Think everyone knew the rent was too high. Wouldn't dispute that it was. Hardly a vindication of TF though
The bank was getting twitchy and yet sent a letter saying they were not willing to discount a settlement figure to 12m because they felt there was a viable business there in view of the restructuring being done.
Yes they were over reliant on CCFC and yet still kept going when CCFC moved to Sixfields. Trouble is in doing that it attracted others. Yes cash flow was tight but they survived 2.5 years after CCFC stopped paying the contractual rent
It was all about creating a public perception to apply pressure to sell up cheaply to the apparently only game in town............ except it wasn't the only one
I'm talking about when he first turned up before it all kicked off.
As much as we all agree now that there was a problem with the rent at the time there were lots of comments that the club had agreed to it and there shouldn't be a problem. We even had PWKH come on here to tell us it was only the same as what we were paying at HR, conveniently leaving out details like it was the final rent at HR which contained huge penalties for moving out late.
There was clearly a concern about the bank loan, if there wasn't an eventual bail out wouldn't have been needed.
Point being if on day 1 when Fisher said the rent is too high, the bank are concerned and your over reliant on CCFC the Council and Higgs had agreed and come to the table to negotiate on that basis then maybe we wouldn't be in the mess we are today. Of course we'll never know that but it can't be easy to negotiate when the other side keeps saying we don't need you, our business is fantastic when you know that's not the case.