Search results

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    Bid for Juke

    Selling Juke, even though we can see he's far from finished article, would probably be the last straw for a lot of fans. Under Andy he could flourish. Let's hope Cody McDonald comes in. We were linked with him a while ago. He's had a good season on loan at Gillingham. 25 goals. It could be Andy...
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    Something from that intelligent football blog thetwounfortunates - Neil allison talking about our club. A few of you might find it of interest.
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    Highfield road

    I was there a few weeks ago. No memorial that I could see. A real shame. The council have no real sense of history in Coventry. It will probably take a public campaign to shift them to put a marker or plaque up there. All hypothetical but we should never have moved from that central location...
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    City board ready to meet hoffman

    skybluelee, i go back a very long time as a city follower. The Jimmy Hill thing yesterday reminded me again how much fun it was to support an ambitious, go ahead and very 'fashionable' team in the 1960s under Jimmy. Then we were contenders. And in the 1970s when we had some good years under...
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    City board ready to meet hoffman

    Reading between the lines of this it seems Ken Delieu is coming up against the same things that Gary Hoffman and Ray Ranson encountered. 'One hand tied behind his back.' Most of us would say he was bound and gagged, to be honest. Other parts of the statement sound a little condescending towards...
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    Nonleague, thanks for outlining this player's qualities in such fine detail. Think you've made a few more people aware of some very good news for the club. Yes, recall how Danny Thomas just stepped up to first team action. I recall he wasn't especially outstanding in the reserves but seemed to...
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    Takeover update

    By my reckoning, if 10, 000 'lukewarm' or stayaway fans decide they want to actually go and support their team on a regular basis - ie, every game. at £15 a ticket average. That is £150,000 a game. Over three million pounds a season. Surely that kind of money would help? In a city the size of...
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    Takeover update

    Singers-Pore mentioned Derrick Robbins and he did indeed put a lot of money in, even before Jimmy Hill arrived. £30,000 on a brand new 5 man forward line. Which was big, big money in 1962. But Robbins and Hill had better support from the Coventry public. I keep saying it and some posters don't...
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    Ben Turner

    Kuklinkski isn't far wrong. And each and everyone of those sold out seats at Brighton (18,000 season tickets sold - more than twice what big City Coventry have sold) is padded for extra comfort at no extra charge - The REAL long long term INVESTORS in Coventry, the fans, have consistently...
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    Happy Birthday Jimmy "Skyblue" Hill

    Thanks for reming us Skybluebeduff, 83 today. A true Sky Blue legend.
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    Sky Blues Glasses

    covey, it'll feel better when the season actually starts. We'll have 11 players, just like the other guys. At least one or two of the kids will step up. Deegan and Turner will be like new players. McPake too (at least til he gets crocked again). August will see Premier League loanees available...
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    Derek Henderson "Nemo"

    Has anyone read or heard about Derek Henderson aka 'Nemo' dying? He was the City reporter for the Coventry Evening Telegraph throughout the late 1950s, through the 60s and into early 1970s. When Neville Foulger took over. He had real access to the team, travelling on the bus to away games -...
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    Dispatches - How To Buy A Football Club

    It tells us little that we didn't already suspect. But reminds us of the direction that football has been heading since 1992 and the 'Premier League.' Bryan Robson will find it difficult to restore his reputation after this film. Or maybe not. There are so many dodgy dealers that he might not...
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    Team for Bury away?

    Fanta & Sw88 are right. Andy did say he would play his strongest side. The income from games, however small, will be invaluable. & the possibility of a big draw later would surely encourage that policy. The Morecambe way was a disaster.
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    Why should we bother?

    We'll have to disagree on that one Macca.
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    Why should we bother?

    Ernie, you can double that 10,000. You are spot on. Instead of looking for 'White Knights on horses' the fans are the real investors. If they turned up instead of being faint hearted we'd be out of the mire pretty quick. But why should they bother....
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    Article: 10 real reasons to be an optimistic Coventry City Fan.

    To pick up on one point Rich made. About the programme and the club making an additional £48,000 per match. If correct that is one heck of a lot of money. By my reckoning that's over a million pounds a season. Not huge in light of the club's finances, but a positive step. Plus I keep reading...
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    Youth team players

    In amongst all the gloom and doom the talk of one or two youngsters stepping up gives us a little hope. About time we had a few make the grade. Going back it was good to see the likes of Danny Thomas make the transition in an instant. Dennis Mortimer, Graham Oakey the same. Wouldn't it be good...
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    Season Tickets

    Unless you paid to have them posted you have to go in and collect them. I picked up mine this week.