Thats great going, almost 2 stone gone, never to return! I'm currently at 81kg, and it is honestly way more effort now to lose 0.5lb fat than it was to lose a whole stone in fat 5 months ago. Whatever I do it seems impossible to shed the last bit, just focussing on the body fat % now, which stands at 17.7%, but my god its hard- massive effort for tiny (or zero) gains at this point, to the point where I wonder if its over training & a few days completely off might do the trick. Need something to aim at too- the objective was to lose weight and I kind of did that, so to avoid now patting myself on the back & promptly putting it all straight back on, looking for some kind of target, half marathon or something like that.
One thing I have found- I got some protein powder and tested it out- whenever I take some of that before/ after exercise I'll see more benefit than when I don't- recommended. I only have cheap stuff from Tesco, but from what I can see it definitely helps.