There were load of comments to the BBC match report saying what wonderful supporters the SW lot were.
I replied with some missing detail that they are racists. BBC moderators removed my comment on the grounds that it broke their house rules ( e.g. could be a racist comment in itself, or inciting violence etc).
I have challenged the moderators saying that comments can be accurate reportage.
This is from the BBC notification, the comment I had replied to described SW as an amazing fan base.
Thank you for recently contributing to the BBC website.
Unfortunately, we've removed your comment because it broke the house rules |
This is the text you wrote:
Isn’t that an amazing racist fan base?
Your comment was considered to have broken the following House Rule:
"We reserve the right to fail comments which...
Are considered likely to disrupt, provoke, attack or offend others Are racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive or otherwise objectionable Contain swear words or other language likely to offend" |
Please take a moment to read the house rules, so we don’t have to remove your comments in the future. |
I used the following link in my appeal to demonstrate the veracity of my comment. Fucking woke oversensitivity
Sheffield Wednesday are fined £12,500 after a fan made a racist gesture towards Coventry midfielder Kasey Palmer.
If any of you think I have breached Beeb house rules, do let me know.
Last time I was moderated by BBC, my comment was reinstated following an appeal.