Search results

  1. T

    Time for the fans to help gh and force the issue

    I'm looking for the day when the 15,000 REAL investors show up at City. Their empty seats are waiting each week, but they rarely show. In a half empty stadium surely the increased income from missing fans in this big city of ours would help the club out of this mess. Forget Hoffman, or any other...
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    Pacheco on Loan

    Pacheco, not much of him 10st & 5' 6". Hope not another Freddie Sears. & along with Jake Livermore, another inexperienced lad. Surely there are better deals to be done with a slightly more experienced player from Division One? Somebody that is on say £1500 and wants to earn £3,000 and play in...
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    Gunnarsson latest

    If only there were a few more like Tankie. Able to make a point in a decent and courteous way. He can debate in a fairminded way. And shows respect for all. Always enjoy what he has to say. Gunner has been, in my eyes, disappointing after his first season. Now and then a surging run of old, but...
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    Mr Brody

    Looks like Leonard Brody has failed in his attempt to get onto the Football League board. This from July 5 Guardian sports pages.... "From Leeds United's ancient history to its present-day chief executive, Shaun Harvey, who has won the Championship representative's seat on the Football League...
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    Ghosts of a vanished stadium

    I was on the pitch just yesterday. Well parked just off the halfway line, visiting somebody. First time I've driven up there in years. It felt very odd I can tell you. There is a gap in housing where the old main stand ended and you could see the town centre and down King Richard Street. Curious...
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    Significant investment

    Significant investment, Everton? Have I missed something? Any links, sources, just idle chat?
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    Why are we in such a financial mess relative to other clubs our size?

    Easy to blame Richardson. I don't know the financial ins and outs of it all from those days. But I do know most fans considered him a brilliant chairman at one point. Look back at the letters pages of the Telegraph then, full of praise for him. Around the time we were fleetingly called 'the...
  8. T

    The Pink

    Think for it to work it would need to be subscription, to make it viable. There are a few thousand who want to read about the City and the local league teams, Leamington etc. Internet is ok, but try reading that in a pub with a pint. And there must be thousands abroad, around UK who are City...
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    The Pink

    Ernie Machin is right. It died because of internet - and anyway it had been failing for years - wonderful in its day - but if you can pick up all the football news on your computer are you going out in the rain to buy a copy? Used to love it but times move on.
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    Safe standing

    I'm with Paxman, don't want standing. Lived through 70s & 80s. 'You'll never take the West End' and all that crap. (They often did). Fences, all the things Paxman said. Pond life driving people away from the game all over the country. People dying, they had fences at Hillsboro because of all the...
  11. T

    Three city badges

    Just got a package from the club containing three club badges. No note to accompany them. Must say it is a nice touch. Possibly for renewing season ticket? Another little bridge built to us fans? Not sure it will offset the £199 being asked for Car Park C parking fee. Got that letter this week...
  12. T

    Leonard Brody

    I don't know anything about Twitter, email is enough for me. But you have to give Mr Brody credit for being so public and using that medium to communicate with fans. This despite that I've heard he takes some horrible abuse and still maintains the link with fans. Can anyone who talks to him via...
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    For the old folks.

    Disorganised that game you remember was Shrewsbury. Oct 22, 1963. Ronnie Rees hat trick. Over 27,000 there. I remember it well. I was about 12 myself. Jeez. Wolves, what can you say? Sky Blue history. Great to be there. Be nice to get some great days back.
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    24 years ago today!

    Nice memories Tankie. My own family links with City very much like yours. Thesnoz (formerly Daffodil)
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    Leonard Brody

    Give the guy a break. He's been here five minutes. He's North American - not sure if he's Canadian. I don't use Twitter, doubt I ever will, but as a few here have commented, it is a newer way of communication. And he's dealing directly with fans. When has that ever happened before? If idiots...
  16. T

    support the team

    Fans seem to think that the team will somehow get better without them being there. The 'I'll go when they get better' mode of thinking. A sort of arms crossed entertain me approach. But how on earth does a club bring in better players without the finance that better crowds bring? Sure we've had...
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    support the team

    Boycie, dead right. One very astute poster (I can't be bothered to look through the piles of threads for it) made a big point- if 22,000 fans turned up every game we wouldn't be in this mess. I agree with that 100%. But they don't. Instead they throw their toys out of the pram at every turn. I...
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    One Fit Centre Half....

    Scares me too. Time for the club to bring in a commanding central defender. Or it may cost them big time with relegation. Any ideas?
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    New Manager

    Sky Blue M, Gary Hill, not a bad choice. He works wonders on what must be a tiny budget. Only concern is that he's not going to sell many season tickets.
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    Blatter slams 'bad losers'

    Football is corrupt and football at FIFA level is totally corrupt. But us English are arrogant when it comes to thinking about our status in world football. We are bad losers. The booing that goes on at grounds around the country every weekend when a team loses, just one example. That never used...