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  1. Ccfc1979

    No Training

    Norwood has tweeted about being back at training today after couple of days off. Is that the right thing to do? Two whole days off building up to huge game? Know they're apparently knackered, but...
  2. Ccfc1979

    Thread Question

    Could you please tell me why my original thread was closed about the situation with MY club and why the subsequent thread asking why this was the case was then closed too? Have I done something wrong?
  3. Ccfc1979

    Andy Thorn Et al

    I have been a massive Thorn critic, but in the cold light of day there is very little he could have done with his experience and the squad offered to him. The young players would not have been near starting a game in any squad for the last ten years. It's too much too young so to speak! Nimely...
  4. Ccfc1979

    Who owns CCFC? In Telegraph today.

    If you're confused and worried about who ultimately owns CCFC, Tim Fisher explains all exclusively in Telegraph today. 5 boards, 5 companies, no named investors, no day to day SISU management, cash from pension funds. All as clear as mud!! Tomorrow, a 168 page account of where the money's gone...
  5. Ccfc1979

    Gary Gardner

    Back to Villa apparently. Haven't seen much from him anyway tbh. Was never the experience we desperately need/needed.
  6. Ccfc1979

    Telegraph Wakes Up With Backbone

    Back page and inside, Telegraph comment. SISU give up and Hoffman show the money as the club is at death's door. Must they know something to push big comment like that? Or is it just to try to push for answers? They give a right ribbing to current and recently departed board too.
  7. Ccfc1979

    Fatty Thorn

    The Cockney joker/wide boy has them scoffing pizza now on the bus on the way back. He's an 80s throwback in a professional game. No clue. Put him with poo-in-a-cup and you have what you get. SISU out, Thorn out, Harrison out...patience OUT!!!!!
  8. Ccfc1979

    Gardner In

    According to Telegraph, young goal scoring midfielder Gardner in from Villa for month and Juke to stay...for now.
  9. Ccfc1979


    Anyone know a link for Play Up Sky Blues ringtone sung by the crowd? Had it years ago and can't remember where from. Cheers.
  10. Ccfc1979

    Director of Football?!?!

    Ken Deluded is director of football. Be grateful for SISU. Our darkest hour has passed. No other credible options. Ricoh purchase no further on. FundS available for loanS. Offered players every day. We will continue to reject bids for Juke. Bell is an excellent player that needed tying...
  11. Ccfc1979

    Simple question

    Whether you have sympathy for Thorn or not, whether you believe, as I do, he has had pathetic support from the board, do we simply carry on regardless with him and get cast adrift with relegation? If we go down, do we then stick with him?
  12. Ccfc1979

    Disillusioned More Than Ever

    Let's go down together, give up Sky Blues, While we're owned by SISU, we'll only draw or lose. Bradford or Luton, Argyle or anyone. That's where we're heading. Downwards starting in League 1.
  13. Ccfc1979

    Compare and Contrast

    "I believe you shouldn't bring down a man on the edge of the box. Evans is young but he should let Balotelli go through and see what he can do. "I thought with the experience we've got - Rio Ferdinand, Patrice Evra - they would have defended more but we just kept attacking. Sometimes there has...
  14. Ccfc1979

    Cyrus Christie

    According to the Mirror today, Newcastle and Stoke are battling it out to sign him.
  15. Ccfc1979

    Email From Club

    Did you get a 'thank you for coming and not watching it on TV?' email? Said PUSB at the end. Wonder whose idea...?
  16. Ccfc1979

    The Future

    This is massively depressing news to wake up to, and all the 'I told you sos' are out, but in my mind the big thing is get SISU out no matter if anything or nothing is in the pipeline. We are doomed to nothingness with them. If I woke up tomorrow and we had -9 and were in admin with stories of...
  17. Ccfc1979

    Telegraph re Hoffman

    Hoffman in Telegraph saying they will give the club all info they have asked for to get a swift conclusion - after everyone signs a confidetiality clause. Know this might be normal, but we have signed better conf clauses than players over last fifteen years. What have the club done that is so...
  18. Ccfc1979

    ITV Bloke on Twitter

    Tom Lowe, whoever he is, said on twitter that Doolaly says the letter raises more questions and they do not have assurances over identities of proposed funders or their ability to raise funds. This is gonna take ages and ages with this ridiculous untrust and inability to reveal masked men!!
  19. Ccfc1979


    Which member of the board are you? I guess Clouting, but could be someone less prominent. You're not Canadian are you?
  20. Ccfc1979

    Differences of opinion

    There are obviously people with different opinions ob events, but surely there are facts to look at regardless of SISU opinion, Thorn opinion or opinion on current squad. 1. Fans are not turning up. 2. Board, backed by SISU, are not funding signings and cannot say they won't make further...