Kcic front bid to buy club (17 Viewers)


Deleted member 5849

Ask no questions, expect no answers.

Ask questions... be called a SISU lover.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to text ML and over £5 for the club. Bastards had better take it. There I'm doing something Tony.

But SISU will only accept if they get two independent valuations. I value our club at fuck all. So they should sell it to you for £2.50


Well-Known Member
Is this all you do?

What do you expect people to do after asking reasonable questions and then getting derogatory responses?

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When you can't even post anything without your minions attacking members, it's kind of pathetic, and you even get into too, even more pathetic...

Have you read the thread all the way through and see who was attacked and why? I think you will find questions were asked and people didn't like them for some reason?

Read the whole thread before just moaning about people insulting others, by insulting others....


Well-Known Member
I tried to keep up with this thread whilst at work today. Had a busy day and could never reach the last post. But what I did see was lots of petty arguing over an offer to SISU that we all knew they would never accept as it would stop them from doing what they are attempting which is send ACL to the wall. They are doing this by not giving them any money unless they absolutely have to and will even risk a points deduction next season, and also through the courts.

Is there anyone here that actually thought they would accept the offer? They don't even want to reply to the rent offer as it will prove to any doubters what they are up to. What an absolute sham.


Well-Known Member
You've got a few yourself.

Torch has a cracking pair of tits. If you wait a bit you will see them post replies in his defence :whistle:


Well-Known Member
Have only just had a chance to see this all day.. a few thoughts (apologies if they have been covered)

The ownership offer - It was always going to be a non-starter. Putting in additional amounts to symbolise 1987 and 35 just make the offer look petty and ridiculous.

The rent offer is interesting... perhaps it would/could be worth offering to mediate a deal direct between SISU and ACL once the JR result is known. If KCIC is serious about offering the rent deal as it is then they have to put all the detail there to be scrutinized- be clear how the deal will work, what match day expenses are etc.

As for Hoffman's deal previously - he is a sly fucker. Him and his associates would have made a pretty penny on that deal. The man is all talk with zero substance and just as much money.

If the deal doesn't come to fruition but it ends up being the start of a way to negotiations then it will have been worth the effort.


Well-Known Member
I tried to keep up with this thread whilst at work today. Had a busy day and could never reach the last post. But what I did see was lots of petty arguing over an offer to SISU that we all knew they would never accept as it would stop them from doing what they are attempting which is send ACL to the wall. They are doing this by not giving them any money unless they absolutely have to and will even risk a points deduction next season, and also through the courts.

Is there anyone here that actually thought they would accept the offer? They don't even want to reply to the rent offer as it will prove to any doubters what they are up to. What an absolute sham.

Absolutely right. I tip my hat to Michael and the KCIC crew, trying to get local businesses on board to TRY at least something to break the stalemate. But, like many of us comment on CCFC being on life support, it's ACL who are in a coma at the moment. Anybody trying to help pay for medicine so the relatives can visit are going to find SISU blocking the door, and trying to force the parents to pull the plug.

As for the offer of £51975.35, nice touch but in reality you need someone with more money than sense to flush MILLIONS down SISU's bog before they bog off. I don't believe for one minute the clubs statement that its not for sale, you don't sell at the bottom of a cycle etc. Offer them silly money and they would snatch your hand off.


Well-Known Member
So, despite numerous requests Michael refuses to make public the terns of the rent offer..



Well-Known Member
If SISU wanted to come to the Ricoh and do the right thing by the fans.

They would publicly request their own 4 year rent deal matching the terms they have at Northampton.

What skin is it off their nose and for once they would be doing right by the fans.

The only reason they don't is because the hope ACL crumbles.

Which is a bit concerning when the FL say it is likely they will expel us from the league come year 3 if the stadium has not progressed.

At that point if SISU finally give up, us fans get punished by the league for their behaviour.


Well-Known Member
So, despite numerous requests Michael refuses to make public the terns of the rent offer..


What does it matter ?
We will be back at the Ricoh, the club will be better off than last season and the club can still build their new stadium.

I'm starting to think people like Sixfields.

As for you you are just a tiresome moronic poster with no sensible input and continual personal attacks.

Do us a favour !!!


What does it matter ?
We will be back at the Ricoh, the club will be better off than last season and the club can still build their new stadium.

I'm starting to think people like Sixfields.

As for you you are just a tiresome moronic poster with no sensible input and continual personal attacks.

Do us a favour !!!

So you moan about personal attacks just after you personally attacked? Jesus Christ.

Why does it matter about the details of offers? Serious question?


Well-Known Member
Where did I defend anybody? I was just pointing out you moan about him insulting people just after you insulted him.

Get a life? Genius stuff there.

It just makes you look silly.

I have a life.
I'm not the one monitoring and defending the moronic posters 24/7


Well-Known Member
No wonder i rarely visit this site anymore with all the bull that some come out with.

The truth is KCIC have called sisu bluff and the sisu plan is exposed to even the most thickest of posters ........surely , but I don't expect the premiership wum to accept this


I have a life.
I'm not the one monitoring and defending the moronic posters 24/7

I haven't defended anybody?

You are the one moaning about people making personal insults just after personally insult somebody then you wonder when people point it out.


No wonder i rarely visit this site anymore with all the bull that some come out with.

The truth is KCIC have called sisu bluff and the sisu plan is exposed to even the most thickest of posters ........surely , but I don't expect the premiership wum to accept this

Surely that was exposed months ago when they were offered things from ACL / Hoffman?

Thickest of posters, are they the ones who will sign up to things without even knowing how much they will be paying?


Well-Known Member
Surely that was exposed months ago when they were offered things from ACL / Hoffman?

Thickest of posters, are they the ones who will sign up to things without even knowing how much they will be paying?

I wasn't thinking of you with premiership wum quote yet you are really challenging the No 1 ffor his spot


Well-Known Member
I wonder who he has got that from.
So you feel it is alright for sisu not to disclose where when and how we are going to fund and build a new stadium as it is the way business is done then you expect micheal to respond on the same day he has put in a deal to which sisu have not even had the decency to reply too.
Typical response from our get back to bed fisher is waiting.O:)
So, despite numerous requests Michael refuses to make public the terns of the rent offer..

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I wasn't thinking of you with premiership wum quote yet you are really challenging the No 1 ffor his spot

Why is that?

Is WUM the new thing to say when people don't have any other sort of answer to replies?

Still waiting on any sort of answer from Michael about the plans, how can this be fronted when simple questions can't be answered?

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