New manager, new owners, new broom, new beginning. Hopefully. I have been told from within that the new manager is not impressed with our youth set-up one bit, just where that leaves current staff is anyones guess.
Originally Posted by rupert_bear
I just find it hard to see why anyone can dislike somebody they have never met other than seeing him on TV or hearing him/her on radio. I have met Keys and he comes across a nice bloke, and a genuine passionate Sky Blue fan and before someone jumps in about noy going to matches that means fuck all. He's okay.
New manager, new owners, new broom, new beginning. Hopefully. I have been told from within that the new manager is not impressed with our youth set-up one bit, just where that leaves current staff is anyones guess.
I have been told from within that the new manager is not impressed with our youth set-up one bit, just where that leaves current staff is anyones guess.
You get idiots who spout these sorts of threats usually gob-shites. My opinion of Fisher is he is simply a mouth piece for Seppalla and co. All his mouthing about playing elsewhere in my opinion is hot-air designed simply stir things up, why ? time will tell. We will be at the Ricoh come August and many more Augusts to come.