yes, not broken any laws at all. Is it morally questionable? Maybe. Bit dodgy? You could argue he’s been caught out lying as he said her home was always intended to be India but then she has a green card…fine, so she lied/changed her mind and should’ve surrendered her green card. Big wow…join the rest of the people who have VISA stuff turned a blind eye to.
What pisses me off though is this football club/tribal mentality to politics which is sensationalist and defend your side any criticise the other at all costs. Pathetic and weakens credibility of any debate.
Is it any different to me keeping investing in my vanguard account in the US because of the preferential tax system, or investing in the UK to make the use of my tax free allowance my British passport grants me? No.
Is it any different to
@shmmeee literally starting a thread asking for advice on how to avoid tax. No.
The hypocrisy is astounding.
“oh but it’s the chancellors wife”
yes so to not have your finances in order and tax efficient would be bloody worrying
I bet she still pays more UK tax than all of us on this thread put together