You said ‘I can understand why they have been’ in regards to the October the 7th massacre. How is there any understanding on that?
You think treating people violently abusively giving them no hope of a future doesn’t have consequences?????
And yes I think understand is completely the right answer for their actions.
If you don’t seek to understand how can you change the future l?
I’ve just finished reading daughter of auschwitz and how the child in the story returns to her home in Poland and the poles make their life a misery after the war. I should have but didn’t realise that non nazis attacked Jews that survived the holocaust in the late 40’s and 50’s
And that the state of Israel was largely a response of that and not to piss off arabs
Did we fuck that up ? Yes and I mean humanity not Brits or allies etc
The lady in the book moved to the USA and then moved to Israel just in time for the 1967 war that Israel won against all the odds
I’ve also read about how the national socialists rose up as a direct consequence of how the winners treated the losers from the first world war
I’ve also read extensively about tito and the Bosnian war and Rwanda and how the various sides hold on to national humiliation for generations and then this is acted out in what seems to be violent and out the blue
How ostrich like does one have to be to not see the fuckin pattern
so yes i understand why Hamas did what they did the absolute fuckers and it was hideous and will have long lasting effects that will ultimately be more negative to them and their supporters
How do you respond when people treat you badly?