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  1. H

    season tickets

    I hope this was a tongue in cheek comment. If someone wants to buy a season ticket, that's up to them, we don't all fall into the Not One Penny More bracket. I had a ticket for Saturday and made the decision to 'out it' as I can't be doing with all the BS that surrounds my club at the moment...
  2. H

    Season starts on Saturday. I couldn't care less

    I agree with CableGuy. I've got rid of my ticket for Saturday and, quite by coincidence, will be visiting my olds in Coventry. Both of them are in care and not very well and I reckon I'll get more enjoyment from seeing them (even though they won't realise I've been to see them) than I will...
  3. H

    Les Reid Mistaken Tweet

    You reckon? FFS, hasn't SISU been enough for us already?
  4. H

    Travel to crawley

    I'm staying with my sister in law, she actually lives in Crawley, result!
  5. H

    Crawley songs

    Ignore japandy, everyone else does!
  6. H

    Absolute total pub rumour

    Now, who would buy up a perfectly good football stadium and build houses on it?
  7. H


    Even the "Hillfields Nightfighters" will get a better attendance than we will at Sixfields! What about that as a future club name, Hillfields Nightfighters, got a bit of a ring, don't you think?
  8. H

    Kirk stephens

    I'll bet that picture came back and haunted him, what does he look like now?
  9. H

    'Love and Marriage' Coventry City scenes

    Wouldn't it be great if the local team could play their home games there?
  10. H

    I have a plan

    Don't think he's taking his ritalin at the moment!
  11. H

    I have a plan

    C'mon, who in their right mind is going to sign for us at this precise moment in time? I'll tell you who, the dead and the desperate. You'd be lucky to get two or three Sphinx D players on board and even they would think twice about it.
  12. H

    Fisher is threatened by fans

    A bigger boy started saying nasty things about his Mum, he got so upset he wet himself and ran home crying.
  13. H

    Ricoh Arena to sue Northampton Town FC

    Judas H, what else can go wrong? We'll be playing our home games on FIFA14 next!!
  14. H

    Muslim premier league

    Do I detect a note of sarcasm? On this subject, I'm probably the most 'orrible bloke you could wish to meet. It's people like you who are giving away our birth right with your weak kneed, right wing pansy attitude towards foreign visitors. Let's get one thing straight, they should adjust to...
  15. H

    Thousands going to Nuneaton ?

    We'll be in skins, they'll be in shirts. Eeee, just like being back at school.
  16. H

    NEWS : Ricoh Arena to sue Northampton Town if it hosts Coventry City ‘home’ matches

    Jesus H Christ, what else can go wrong? We'll be playing our home games on FIFA14 next!!
  17. H

    Muslim premier league

    Don't be a knob all your life. It's what footballers have been doing for years in dressing rooms up and down the country when they win something. Now, because of the PC police, you seem to have to ask everyone what fookin religion they are before you cork the bottle.
  18. H

    Muslim premier league

    FFS we are in Britain, it's not up to the club to make sure it didn't happen, it's up to him. No wonder this once great country is going down the shitter!
  19. H

    London to Northampton

    Just paint a target on your back , why don't you!! And I'll be there with Elvis, Jacko and Freddie Mercury. Muppet!
  20. H

    How much is CCFC worth?

    It all depends if you are buying or selling!