Why I decided (1 Viewer)


If you don't go you'll feel you've lost that support. Also if Sisu see it as a failure and that fans won't go they'll probably turn it on you lot anyway and decide that you don't care enough about your team so why should they continue with the club.

Erm.... We don't want SISU to continue with the club. Have we not mentioned that??

I have two young boys, who also wanted to go to Northampton & continue to support the team. They were really down when I said we would be leaving the Ricoh... we have had season tickets since it opened and going together has been our Saturday family time for years .. They thought we could simply continue that at sixfields.

I upset them by telling them this wouldn't be happening.. But they now understand the reasons why we won't be going and are fully behind the " stay away ".. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices to make a stand , and not let others walk all over you.

As sad as the situation is, the one positive that im trying to take out of it.. Is that my kids are learning a life lesson in how to do the right thing...

So what you are actually saying is you have made your kids mind up for them. And the life lesson is that they do not have the right to make any decisions of there own. Well put. Hope they grow up knowing that this is always the case when people disagree.
As previously stated by more than one person on here, surely we all can make our own mind up as to what we want to do and not be chastised for making a decision others disagree with. My son supports the city and has been a season ticket holder since he was 5 and was on the end of an era DVD when they left highfield road. He has said he wants to support his team so I will honour what he wants. Call me what you want but at least I am not a sheep and following so called supporters just because they are worried that they will be called names or put down .


From the OP 2 weeks ago:

"I, for one, have been blind to the feelings of most CCFC fans. We are a reserved lot and it's only when the chips are down do we actually see the City's character. I do understand SISU's frustration at wanting to make something on match days and believing having OUR own ground as being the only option. BUT, as we see today the fans have spoken. If SISU want to take the club forward they must cooperate with the fans and other interested parties in the city. We should work together but sadly I don't think Joy is aware. or even cares, the fans true feeling. I was going to buy a season ticket at Sixfields but NOW I WON'T. Mr. Fisher, you are a businessman not a child and the time is now rife to do something positive. So sort out the rent issue and move our club forward IN OUR CITY"

Japandy - WUM.


New Member
Why dont you umm and arr a litle longer Jaypandy......you may end up making a better decision.

Think about why so many are not going...do you not think we all want to see cov play ..BUT NOT IN NORTHAMPTON.

Would love to know how you ummed to this decision.
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Well-Known Member
So what you are actually saying is you have made your kids mind up for them. And the life lesson is that they do not have the right to make any decisions of there own. Well put. Hope they grow up knowing that this is always the case when people disagree.
As previously stated by more than one person on here, surely we all can make our own mind up as to what we want to do and not be chastised for making a decision others disagree with. My son supports the city and has been a season ticket holder since he was 5 and was on the end of an era DVD when they left highfield road. He has said he wants to support his team so I will honour what he wants. Call me what you want but at least I am not a sheep and following so called supporters just because they are worried that they will be called names or put down .
So all you kids out there, don't let Mummy or Daddy tell you not stop, look and listen before crossing the road, as this would be them making your mind up for you....

What a fucking dickhead.
...And this folks, is how it should be. All these morons whining that it would break their kids hearts to not go any more....Okay then morons, continue to assume your kids won't understand coz you can't be bothered to invest the time to explain to them why you shouldn't be going. The kids will be right fucked off after a couple of games anyhow, outnumbered by away fans in a 7000 capacity stadium not even half full. What a mouthwatering matchday experience in prospect.

Great post & parenting btw.

Nice one, again because you do not believe in something your kids can't either, I bet you told your kids at an early age that Father Christmas did not exist too. Now that is bad parenting in my mind.
So all you kids out there, don't let Mummy or Daddy tell you not stop, look and listen before crossing the road, as this would be them making your mind up for you....

What a fucking dickhead.

I'm the dickhead?? Atleast I let my kids make their own choices, as for crossing the road my kids use pedestrian crossing not walking out from behind cars. I am also sure that your parents made your choices throughout life so that is why your are like your are today.



Well-Known Member
So what you are actually saying is you have made your kids mind up for them. And the life lesson is that they do not have the right to make any decisions of there own. Well put. Hope they grow up knowing that this is always the case when people disagree.
As previously stated by more than one person on here, surely we all can make our own mind up as to what we want to do and not be chastised for making a decision others disagree with. My son supports the city and has been a season ticket holder since he was 5 and was on the end of an era DVD when they left highfield road. He has said he wants to support his team so I will honour what he wants. Call me what you want but at least I am not a sheep and following so called supporters just because they are worried that they will be called names or put down .

I won't have a go at anyone for going, but your logic there is twisted.

We make our kids' minds up for them every day. We chose what we feel is best for them, be it swimming lessons or learning to play the guitar, which schools they should go to, what subjects they should concentrate on, whether you point them in the way of religion or not, who they should and shouldn't associate with in friendship etc.etc.etc.

They are children we are adults and it is our job to help them make the right decisions.

I have a female friend who has just lost her kids through the court. They are 10 and 8. They want to be with their mother but that decision has been made for them and they can have no contact.

The point with Northampton is that it isn't just the kids' choice because it involves the parent in the decision too, for transport and the parents consideration is obviously a massive factor as well.

You can't just go somewhere because your kids want to go. You try and help children make the right choice in life and guide them as best you can.
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Well-Known Member
So what you are actually saying is you have made your kids mind up for them. And the life lesson is that they do not have the right to make any decisions of there own. Well put. Hope they grow up knowing that this is always the case when people disagree.
As previously stated by more than one person on here, surely we all can make our own mind up as to what we want to do and not be chastised for making a decision others disagree with. My son supports the city and has been a season ticket holder since he was 5 and was on the end of an era DVD when they left highfield road. He has said he wants to support his team so I will honour what he wants. Call me what you want but at least I am not a sheep and following so called supporters just because they are worried that they will be called names or put down .

Errmm maybe you misread the part where I said they understood the reasons for not going, once I'd explained them , and that they were now fully behind the "stay away"

But even if you did choose to ignore that part... To suit your own argument.. I would still say this. Do you let your children go outt playing till whatever time they want? Do you let them eat sweets whenever they want ? Maybe your " kids" are older than mine & those decisions ARE his to make.. Mine are too young to make those kind of decisions, so yes I make those decisions for them in some cases ( not all ) they are 7 and 10 , so certainly not old enough to be rolling over to Northampton on their own
I won't have a go at anyone for going, but your logic there is twisted.

We make our kids' minds up for them every day. We chose what we feel is best for them, be it swimming lessons or learning to play the guitar, which schools they should go to, what subjects they should concentrate on, whether you point them in the way of religion or not, who they should and shouldn't associate with in friendship etc.etc.etc.

They are children we are adults and it is our job to help them make the right decisions.

I have a female friend who has just lost her kids through the court. They are 10 and 8. They want to be with their mother but that decision has been made for them.

The point with Northampton is that it isn't just the kids' choice because it involves the parent with them, for transport and the parents consideration is obviously a massive factor too.

You can't just go somewhere because your kids want to go. You try and help children make the right choice in life and guide them as best you can.

Otis, I agree with on a lot of what you say, sorry to hear your friend has lost her kids, that's courts for you.
The one thing I disagree with is I do not choose who my children want to support, my son can choose whoever he likes to support and he chose Coventry, not because I told him too. Again I will not stop him from watching them if that's what he wants to do, he is nearly 14 and I believe he should be making his own mind up not to be forced into it by parents.


New Member
That's your choice, i choose never to go again home ? or away while shitsu are here, i've been going since 1973 so this a big part of my life i'm giving up on but i feel this is the only way i as a city fan can do any thing to get rid of the cancer that is sisu. By going your not looking at the bigger picture your only looking at the short term. As the fl said they are " not even sure that ccfc will ever play in Coventry again ". Sisu don't even buy players , so do you seriously think they are going to pay to build a new ground ?.


Well-Known Member
I did a bit of soul searching myself over the summer. I've decided not to go to Northampton, bit I will reassess my position only when I see evidence of a new stadium being built in the Coventry area.


Well-Known Member
Otis, I agree with on a lot of what you say, sorry to hear your friend has lost her kids, that's courts for you.
The one thing I disagree with is I do not choose who my children want to support, my son can choose whoever he likes to support and he chose Coventry, not because I told him too. Again I will not stop him from watching them if that's what he wants to do, he is nearly 14 and I believe he should be making his own mind up not to be forced into it by parents.

Well 14, yes, I agree he should have more independent choice.

Again though, if the parent is taking them then the parent's wishes have to be taken into consideration.

If my daughter when she's older wants to be a Tory MP then that's of course up to her, but no way would I take her to a party conference.:D


Well-Known Member
I been umming and arring whether to go or not. I went to Orient midweek and was proud of the lads for their commitment. They deserve OUR support, so that is why I go to Sixfields tomorrow. I don't go for the owners. I don't go for the fans. I go for the team and MY team are playing, for a few seasons in Northampton. I pray things are sorted soon so we can go watch our team in Coventry where we belong. BUT thelads need us. SISU don't need us. ACL don't need us, or if they do they have a funny way of showing us. NO my choice is purely down to the team. PUSB

Do see your point but think you are putting your own short term gain over your own long term gain.
Then dressing it up as the team need me.
You need the football you are not prepared to sacrifice it to get the club back.
It is as simple as that and that is your choice.
No point hiding behind some big moral thing about supporting the team.
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Well-Known Member
I don't think SISU are bothered in the slightest by whether or not they get our money. If they don't they'll just reduce the amount they put into the team. They have proved that their only interest is the Ricoh Arena. They knew they were going to lose money by allowing us to get relegated to League 1, they knew they were going to lose money by moving us to Northampton - they don't care. So I'd say if you want to go and support your team, do it - because SISU won't care either way - they'll do what they want.


New Member
​That's your choice, i choose never to go again home ? or away while shitsu are here, i've been going since 1973 so this a big part of my life i'm giving up on but i feel this is the only way i as a city fan can do any thing to get rid of the cancer that is sisu. By going your not looking at the bigger picture your only looking at the short term. As the fl said they are " not even sure that ccfc will ever play in Coventry again ". Sisu don't even buy players , so do you seriously think they are going to pay to build a new ground ?.


Well-Known Member
So all you kids out there, don't let Mummy or Daddy tell you not stop, look and listen before crossing the road, as this would be them making your mind up for you....

What a fucking dickhead.

Another example of how the site is improving - such poetry.


Well-Known Member
If my daughter when she's older wants to be a Tory MP then that's of course up to her, but no way would I take her to a party conference.:D

Haha.. forget football, Now THAT is something to really throw the cat amongst the pigeons
Errmm maybe you misread the part where I said they understood the reasons for not going, once I'd explained them , and that they were now fully behind the "stay away"

But even if you did choose to ignore that part... To suit your own argument.. I would still say this. Do you let your children go outt playing till whatever time they want? Do you let them eat sweets whenever they want ? Maybe your " kids" are older than mine & those decisions ARE his to make.. Mine are too young to make those kind of decisions, so yes I make those decisions for them in some cases ( not all ) they are 7 and 10 , so certainly not old enough to be rolling over to Northampton on their own

Did you explain that there are more than one side in this argument and all sides are to blame however you wish to apportion the blame. Are you taking them to the Ricoh on Sunday?? To a supposed charity match of which only profits will be going to charity not all monies. Therefore lining ACL's pockets who obviously over the last couple of days have shown they really do not want CCFC back.
Yes my son is 14 and I will take him to Sixfields because he asked politely and that's what he wants to do.


Well-Known Member
Did you explain that there are more than one side in this argument and all sides are to blame however you wish to apportion the blame. Are you taking them to the Ricoh on Sunday?? To a supposed charity match of which only profits will be going to charity not all monies. Therefore lining ACL's pockets who obviously over the last couple of days have shown they really do not want CCFC back.
Yes my son is 14 and I will take him to Sixfields because he asked politely and that's what he wants to do.

Think the thing in defence of Sunday at the Ricoh is that it is just a one off. If they were having games on every week and we all kept going then that would be taking sides.

Sunday at the Ricoh is a plea for the club to come home.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

Sorry for putting this picture on again but this seems to be the right thread to show it.
Every child pictured here were (along with their parents) ST holders last season, this season none of them will be watching the Sky Blues at Northampton.
These and a few thousand more of that age are the lifeblood of the club for years to come.
The fear for me is that over the proposed ground share time scale most of these will put ccfc into the back of their minds and find something else to follow.
Coventry Bees welcomed them with open arms last night ,and gave them a super night of entertainment.
Should this groundshare continue the club may survive but the future support will not.


Super Moderator

That is absolutely brilliant. May just store that for future use.


Well-Known Member
Did you explain that there are more than one side in this argument and all sides are to blame however you wish to apportion the blame. Are you taking them to the Ricoh on Sunday?? To a supposed charity match of which only profits will be going to charity not all monies. Therefore lining ACL's pockets who obviously over the last couple of days have shown they really do not want CCFC back.
Yes my son is 14 and I will take him to Sixfields because he asked politely and that's what he wants to do.

Yes I did explain both sides... . I also explained that in my view our very own council had a massive part to play in the current mess!

I think my eldest son said something along the lines of " I suppose if we decided to still go to Northampton now, then what's next & when do we say enough is enough . When they move us to London?, when they call us SISU FC?... And it will probably be too late then won't it dad"

And yes they chose to stay away.. Which i did akready write in my original post that you jumped all over!! Maybe I'd have had a harder time if they had said they still wanted to go , but they didn't .. And for that I'm happy


Well-Known Member
They won't have a team to support much longer thanks to people like you.


Don't waste your time talking rubbish trying to justify yourself to us your weak minded all your doing along with the rest is keeping here SISU longer than they would be had you and the rest stuck to the boycott make of it what you will...

Your selling Coventry out

AT LEAST Five more years, probably never coming back. You give 'fecking idiots' a bad name. Disgrace.

Thanks for you're contribution to removing the "SKY BLUES" from Coventry forever.


What a load of shit.


Well-Known Member
I did a bit of soul searching myself over the summer. I've decided not to go to Northampton, bit I will reassess my position only when I see evidence of a new stadium being built in the Coventry area.
Well whatever you do ,don't hold you breath waiting.


Well-Known Member
Its threads like this that really make me feel embarrassed. Some of the abuse being thrown at fellow fans really is disgusting. Its bad enough having SISU taking the club out of city but for me the in-fighting makes the situation a hundred times worse. Fans have been called scum, scabs, had their integrity and morals questioned and trashed by those who feel they are morally superior. Its out of order.

Quite a few people on here should be ashamed of the abuse they've thrown around. And its not passion, its abuse.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2


Well-Known Member
If you have to justify a trip to sixfields because your children want to , leads to the conclusion that if you didn't have children ,you wouldn't go . That in turn probably means that you think is not the right thing to do . Therefore man up ,be a good parent and explain to your kids the stand you are taking and stop using them as pawns in a moral battle . I'm taking my 3 grand kids to the Ricoh tomorrow( I'm tired out thinking about it ) and in time when there old enough I'll tell them why.


Well-Known Member
I like how Sisu are criticised for 'bully' tactics and implored to engage in sensible discussions to get everything sorted by the exact same people who see someone say they're going to Northampton and immediately jump on them with insults, playground-level emotional blackmail and hypocritical question of morals.

stop using them as pawns in a moral battle

You realise this is exactly what you're doing in a post trying to tell someone to 'be a good parent' right? The sheer gall is beyond words.
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Well-Known Member
I been umming and arring whether to go or not. I went to Orient midweek and was proud of the lads for their commitment. They deserve OUR support, so that is why I go to Sixfields tomorrow. I don't go for the owners. I don't go for the fans. I go for the team and MY team are playing, for a few seasons in Northampton. I pray things are sorted soon so we can go watch our team in Coventry where we belong. BUT thelads need us. SISU don't need us. ACL don't need us, or if they do they have a funny way of showing us. NO my choice is purely down to the team. PUSB

You said a few weeks ago that you weren't going to go, having previously been one of SISU's flag-bearer's. I don't think I trust you-reckon you were always going to go, tbh!

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