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  1. Rusty Trombone

    Rarely mentioned past players.......

    Kevin Gallagher Dean Emerson
  2. Rusty Trombone

    EFL Stadium Vote

    Coventry area. It doesn't say anywhere outside of the City. They must have included the word 'area' for a reason.
  3. Rusty Trombone

    EFL Stadium Vote

    But you don't get to that bit if you can agree a ground share in the Coventry area.
  4. Rusty Trombone

    EFL Stadium Vote

    I really don't see how you're interpreting it as that.
  5. Rusty Trombone

    EFL Stadium Vote

    It doesn't say Coventry, it's the Coventry area. It hasn't been defined in the question, but I'd class Rugby as the Coventry area for example.
  6. Rusty Trombone

    EFL Stadium Vote

    I read it as saying it's a vote for a more local ground share. It's the best option if a Ricoh deal can't be done.
  7. Rusty Trombone

    Highfield Rd

    Started off with a season ticket in the West Terrace, kids price was something like £37.50 in 1985, then moved to the East Stand when it opened. Just looked out my old ticket for 98/99, was that when it opened? Cost was £342 in the Comtel East Stand,block E9, row 19, seat 20. Prices seem cheap...
  8. Rusty Trombone

    EFL Stadium Vote

    That's not how I read it. I see it as allowing a ground share in the Cov area as an alternative to be expelled.
  9. Rusty Trombone

    EFL Stadium Vote

    C still allows a ground share, but it needs to be in the Coventry area. They haven't defined what the Coventry area is. Maybe this is the best option to choose, as surely a ground can be found much closer than 50 miles away.
  10. Rusty Trombone


    No. He's just suggested that he may be open to sharing some revenue, but I imagine that would mean he wants some of ours. This is a quote from the Observer. We would like Coventry City to be playing at the Ricoh Arena and – if that was to happen on the permanent cessation of any legal...
  11. Rusty Trombone

    When You Retire ?

    Yeah, I did say it can happen, rather than it always does, and there are some good pensions out there. The days of final salary ones are numbered, certainly for new starters, and a lot of older ones are being frozen. If people can get a good one through work I think they should put in as much as...
  12. Rusty Trombone

    When You Retire ?

    Did he work with you? That would have been awkward when he mentioned it.
  13. Rusty Trombone

    When You Retire ?

    I agree with you that pensions have changed a lot, and there are better choices for people now. I'm in no way recommending that they should be ignored, it's just that they are not always great on their own, and if you can afford to have a mix of options then that is better, just my view though...
  14. Rusty Trombone

    When You Retire ?

    If you can get in a work pension where they contribute a decent % then do that, but otherwise I've always thought pensions are a bit of a con, you can pay in all your working life then if you die early they get to keep most of it, but it's a gamble really. Investing in property used to be a...
  15. Rusty Trombone

    When You Retire ?

    It was engineering, so a lot of time standing at the machines, and also working in the office, only a small place so it's not like he'll miss all the people. I guess you're used to chatting to a lot of people, which I imagine is harder to replace once you stop working.
  16. Rusty Trombone

    Things to do?

    The Albany Theatre is always after volunteers to help with shows, front of house stuff, selling programmes, drinks etc. You sign up for the afternoons, evenings you can do, and you'll get to see some shows for free (some will be terrible).
  17. Rusty Trombone

    When You Retire ?

    My dad retired yesterday at 75, I didn't think he ever would, but he decided he'd had enough. He's been working 3 days for the last couple of years to get used to being at home without anything that he has to do. Maybe consider reducing the day's first, rather than going from full time to...
  18. Rusty Trombone

    Grab a beer or a cup of tea, it’s CCFC!!

    They didn't so I guess not.
  19. Rusty Trombone

    Grab a beer or a cup of tea, it’s CCFC!!

    Both sides had the veto. This is something you have agreed with before. I believe the judge in the recent court case said Higgs held the power as they would only sell to Wasps, he'll probably feel foolish if he finds out that you disagree with him.
  20. Rusty Trombone

    Grab a beer or a cup of tea, it’s CCFC!!

    By that argument the other 50% shareholding also gave a minority number of directors. The shares are equal, and have equal rights. No majority, no minority.