Merkel always said the refugees were welcome and should be shared with other EU countries. It didn’t happen ( strange as you claim the EU is run by Merkel ), so she has been weakened and has little option but to take what she can out of it. Which she is doing. 14 countries have agreed to take back refugees who were first registered in their country. This is to stop refugees deciding which country they want to stay in. The Dublin agreement is the country where they were first registered. That is the rule and the CSU wants that enforced or they will bring the government down. A bit like the DUP situation in the U.K. The tail is wagging the dog.
Merkel says this…Merkel wants that…
Does anyone really care what she says or wants anymore?
Most of Europe couldn’t give a toss what Merkel says or wants and an ever increasing percentage of your fellow Germans feel the same, they despise her. Her credibility is gone, shot to pieces, she’s an object of ridicule.
It does seem ironic that the woman who most blame for the disastrous migrant crisis has the brass neck to now lecture European leaders on how they must deal with the mess.
Her time has gone. Good riddance.