Worst paid job in the UK? (2 Viewers)


New Member
My first wage was in 1968 stacking shelves in a supermarket in Essex where I lived for a couple of years. I was 15 and earned £5. 10/- 3d per week.
That was for 6 days work! (For all you youngsters that's £5.51½p A WEEK!) ;) I missed out on being a highly paid apprentice Egastap!! :D

Well that's TWICE as much as I was paid Houch!........


New Member
I started my apprenticeship in 2000 I was on £150 per week. Oh to get back in at Jaguar. I loved that place, but cause I don't have a degree I can't get back in. They have loads of jobs going too.

Gosh! You must be a pretty young guy then?.....well a young guy....you don't have to be pretty! LOL
I once had a job on a sewage treatment works, for my "induction" for the first 2 weeks my first job in the morning would be to go and empty the machine that collected all the "rag" it was basically all the paper and wipes etc... the sewage would enter the works and a machine with a huge screen would filter all the solids, I had to stand on a platform and drag out a mass ball of wipes and solids with a huge hook and drag it over to the skip.

I'll never forget going into work on Mondays knowing I had to do that first thing or the machine would block, the smell of the place and some of the things I seen will stay with me for some time.

Thankfully i've moved on from those days, but I guess we all start somewhere

The Reverend Skyblue

Well-Known Member
Good luck Marty and Otis on finding a job.
Otis I really admire you for taking the shopper job, how they can offer such a meagre amount disgusts me. We all know we have to start somewhere and if you do get in with some company it won't take you long for you to move up the internal ladder.
Both of you keep us informed of your search, and you will get there in the end, and of course if i hear of somewhere thats offering work i'll let you know, as i and the wife have huge families and friends in the Oxon/warwicks/Northants area's who work for lots of different companies, and it really helps if a job comes up and you can get in there before the hoards.Any help from others on here would help you also.

Good Luck

The Rev


Super Moderator
Leave them alone you prat. maybe you have never been out of work. But it aint easy finding jobs at the moment. Try being constructive instead of destructive.


New Member
Yeah Houch.....I started at Dunlop in Holbrooks in 1963. Guess a lot of our younger posters have no idea what it was like back then. But do you know, I wouldn't mind going back in time to those days....it was the best time of my life.......Sky Blues were going upwards, England had won the World Cup, Coventry Rugby was one of the best teams in the land. LG...Life was good!

My Mum ran the Empress Stores just opposite the Dunlop Entrance next door to Peggs (Now both part of Coventry Building Supplies) - I remember all the blokes playing football in the park during their lunch hour if the weather was decent, or just sitting around chatting eating there sandwicjes - hundreds of them.


New Member
I can also agree with the Unipart vacancies.

My cousin got took on a month ago - In Hungary quality controlling the blackberry mobile phones. This is one for the younger guys, but they fly you out, pay for accomodation and food and you get 5 days back in the U.K each month. The down side is you start on £8.40 hr doing 11hrs day shifts for 3 days. 1 day off. Then 5 nights 11 hour shifts at £8.90hr 1 day off. 4 days 11 hour shifts. Flight home.

It doesn't sound much fun, and I'm not sure he'll complete the 4 month contract (hes back tues). But if you can hack it (no way I could and commitments in the UK) you could save over £1k a month.

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