Flying Fokker
Well-Known Member
I hope they do.
SISU only have this option now. What else, they have flagged up that they will liquidate the club.
I hope they do.
Many took more than 1 season to get out of the league and most did not change owners.
Only Southampton and Leeds have been promoted post administration and they have far far bigger revenue steams. Admin will mean relegation battle next season.
afc cov---evostick league---butts park
#getourclubback :claping hands:
If Sisu hadn't messed up then we wouldn't have been relegated. That has nothing to do with ACL.
Can't imagine CRFC would accept tenants that don't pay the rent.....
Oh I thought the dispute was with non payment to the ACL you clearly worship.
So it's failure in the league. So when the other clubs already identified above went down did they change owners.
I'm don't particularly like SISU but as rob pointed out they're the only ones keeping is going.
I in fact think the council and ACL have been like concrete boots on the club since long before SISU arrived. The fact that the club rent the Ricoh and don't get any cut from anything let alone match day revenues (which there wouldn't be any if the club wasn't there) is disgusting.
What's going to happen if SISU go another entity "saves" us again and ACL/the council still won't part company with the RA or change the rent deal then will there be the same hostility towards the owners?
Put it this way if you rented a house and only lived there 8 months of the year and your landlord ran events year round making money and making money from people coming to visit you?
As soon as the council get their grubby hands off the RA then you can blame the owners for trying to run a business...
The club sold these assets so that the stadium could be completed....look at the last week of posts and there is no agreement on how we should move forward. CCC bailed us out and must be fed up with it. There will come a time when they wash their hands of ACL. I hope it is when a new owner comes in.
I am supporting the fact we are 3 points from the playoffs FACT
It is not a stance
We seem to come out of adversity quite well. We're just at the bottom of the curve at the moment.
Hooray for SISU...getting us within 3 points of a playoff place....Wait a minute though, didn't they get us relegated first?![]()
When Bryan Richardson had us in the championship play offs after getting us relegated was that good?
When Bryan Richardson had us in the championship play offs after getting us relegated was that good?
Depends. Better than starting a season in minus 15 and certain relegation.
If only he did but we have never made the play offs!
Depends. Better than starting a season in minus 15 and certain relegation.
When we ever started a season 15 points at the bottom with no ground and most players sold to break even.
You really haven't got a clue have you?
How many times do you have to say the same thing before you claim it as fact and will happen ?
Hold on to the prat stick suits you.
So you would rather that than promotion this season then? Why?
So do you think we will come out of administration with a voluntary CVA then? How?
I didn't realise we were in administration yet or is this another fact your claiming ?
Grendel, Still making obtuse comments.
Work it out yourself. It may take a bit longer than you want it to but you will get there eventually.
He wants an owner who would liquidate us and yet criticises fans who are anti SISU because we may be liquidated if we don't find a buyer. Priceless really.
Unfortunately I do not share your optimism. Give me some actual concrete statistical facts that the club is likely to actually do better having missed out on possible promotion this season and then start next season on minus 15 no owner and players leaving left right and centre.
On the IQ front you are on par with Larry Grayson aren't you?
On the IQ front you are on par with Larry Grayson aren't you?
lick that lol
Look at it this way, the club aren't far off the play offs, despite the evil ACL stealing all the clubs money. When new owners take over, and are most likely given a more favorable deal from ACL, the sky should be the limit. Think of all that revenue from Kit Kats and stale sausage rolls.