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  1. Ccfc1979


    We are near enough BOTTOM of League 1. We have no right to 'demand' any style of football at the moment other than 'stop fecking losing'. They can hoof it to high heaven all afternoon Saturday in a 4-4-2, 4-1-3-1-2, diamond, square or oblong as long as we do not lose!! Bothroyd was a quick to...
  2. Ccfc1979

    Striker Confidence

    Most strikers are confidence players. We have had a lot of players who have scored goals elsewhere. So why do we rip them out the team as quick as possible or play them out wide? McDonald, in my opinion, should be in every week for ten games plus. Same thing happened with Eastwood, McSheff...
  3. Ccfc1979

    Kevin Blackwell

    I actually want Dennis Wise here, but have been thinking about KB. Why do I not like him? Every time we played a team he managed, I hated them and him. Always all over ref, in ref's room at half time few years ago, time wasting and killing game, loadsa mouth and slagging opposition off in...
  4. Ccfc1979

    Transfer Deadline Day

    Do we all assume there is not one iota of point in keeping an eye on this deadline at all tomorrow night? Anyone out? Or will it all be new man to use loan market for one or two?
  5. Ccfc1979

    Bizarre Idea

    ...but Leeds are being taken over for £50m. Means Bates is without a club again. He seemed to know a lot of the goings on with Cov when he slagged Ranson and SISU off two years ago. Takes over clubs that are failing. Wasn't he mates with McGin and Richardson? Could he take over with Wise...
  6. Ccfc1979

    No errrs and excitement!! Passion!

    Great interviewing, Shawsy! I hope those two stay with a new manager. Will really be a real asset I reckon. PUSB!!
  7. Ccfc1979

    Email With Taster From Programme - Fisher

    In tonight’s edition of PUSB, Sky Blues fans can read a two-page exclusive from chief executive Tim Fisher following the events of the last few days. In it, Fisher writes: “As everyone is aware, there has been massive change both on and off the field during the summer, much of it involving...
  8. Ccfc1979

    Stuart Linell Has Lost the Plot

    Hes written a blog now called 'Why I was right about Andy Thorn'. Claiming to have inside knowledge he doesn't have - said he'd been speaking to the national media and one had said 'Coventry City have gone from mad to bad'. They didn't say that to him, it was a tweet from the Mail I think it was...
  9. Ccfc1979

    Cunning SISU?!

    People say he's a great scout, yes? He has good contacts and can pick up good free transfers? He's then oddly sacked after 3 games instead of after relegation. Have they only kept him on over summer for scouting of players to budget and now he's dispensable? Just a thought...
  10. Ccfc1979

    Clarke New Contract

    Signed to 2014. Is that extension or improved? Seems short for a 20 year old.
  11. Ccfc1979

    Jordan Clarke Tweet

    @JordanClarke17: Cant even say what I wana say on here. The frustration is building and building . Fukin pathetic, end fukin of. Aimed at fans messaging him or aimed at management?
  12. Ccfc1979

    Telegraph Today - Cranie Gone

    He's rejected the deal as wants to play in Championship. Very grateful and complimentary to us. Telegraph says could have a bearing on Keogh signing an extension. Fleck deal all but complete but club seeking assurances from lawyers that we will not have to pay fee further down the line. This...
  13. Ccfc1979

    Steve Harrison Has Gone

    Back page of Telegraph. Cost cutting. Agreed to end rolling contract. Not sure what I think about that.
  14. Ccfc1979

    Fisher in Telegraph Today

    No one should expect we we will be able to return to the Championship immediately, we are only allowed to spend 65% of our turnover on wages - last year's wage bill several million more than entire turnover, can only buy in players if revenue streams with stadium and rent reduction in place, new...
  15. Ccfc1979

    The only way to galvanise support for next season... for SISU, Thorn and Harrison to go. In order to get the vast majority of our fans on side all three need to go. We have truely loyal fans, but for us all to be united that is what needs to happen. The club is rotten to the core. No matter who or what replaces them, we have to start from...
  16. Ccfc1979

    Bryan Richardson Speaks!

    In Telegraph. Says he might try and help SISU! Also says when he left our overdraft was £7.4m and other debts were 'soft' loans from Robinson and Higgs. Paul Fletcher backs him up on some things too. Is this the start of it all coming out in the wash?
  17. Ccfc1979

    Hoffman - Telegraph Back Page

    Investors still there, despite being told to go away several times, they want more info about League One now club relegated - does change things significantly, investors see Ricoh and club as 'joined at the hip', he has not said anything as it annoys people and doesn't want to go into history of...
  18. Ccfc1979

    Please explain this myth

    ...that since the last ten games of last season we have been playing good football. And when you have, please explain how good football has led us to second bottom and relegation? Nothing about a lack of funding or lack of support, if there is 'good football' how is it good and why has it not...
  19. Ccfc1979

    Question for Former Shareholders

    Lionel Bird just said on radio that when SISU wanted to get all shares during takeover they offered a very convincing presentation with a 3 year plan. Was just wondering, who gave that presentation? Was it Ranson or an actual SISU rep? Obviously now they have the shares it's all secret...
  20. Ccfc1979

    Car Park Tickets for 2012-13

    Just some info for everyone. As of yestetday, you are now no longer allowed to pay for any car park tickets with your season ticket on direct debit. ACL seem to not trust the club to hand over the money so you now have to fill in an ACL form and pay for it in their name by cash or cheque.