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  1. Rusty Trombone

    Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics)

    I think it's more a case of wouldn't say rather than couldn't say. He will have the numbers etc, but knows the answer will be embarrassing so trots out the usual lines about doing everything they can, unprecedented, follow the science, wait for the statisticians. The new line, to deflect from us...
  2. Rusty Trombone

    Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics)

    I read earlier that the police were quoted as saying they would have been sent back home if they had been spotted and questioned over the trip North, so presumably a fine would have been considered at that point. Maybe they can still issue a fine, and if they can I think they should. Cummings...
  3. Rusty Trombone

    Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics)

    Hancock just said he'd get an answer to the question, nothing more than that. The answer will be no there won't be a review, he just didn't want to say it there and then.
  4. Rusty Trombone

    Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics)

    The replies to the tweet say that it isn't a relation, just someone that shares the surname.
  5. Rusty Trombone

    Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics)

    His mum is 71, it was her birthday party apparently when he was up there.
  6. Rusty Trombone

    Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics)

    A teacher annotated Boris Johnson's confusing Covid-19 graphic and it's brilliant
  7. Rusty Trombone

    Your Portfolio

    Both of these are up 8% today, I still haven't got any, and now I'll just think about how I could have got them lower and then miss out on the future increases that I still think will happen.
  8. Rusty Trombone

    Your Portfolio

    Lost completely or the value reduced by that at the time? That's a big hit to take whatever your circumstances. I have to weigh up the reasons for buying any really, as whether I lose a bit or gain a bit it won't realistically change my standard of life in any way, but I know I would be annoyed...
  9. Rusty Trombone

    Your Portfolio

    yeah, I was thinking more of the Taylor Wimpey mention that was made by Marty.
  10. Rusty Trombone

    Your Portfolio

    I'm wary of the house builders, market values, and therefore profits, have been kept high by the Help to Buy scheme, and although this will probably continue I just think that property prices need a downward correction. You would have to think less people will want to take on buying a new home...
  11. Rusty Trombone

    Your Portfolio

    Haven't got any shares but have been thinking of getting some since the recent crash, I've been keeping an eye on Barclays and M&B, could have bought both a lot lower than they are today, but I would think they have plenty increase left in them, especially longer term. The reason I haven't...
  12. Rusty Trombone

    Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics)

    My Mrs works as a nurse at UHCW, from things she tells me you shouldn't underestimate the poor decisions that get made by senior management. Of course you could argue that ultimately this all leads back to the Government, but these managers do need to take some responsibility. Again from what...
  13. Rusty Trombone

    Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics)

    Link removed as removed from youtube.
  14. Rusty Trombone

    Branded Products

    It was to prove that some people really will buy any old trash with a Cov badge on. Here's mine.
  15. Rusty Trombone

    Sphinx club spare land - application for housing

    Instead of new housing, could the layout be reconfigured to leave Sphinx enough pitches, and build a new stadium. Looks like they are already looking to add road access points with the housing plan. I think Sphinx just rent the land.
  16. Rusty Trombone

    Sphinx club spare land - application for housing @shmmeee can you fit a Championship sized football ground on here? Might need some more of the Sphinx land, but surely enough will still remain to leave them a decent pitch etc. Just something to discuss...
  17. Rusty Trombone

    Supermarket shortages

    Talking to my neighbour this morning, she was bringing some shopping in and said 'it's mad out there', she then went on to proudly say that she had been hoarding stuff, and has bought so much that she's had to take things around to friends houses to store for her. She also mentioned that she's...
  18. Rusty Trombone

    Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics)

    If you're believing this stuff Pete maybe someone else should do the meetings with Joy and Duggins (insert some kind of banterish emoji).
  19. Rusty Trombone

    CCFC 2018/2019 Accounts Thread!

    Took £1.5m of cash out for interest charges in the year, still plenty accrued, but shows if the money is available it will service the high interest loans.