more to do with overall quality of life (whilst being employed) ?
I've enjoyed my time in Europe - Hungary in particular ( wife and 2 girls added bonus
). Still very much consider myself a Brit but one who has adapted.
Maybe if we do remain those that have been so vocal about it actually make the most of the opportunity rather than 2 weeks a year summer holidays. Personally feel many of those that have voted Remain have never really experienced Europe or what it offers - not as a political or economic entity but as a myriad of diverse countries offering wonderful experiences. For all the talk of European opportunities there are comparatively few of us living in the EU around 1.2m (even less working when you subtract the number of retirees in the likes of Spain & Portugal about 250k and number takes a big hit if you look at mainland Europe as 250k in Republic of ireland).In all the years of FOM (1992?) few of the young age groups who argue so passionately about it have actually taken up the education or employment opportunities. After 25 years UK still only behind Germany in % of eligible working population that work in other EU countries - around 1%.