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  1. TheRoyalScam

    Ann Lucas Statement

    Perhaps you could let us know what you consider to be 'emotive crap'?
  2. TheRoyalScam


    Did it - questions were crap! Then again it's easier to get a degree than when I got mine:)
  3. TheRoyalScam

    How to get the Sky Blues back in Coventry?

    "The premise that a few poorly attended protests will force them out is bizarre..." Agreed! However I believe the premise that up to five years of poorly attended 'home' matches will force them out is not so bizarre. I think they're losing money hand over fist, despite reducing the club's...
  4. TheRoyalScam

    seen this?

    As I understand it the only way CCFC will be playing at the Ricoh is if SISU get the freehold on their terms. Seppela's made this very clear. Those signing this petition are in essence asking CCCouncil to give in to SISU's desperate attempts to distress ACL and get ownership of the Ricoh on...
  5. TheRoyalScam

    Private Eye

    Ultimately we're all on the same side my friend - so no apology required and I appreciate and understand your overall view regarding our football team (I do read posts even though I tend not to post so much now)- unfortunately I'm unable to give our faceless 'owners' any credence whatsoever and...
  6. TheRoyalScam

    Private Eye

    None? AndreasB: 'It is to SISUs credit that they are struggling on.' springs to mind.
  7. TheRoyalScam

    Private Eye

    £28/year for 26 issues if you subscribe - as amusing, thought-provoking and exasperating (when you read about the corruption and sharp practices that are exposed) as ever. Try it for a couple of issues and see what you think.
  8. TheRoyalScam

    PR Campaign Assignment... Opinions Wanted Please From Stay-Away Fans!

    No, No, and No again (10 characters...)
  9. TheRoyalScam

    Telegraph Poll - Can you say NO?

    From the OP: 'until SISU demonstrate they are good custodians' Split my sides with laughter! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
  10. TheRoyalScam

    Private Eye

    We're in Private Eye again (issue 1351): PLANET FOOTBALL Coventry City Only one of the three companies involved in the ownership of the Sky Blues has finally managed to produce its much-delayed 2012 accounts. The League One club's new/old owner, Otium Entertainment Group, filed its accounts...
  11. TheRoyalScam

    Brentford Match Thread

    Thanks Tommy - puts it in perspective doesn't it! Wow, an extra 55 'home' fans - shows how well last week's super duper marketing idea worked (get in for the same price as ST holders are paying). If they were all adults that's an extra (55 x £9) £495.....and after that performance and result...
  12. TheRoyalScam

    The Best Worst Signing You Remember! Think Flop!

    Truly the worst player I've seen in half a century following CCFC has to be the totally inept Julian Darby.
  13. TheRoyalScam

    Villa stall at Cov Uni Freshers Fair

    We've got a market barrow in Tescos - could have used that.
  14. TheRoyalScam

    new email from club

    They were so desperate that a couple of weeks ago they 'reinstated' people like myself who had 'unsubscribed' months ago from their marketing database. To be fair I've at last managed to 'unsubscribe' again. £9 sounds cheap enough, but the petrol to Sixfields and back (74 miles) would cost...
  15. TheRoyalScam

    The Freehold at the Ricoh

    More perceptive and reasoned observations, my friend, which I can understand, and I agree with your logic. My immediate (and somewhat predictable) gut reaction is that they're 'not fit and proper' to run my once proud football club. Just how important could the overdue company accounts for...
  16. TheRoyalScam

    Why did we lose?

    Like another Scottish manager we used to have.....?
  17. TheRoyalScam

    Why did we lose?

    But I waited 9 minutes.....
  18. TheRoyalScam

    Why did we lose?

    They scored more goals than us. Therefore they 'won' and we 'lost'. This is how a lot of team games are decided. Golf is slightly different in that the player or team with the lowest number of shots is the winner. If we were playing Port Vale on a golf hole and they took three shots while we...
  19. TheRoyalScam

    The Freehold at the Ricoh

    Another thought-provoking and eminently sensible post, OSB58.:D :thinking about:However there is a predictably logical flaw in all of this - it assumes SISU have the best interests of our football club (short and long term) as a priority. I simply can't understand their business plan. Can...
  20. TheRoyalScam

    FL reply on new ground evidence

    Good point Philosorapter - again the words 'asset' and 'stripping' keep coming to mind - the question is a) whether this gets to court and b) how the judge interprets the facts.