 1 , 2 or a flukey promotion to the championship it is then ....cant wait
Your forsight was so right and to this day we still are getting by!!


Well-Known Member
You must be having a seriously quiet Sunday looking back at 2014 threads!!
Bring back the Chaplin thread!!!!
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