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    Coventry. 1 hour after we lifted the FA Cup.

    Coundon, take a look at LIFE ON MARS, the tv show from a couple of years ago. The John Simm character 'Sam Tyler' gives the reply to that white dog poo question. Apparently dog food producers in those days, 1970s on, used to bulk up the food with chalk. That's what he says. It kind of makes...
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    Robins: who will he pick as his starting XI v Carlisle?

    Barton has been a liability in most games. He needs dropping. After a neat and tidy start Jennings has disappointed me. Tranmere & Shrewsbury he was poor, constantly caught napping, no pace, no goal threat, no penetrating forward passing. If we had a replacement I'd drop him too. Kevin Kilbane...
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    Today's training session

    Bremner was a little thug. As were the rest of that era Leeds team.
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    Jermaine Grandison interview
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    Certainly NOT the lowest position in living memory!

    Spot on Skyblueswiss. Can vaguely remember the kit as a kid. & the backbone of our 1960s brilliant team, Curtis, Farmer, Kearns & co. I'd put in a grand too for a new club & ground now. Something like Shrewsbury's last night. Torture at the moment.
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    Shrewsbury fan...again.

    Shrewfan, cheers. You were well worth the win. Simple, direct. Taught us a few lessons. Your central defenders won everything, kept it simple. Your ground & setting is brilliant. To be honest I wish we played in something similar - if a tiny bit bigger. Good luck for rest of season, no reason...
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    Waggot & Fisher - Again

    I watched the game last night from the main stand at Shrewsbury and as far as I could see neither Waggot or Fisher were playing. (Though it might have been an improvement if they were.) The same players that have been praised at times in past few weeks - Baker, Jordan Clark, Jennings, Edge...
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    My team for Saturday

    Barton?! You got to be joking. Kilbane's legs have gone. We need those loan players we were promised as soon as new manager is announced. Jennings, Barton, Edjenguele, Kilbane, Elliott - are not up to it.
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    Finally Composed Myself

    Gally, it was a nightmare. Did Murphy get a push before dropping that ball? It looked like it to me. Edjenguele is not what we need. Barton has been a total flop (that goal aside). Thought Jennings might do ok but he's got gradually worse. Caught dawdling on the ball so many times last night. If...
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    McGoldrick was on his own tonight. Elliott, like a chocolate teapot, absolutely useless. Not a goal threat. Adam Barton should be bombed out. Edjenguele, Wood was covering for him all night. Jennings, after a tidy start in first couple of games is shown up, one paced, unimaginative, nosebleed...
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    people that went tonight

    I've been watching City since 1959. Thought I'd seen it all. Total humiliation. Wished I'd stayed at home. As the 300 or so behind the goal sang 'not fit to wear the shirt.'
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    Shrewsbury Fan here

    Shrewsfan, you have a well run club. Your chairman Roland runs a tight ship. Unlike the jokers who've destroyed our club over the years. Been to your place many times. Will be there tonight. Expecting you lot to win. Are they still trying to get the ball in the shed at halftime!
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    love or hate sisu its time

    Leeds United, Nottingham Forest, Aston Villa, Manchester City, Wolves, Southampton, Reading, Norwich, Swansea, Fulham, Birmingham City, Cardiff City, Blackburn, Sheffield Weds, Stoke City etc, what have all these clubs got in common? They've all been relegated to our division. We have no divine...
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    First Sky Blue hero

    Skybluejelly, so glad you mentioned Bobby McDonald. He rarely gets a mention yet he was a rock solid full back for so long. Perhaps something about the team he came from stays in people's minds? Terrific player. My own first favourites would have to be a bandy legged winger called Stewart...
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    Some of you lot are easily impressed

    This from Grendel is about spot on. "20,000 home fans a week would make a huge difference. Supporters sometimes have to show their commitment in bad times. This is the time." This is most definitely the time. Sick notes, are you fans or what?
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    Fans Forum Updates

    So it seems the fan camp is still very much split, but with a few moving to a slightly more hopeful stance on SISU by the looks of comments on here. Wonder what the views of the thousands who never come on here would be? Not sure SBT is reflective of the fanbase in any way. Liked comment from...
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    Fans Forum Updates

    Didn't go and didn't listen, but have read these 16 pages. There seems to be a different mood/attitude running through a lot of the posts. Does this indicate a turning point in the relationship between the fans and the owners, even just a little? Or is the mood still that they are shysters...
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    Waggot & Fisher

    Skyblueman, you really do us fans no service by using abusive nicknames in your post. A few of us would take you more seriously if you showed a bit of class.
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    Turn the lights off

    Oldskyblue, always read your posts with great interest. Cheers. Putting aside all those financial considerations I still feel we should seriously think about letting this noose around our neck go. It is horribly situated, isn't really that pedestrian friendly etc. Move to a more central location...
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    Car Parking Rip Off

    When you think they've conveniently forgotten the free League Cup ticket given to season ticket holders from a season or two back, this mean bit of Cup ticket rip off, no wonder fans shake their heads at the petty nature of the club. Public relations doesn't enter into it.