Fisher is threatened by fans (3 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
"Fisher jailed for 99 years for assault with no chance of parole" would possibly be my favourite headline ever.

Edited for you mate


I hadn't read the Mail story.

Was it this week then? I thought it was a couple of months ago?


As long as you realise that lots of people read the forums and you have just said it was you that was there and if the police are involved like it says in the link then they can make me give them any info I have.

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
As long as you realise that lots of people read the forums and you have just said it was you that was there and if the police are involved like it says in the link then they can make me give them any info I have.

Nothing to hide already been in touch with them end of story or non


CCFC Finance Director
Wont condone violence or threatening behaviour in any way. Certainly will not condone bringing wife, kids and family in to it either.

But questions -

I assume no one was actually charged, cautioned etc ? - it would have been reported surely
Doesnt TF's wife & kids live in Kent somewhere isnt there some safety in that? (from the press articles you would think they were local)

Anyone thinking of threatening letters, emails etc should think again.......... it really doesnt help and is not the way to go


Well-Known Member
Anyone threatening violence in any form should have their membership to the Trust cancelled.


CCFC Finance Director
Anyone threatening violence in any form should have their membership to the Trust cancelled.

Doesnt that assume that such people are indeed members of the Trust in the first place. It could be seen to imply that the Trust condone such action and i know for certain they do not

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