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  1. Ccfc1979

    Differences of opinion

    True...but I cannot believe anyone will buy the club to improve the team as much as it needs. The Ricoh is what they would want, and it seems to be the most complicated and unpurchasable business/building ever!
  2. Ccfc1979

    Differences of opinion

    There are obviously people with different opinions ob events, but surely there are facts to look at regardless of SISU opinion, Thorn opinion or opinion on current squad. 1. Fans are not turning up. 2. Board, backed by SISU, are not funding signings and cannot say they won't make further...
  3. Ccfc1979

    Have any of you named children after Coventry City ?

    I am called Ian after Ian Wallace and my dog is called Oggy!
  4. Ccfc1979

    Seven's Arrogance on SSN

    I think he is arrogant as he has not done any homework and thinks he can just turn up.
  5. Ccfc1979

    Seven's Arrogance on SSN

    The arrogance comes from his lack of work. When did we last play 442?
  6. Ccfc1979

    Seven's Arrogance on SSN

    "Every team will want to beat us because we've spent some money. It's normal. Coventry will be well organised and play 442." Really Sven, good scouting. Hope we absolutely OBLITERATE them today!!! PUSB
  7. Ccfc1979

    Russian Investment

    Couldn't agree more, Shmmeee, with every word. Nearly everything on there makes me cringe massively. I also have huge issues that the club might actually see some of that guff as the true view of normal, everyday Cov fans...which it definitely is not!!
  8. Ccfc1979

    Debt Increases with a new "mortgage"

    If they are so desperate for cash and are losing so much, surely they'd need to raise more than £1m. Praying they are just getting by until takeover really does happen. If not, things are going to get horrendously worse and quickly!
  9. Ccfc1979

    Song at Match

    He did play that, but there was some generic one that came from American Football or something and I think Hull Tigers used it too.
  10. Ccfc1979

    Song at Match

    Random question, but does anyone remember a song that was played before and after matches when Fletcher was there? Was nicked from Hull City I think. They kept putting words on screen to get it to catch on. What was it called?
  11. Ccfc1979

    The ricoh

    On the toilet wall maybe.
  12. Ccfc1979

    Conor Thomas

    Has picked up a hamstring injury and coming back. Deal to Liverpool off too. Back page of Telegraph. Thorn quoted.
  13. Ccfc1979


    Yeah, the editor did big up a non-story. What if it is they have got a new manager, not Thorn. Would they announce that day of game?! Like you say, probably nowt.
  14. Ccfc1979


    On Twitter, Cov Telegraph editor says big story about Coventry City and controversy on back page tomorrow. Then, Brody tweets that news released to media tomorrow on manager's position update. Hmmm...
  15. Ccfc1979

    Andy Thorn is Adaptable!

    Just a quick point. Yes, he has had King back but has also lost more defenders to injury and players within games as well. He has been able to shuffle well and obviously worked well on shape and style during training as A WHOLE SQUAD. No doubt Harrison adds a lot to tactics and shape. I didn't...
  16. Ccfc1979

    The News

    I have too. Massive four page story...saying he is looking. And he only spoke with parties over last few days. As concrete as custard. More rubbish.
  17. Ccfc1979

    Just to sum up...

    right so: SISU are going to conttinue to cover the losses and will name a new look board with announcements over the first three days of next week, Ranson is resigning but may be in a consultancy role until Summer. He MAY have done this in order to broker a takeover with Hoffman with proper...
  18. Ccfc1979

    SISU On Way Out?

    It seems odd that Hoffman quits board and is with Ranson on matchdays more than ever. Photo in Telegraph today, and they have been in Casino bar together straight after home games. Then John Clarke made Vice Chairman for no real reason and Elliott made Life President. Maybe SISU are leaving and...
  19. Ccfc1979

    Forum for City fans that live away from Cov

    Born and bred in Coventry, went to Incester Uni and did teacher training in Darlington. Now live in Milton Keynes. Have had a season ticket since 1988 and sit in Block 20 now. Depressing driving back at 11pm these days after evening games!!