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  1. Ccfc1979

    Please explain this myth

    So with one decent striker we'd have been fine?
  2. Ccfc1979

    AT: "We've been on a good run lately."

    We all want the record changed. We want to experience success. I was 7 in 1987. Not one good year to celebrate.
  3. Ccfc1979

    Please explain this myth

    ...that since the last ten games of last season we have been playing good football. And when you have, please explain how good football has led us to second bottom and relegation? Nothing about a lack of funding or lack of support, if there is 'good football' how is it good and why has it not...
  4. Ccfc1979

    Remember this...

    That was me at the end. Big fat head, curtains and mobile phone. Don't feel about this relegation like I did about that one!
  5. Ccfc1979

    Question for Former Shareholders

    Lionel Bird just said on radio that when SISU wanted to get all shares during takeover they offered a very convincing presentation with a 3 year plan. Was just wondering, who gave that presentation? Was it Ranson or an actual SISU rep? Obviously now they have the shares it's all secret...
  6. Ccfc1979

    on the bright side

    My uncle tried to tell me the other night that it is on we have gone full circle and will start again. He is 65. I'm 32 and it's not a circle for me since getting a season ticket in 1988!!
  7. Ccfc1979

    Thorn wants Sky Blues stay

    The worst thing TO ME about Thorn is his uninspiring way of talking, his inability to try anything different and his perceived lack of discipline and leadership IN MY OPINION. They are the reasons I want a change. I also have not seen this 'best football we've played since relegation'.
  8. Ccfc1979

    Thorn wants Sky Blues stay

    The way they have treated him? Giving him a job no other club in any lifetime at the level we are/were at would EVER have given him and keeping him despite abject failure. If one person has gained anything from those shysters it's him.
  9. Ccfc1979

    Car Park Tickets for 2012-13

    Maybe ACL know a lot more about the finances than has been let on...or maybe it's the lack of rent that has made then do it.
  10. Ccfc1979

    Car Park Tickets for 2012-13

    I think it will mate. They just stopped it yesterday according to what ticket office told my dad. Interesting they don't even trust them to sell their car park tickets on their behalf!
  11. Ccfc1979

    Coventry v Burnley matchday thread

    Why does the obvious make me so seethingly angry.
  12. Ccfc1979

    Coventry v Burnley matchday thread

    Good. It is last chance saloon now. We need to ho out all guns blazing...or as close to all guns blazing as we can muster. COME ON CITY!!!!!!
  13. Ccfc1979

    Car Park Tickets for 2012-13

    Just some info for everyone. As of yestetday, you are now no longer allowed to pay for any car park tickets with your season ticket on direct debit. ACL seem to not trust the club to hand over the money so you now have to fill in an ACL form and pay for it in their name by cash or cheque.
  14. Ccfc1979

    Thorn sacked if we lose tomorrow

    Isn't he on a one year rolling contract? So he would only cost a month's wages to sack.
  15. Ccfc1979

    No Training

    On a semi-related note, does anyone know who our scouts are that watch opposition and feed back to plan for next game? Anyone well known? Assume it used to be Thorn, but he obviously can't do it now if game same day as us.
  16. Ccfc1979

    No Training

    I do agree. Just wondering what opinion was. Know some managers would have had them in Tuesday morning hammering it.
  17. Ccfc1979

    No Training

    Or was it just him? Or those carrying a knock? Just seems odd.
  18. Ccfc1979

    No Training

    Norwood has tweeted about being back at training today after couple of days off. Is that the right thing to do? Two whole days off building up to huge game? Know they're apparently knackered, but...
  19. Ccfc1979

    Thread Question

    Could you please tell me why my original thread was closed about the situation with MY club and why the subsequent thread asking why this was the case was then closed too? Have I done something wrong?