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  1. Ccfc1979

    Andy Thorn Et al

    I have been a massive Thorn critic, but in the cold light of day there is very little he could have done with his experience and the squad offered to him. The young players would not have been near starting a game in any squad for the last ten years. It's too much too young so to speak! Nimely...
  2. Ccfc1979

    Will Villa go down?

    On Saturday, I bet £5 on then relegated at 12/1. Gives me a nice feeling just the thought they could. I still remember being relegated in that dump. Would LOVE it!!!!
  3. Ccfc1979

    Season Ticket question - re: lots of existing reserved seating

    Unless they have a PSL, in which case they have until an hour before kick off in August on first match.
  4. Ccfc1979

    CWR Phone in

    Regardless of prices, with Dumb and Dumber at the cutting edge of customer interface it just shows up what a lacklustre bunch of nothings are in charge of the show. The whole selling part of the club is one big dirge from top to bottom. No drive, no inspiration, no innovation. No wonder no...
  5. Ccfc1979

    Ex Cov players that are now International manager

    Don't remember Coleman playing for us. Sure he dropped us for Blackburn!
  6. Ccfc1979

    Parting of the sea

    Attractive football?
  7. Ccfc1979


    I totally agree. Felt it was symptomatic of Clingan playing, but as you say we were still doing it when chasing the game today - moreso in fact. We need more plans, more variety, mix it up...and a response to teams that do the changing v us.
  8. Ccfc1979

    Tomorrows game

    Reckon I will do that. Cheers.
  9. Ccfc1979

    Tomorrows game

    Does anyone know if there are any on sale at Ricoh in the morning? Decided to go last minute and gotta pick Dad and uncle up from Cov. Is it best just to go straight to Forest and get them there? Cheers.
  10. Ccfc1979

    Banner behind dugouts

    It was Leeds fans. 7 Years of Lies - Bates Out it said.
  11. Ccfc1979

    Would any other football league club...?

    If there was any bite in the weary, battered down fans something could be mobilised to get rid of both. But the giant is not sleeping, it's comatosed. The fight has gone. 25 years of treading league water has killed off all passion and any appetite for regaining pride has gone.
  12. Ccfc1979

    Soc meeting

    Hoffman probably has a rough idea how SISU set up finances before and might even know now, but how long do we think due diligence would take even if a common ground bid was agreed?
  13. Ccfc1979

    Soc meeting

    If I said the tealady's nephew told me or that Hoffman told me would it make a difference? I know what I just said. Nothing heavy, no big news, just all met yesterday and all was positive. Have no clue whether bid was in or was tentative meeting or what but it happened and Hoff side are happier.
  14. Ccfc1979

    Soc meeting

    There were very positive talks between all parties yesterday. Seems all want to work towards it now.
  15. Ccfc1979

    Good ol Andy,He's doing his best Brigade

    Equal to this point, what is this wise old owl Harrison that all ex pros rave about doing to help this rookie tape recorder? ! ?
  16. Ccfc1979


    Did they say he was made captain too? Odd.
  17. Ccfc1979

    Who owns CCFC? In Telegraph today.

    If you're confused and worried about who ultimately owns CCFC, Tim Fisher explains all exclusively in Telegraph today. 5 boards, 5 companies, no named investors, no day to day SISU management, cash from pension funds. All as clear as mud!! Tomorrow, a 168 page account of where the money's gone...
  18. Ccfc1979

    Andy Thorn

    I have wanted him out, but admit he's done the best with what he has and got in two very good players. He has been dealt a shit hand, but has done his best...and he does care.
  19. Ccfc1979

    Hoffman Deal For Ricoh Agreed?

    Even if it was Dangermouse or Mighty Mouse? Surely you'd believe them!