Judging by the members on here in Germany, it comes across that if you say anything about immigration you are a racist or a nazi. No wonder people probably keep it to themselves.
I'd imagine the general feeling has changed over time hasn't it?
There are a lot of Nazis on social media who are trying to wind people and some are backed by Putin.
If I say anything on a Public forum - as on here- I get immediate replies slagging Merkel, Gabriel, the US or the EU. A university has studied this phenomina and found that the messages are coordinated and it is all about Russia at the end of the day.
There are plenty of anti refugee posts from AfD. AfD was tweeting about Munich being an islamist attack during the amok run- starting the tweets 'vote AfD'. The Tweets were later deleted when people got upset about them campaigning whilst people were being shot.They were wrong anyway, which showed them up as well.
So, there are plenty of right wing anti refugee people on social networks.
My nazi 'friends' share articles from 'Junge Freiheit' and 'Compact'. I read - or watch - them sometimes.
The novelty of refugees has worn of, but the women I know who were helping are still helping. My Missus doesn't like them, but grudgingly accepts the situation.