The EU: In, out, shake it all about.... (24 Viewers)

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Well-Known Member
I didn't know they were forced in, but I do know that the books had to be cooked to get in.

Half right yeah. The books were made to comply shall we say by the big banks and businesses who want to have Greece round their finger.

The Germans sell them massive arms sales and as mentioned earlier by me when Greece have received their 3 bailouts it was to help out failing french and Italian banks certainly not the Greek people.


Well-Known Member
Record number of tourists... actuallyin making plus at the moment. Profiting from the make Turkey great again from Erdogan..
The problem is tourism doesn't spread right through Greece. And it is their big employer.

As we know you and others go on about low wages here. The holiday business pays a very low wage. They only get enough to get by. And part of the bailout from the EU included reduced pensions. A lot of families in Greece depend on the pensioners money to get by.

Explaining Greece’s Debt Crisis


Well-Known Member
Yes. But. The problems start with subsidies and price dumping. That's why you need a club with rules as opposed to free for all. Never mind you'll find out what I mean post Brexit.
Here you go again. You say it isn't such a thing. Now you admit that it is a club. A club that Juncker has control of and keeps expanding.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps look at some or your own posts as to why that may be?
Point them out. You not agreeing with them doesn't make them pathetic.

I explain my points. All you can do is mention Farage and Boris while also making wild guesses.

And why not reply to the link I have put up? Must be because it doesn't agree with what you want everyone to believe.
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Well-Known Member
It sounds like Star Wars to me all unifying into the first galactic empire under the powers of emperor merkal, I would imagine others will wait to see how this goes and that is why the Eu are playing hard ball.

Wrong there. Astute claims Juncker is the emperor. What he says goes...


Well-Known Member
Here you go again. You say it isn't such a thing. Now you admit that it is a club. A club that Juncker has control of and keeps expanding.

People call it a club because it has rules that people have to abide by - e.g. When leaving.


Well-Known Member

It actually does. The government claims a corner has been turned. The population hasn't felt the effects yet. Two quarters in a row Greece has been in plus. Tourism is booming- it's not everything, but it is a start. They have more tax inspectors on the ground trying to get people to pay their taxes. That will bring in more revenue for the government. Let's see what happens... there are some positives..


Well-Known Member
Half right yeah. The books were made to comply shall we say by the big banks and businesses who want to have Greece round their finger.

The Germans sell them massive arms sales and as mentioned earlier by me when Greece have received their 3 bailouts it was to help out failing french and Italian banks certainly not the Greek people.

So they are in debt because of buying arms? That's it?


Well-Known Member
It actually does. The government claims a corner has been turned. The population hasn't felt the effects yet. Two quarters in a row Greece has been in plus. Tourism is booming- it's not everything, but it is a start. They have more tax inspectors on the ground trying to get people to pay their taxes. That will bring in more revenue for the government. Let's see what happens... there are some positives..
A few positives but many negatives. Try telling those suffering that there are a few positives when they can't even afford to eat.

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
It actually does. The government claims a corner has been turned. The population hasn't felt the effects yet. Two quarters in a row Greece has been in plus. Tourism is booming- it's not everything, but it is a start. They have more tax inspectors on the ground trying to get people to pay their taxes. That will bring in more revenue for the government. Let's see what happens... there are some positives..

Stopping the culture of tax avoidance is what needs to change in Southern European countries to prevent them being in financial crises much of the time.


Well-Known Member
So they are in debt because of buying arms? That's it?

No of course that's nots it. I said it isn't. We know the Greeks avoid tax as their national sport which doesn't help but it was confined to Greece and their problem and policticans to sort out. When they joined the euro it became 28 countries problem. Britain made up part of the Greek bailout package. Around 30-50m we gave them in one bailout package and we are not even in the euro and when our nhs is on it's arse.

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
No of course that's nots it. I said it isn't. We know the Greeks avoid tax as their national sport which doesn't help but it was confined to Greece and their problem and policticans to sort out. When they joined the euro it became 28 countries problem. Britain made up part of the Greek bailout package. Around 30-50m we gave them in one bailout package and we are not even in the euro and when our nhs is on it's arse.
The NHS is on its arse because of the government ideology of defund then privatise. It was running a surplus under Labour.

Screen Shot 2017-09-20 at 13.29.58.png


Well-Known Member
The NHS is on its arse because of the government ideology of defund then privatise. It was running a surplus under Labour.

View attachment 8048

Didn't labour privatise first under Blair and new labour with these terrible pfi schemes? Mix that in with mass imigration never seen before in this country.

Labour has duty to resolve 'mess' of hospital PFI deals, says Jeremy Corbyn

Anyway it's not the point my point was when the nhs is badly in need should we be giving 30-50 million of taxpayers money to a country and an currency we don't belong to.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Didn't labour privatise first under Blair and new labour with these terrible pfi schemes? Mix that in with mass imigration never seen before in this country.

Labour has duty to resolve 'mess' of hospital PFI deals, says Jeremy Corbyn

Anyway it's not the point my point was when the nhs is badly in need should we be giving 30-50 million of taxpayers money to a country and an currency we don't belong to.

yes he did - he's a c**t, does that excuse the tories stepping up the current defunding so they can sell it off to their private medical insurance mates?

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
That would be true if those people weren't creating more money for the economy and actually staffing the health service.

There is such a shortage of midwives and lack of money in my girlfriend's trust that they are having to be on call despite already working too much and being overstretched. The fact that people make migrants like herself scapegoats is a disgrace.


Well-Known Member
That would be true if those people weren't creating more money for the economy and actually staffing the health service.

Are they? I don't think anyone knows the truth. I am very sceptial about it.

Yes they take staff jobs and very hard workers and we need them but you also get bad low skilled immigration which is more what people have a problem with. They all have 5 kids and claim thousands in benefits month. We can't cope with our own lazy dossers let alone rest of Europes.


Well-Known Member
yes he did - he's a c**t, does that excuse the tories stepping up the current defunding so they can sell it off to their private medical insurance mates?

No of course not but the tories represent these people more so and labour do not or should not that's the difference.

Tony Blair is the biggest traitor to this country and how he isn't in jail still is beyond me.


Well-Known Member
There is such a shortage of midwives and lack of money in my girlfriend's trust that they are having to be on call despite already working too much and being overstretched. The fact that people make migrants like herself scapegoats is a disgrace.

For the millionth time they don't. It's the low skilled benefit scroungers who take up the lions share of housing school placements and gp appointments. It's wrong.

NOT hard working people who pay and contribute and work who come from any country actually not just the EU.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
There is such a shortage of midwives and lack of money in my girlfriend's trust that they are having to be on call despite already working too much and being overstretched. The fact that people make migrants like herself scapegoats is a disgrace.

I'm fairly sure that the NHS is eligible to claim for treatment of EU citizens from their own health authority but apparently we claim very little - wonder why that is?
I'm not sure what they arrangement is for non EU citizens.
I honestly don't think people realise what the American style private health care system is like. If they introduce it over here a lot of people will be in for a fucking shock I can guarantee that much.
62% bankruptcies down to people not being able to pay their medical bills.


Well-Known Member
That would be true if those people weren't creating more money for the economy and actually staffing the health service.

Yes, but not every European Citizen in the UK works for the NHS.

This is also net migration too, so it means there are also less people emigrating, and more Brits coming home. The more people there are, the more strain it has on our public services. Either invest more in them, or control immigration a bit more. You can't balance the books otherwise.


Well-Known Member
There is such a shortage of midwives and lack of money in my girlfriend's trust that they are having to be on call despite already working too much and being overstretched. The fact that people make migrants like herself scapegoats is a disgrace.

About 0.000001% of the country will use hardworking NHS staff from Europe as scape goats, this is what you don't understand. Either that or you just say it anyway as it is another attempt to guilt leave voters based on a form of racism which has been completely blown out of proportion by a very small amount of voters.

This is what I'm talking about, you cannot have an honest debate when shitty accusations like that get thrown around.

My mum was a midwife and she jacked it in mainly because the conditions were appalling and she got treated like shit. There was also a lot of bullying going on. Similar to the hospitality industry, you get that loop hole where there is a market to fill by Brits who don't want to work in those conditions, but for some European workers it is a step up to what they're used to back home conditions and salary wise.


Well-Known Member
There is such a shortage of midwives and lack of money in my girlfriend's trust that they are having to be on call despite already working too much and being overstretched. The fact that people make migrants like herself scapegoats is a disgrace.
Same old line I see.

Many more people here means we need many more people with certain trades. This includes needing many more midwifes. Are we supposed to not come out with the truth because your partner is from the EU?

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Same old line I see.

Many more people here means we need many more people with certain trades. This includes needing many more midwifes. Are we supposed to not come out with the truth because your partner is from the EU?

There would be a national shortage of midwives regardless. My parents are also from the EU and both ended up working in the public sector.

Are they to blame for a housing shortage as well?
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Well-Known Member
What proportion of migrants from the EU are not working and claiming benefits?
What proportion of migtants from the EU are on benefits of some kind?

Over 50% of people are on benefits of some kind. These are usually the lowest paid. You keep going on about migrants taking up the lowest paid jobs.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
What proportion of migtants from the EU are on benefits of some kind?

Over 50% of people are on benefits of some kind. These are usually the lowest paid. You keep going on about migrants taking up the lowest paid jobs.

Whn have I? Evidence suggest that overall EU citizens are net tax payers.


Well-Known Member
Didn't labour privatise first under Blair and new labour with these terrible pfi schemes? Mix that in with mass imigration never seen before in this country.

Labour has duty to resolve 'mess' of hospital PFI deals, says Jeremy Corbyn

Anyway it's not the point my point was when the nhs is badly in need should we be giving 30-50 million of taxpayers money to a country and an currency we don't belong to.

But the point you’re replying to is that the NHS is only badly in need because of UK government choices on funding.

Just like high immigration was a UK government choice.

They must be pissing themselves that they can do why they want in the knowledge that people will just blame the EU. What a cushy job!


Well-Known Member
Whn have I? Evidence suggest that overall EU citizens are net tax payers.

Not all evidence shows that. If we sorted out all the wrong claimants of benefits. Remember every person that comes here we have to house and supply benefits for. You find generally the hard working EU population who come here don't claim benefits and housing as they can afford their own house and life it's the low skilled immigration from Eastern Europe mainly who claim every benefit and that's a lot of money. Not to mention they get housed somewhere, they get gp and nhs appointments, their kids will get primary school places and the roads and cities can't take the extra traffic. All the while you never know exactly how many will come to your country or not because we have an open border with the point being you never actually know how many teachers you need as you don't know how many are coming with kids. The point also being they have never paid a uk tax in their lives.

We all need and want EU and non EU immigration without it this country is fucked but we need to know who they are? Do they have insurance? Do they have money? And crucially how many? They will can plan how many teachers to hire and how many houses to build. We currently need to build a house every four minutes to cope with current levels of immigration. There is new housing everywhere by me at the moment.

Every other country outside the EU has their own immigration policy and it works. The USA and Australia being two fine examples. They are very strict and very particular and as a result immigration is not really a problem for them.

I don't blame any Eastern European for coming here to better their life but when really poor countries like Bulgaria are allowed to go to rich countries like the U.K. Under free movement of people It's no wonder we can't cope with excessive demands for every thing. And finally this leads to lack of social cohesion and communities up and down the Labour lands mainly that have been totally destroyed by immigration where by they don't talk English and don't want to intergrate in the U.K style and values Hence why labour lands mainly voted out and actually won the brexit vote. Open-door immigration might be good for big business and keep wages low for employers with people whose wage is nearer £1 an hour in Poland and Romania but for the every day man or woman in the U.K. It's not. Before 2004 open door immigration the fruit was still picked and the cabbages were still washed.
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