ACL isn't letting this drop (4 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
According to CWR, ACL has not yet given up. I understand they are contacting the Football League and taking advice.

We shouldn't give up either.

Any ideas what ACL might now do ?


Whatever they do I doubt it will work. SISU have out-maneuvered them at every turn, I see no reason to believe any future step will go any differently.

Whichever way you look at it, ACL's attempt to force the club into administration was an absolute disaster.


Well-Known Member
According to CWR, ACL has not yet given up. I understand they are contacting the Football League and taking advice.

We shouldn't give up either.

Any ideas what ACL might now do ?

Hopefully give up. Contacting the football league about what?


New Member
Its all (somehow) being done by the letter of the law. There is nothing we can do but sit tight and hope that Sisu lose all their money in a poker tournament...



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Whatever they do I doubt it will work. SISU have out-maneuvered them at every turn, I see no reason to believe any future step will go any differently.

Whichever way you look at it, ACL's attempt to force the club into administration was an absolute disaster.

It depends though Sutty. Very much depends on the validity of ACL's assertion that Sisu were going to liquidate.

If true then it was the right thing to do.

If it was just empty words and they fell for it then yes, a disaster.

Guess we may never know how serious that supposed threat was.


Well-Known Member
Whatever they do I doubt it will work. SISU have out-maneuvered them at every turn, I see no reason to believe any future step will go any differently.

Whichever way you look at it, ACL's attempt to force the club into administration was an absolute disaster.

Yes. Said so at the time.


Well-Known Member
Whatever they do I doubt it will work. SISU have out-maneuvered them at every turn, I see no reason to believe any future step will go any differently.

Whichever way you look at it, ACL's attempt to force the club into administration was an absolute disaster.

Again, they had no choice. They had a vast sum outstanding, verified in a court of law, to a business the CEO of which was talking about liquidation.

They have no choice as directors other than to act in the best interests of the business an petition for administration.

If they'd have done nothing and Fisher had liquidated a business without assets, ACL's directors would have been accused as being amateurish, and would be answerable for their neglect


Well-Known Member
Er because I want them to concede defeat and continue supporting the club at the Ricoh?

Surely at this stage the best way to ensure that is to stop sisu getting back the golden share?


New Member

Surely at this stage the best way to ensure that is to stop sisu getting back the golden share?

And one way to do that would be for ACL to inform the Football League that under no circumstances will the club be allowed to play at the Ricoh under SISU (after administration). That will force SISU to actually provide detailed plans and proof of funding for their new stadium, something I am sure they would rather avoid.


New Member
Er because I want them to concede defeat and continue supporting the club at the Ricoh?

Grendel, it has to be said that you really are a massive bellend.


Well-Known Member

Hopefully give up so that your precious SISU can carry on? You're weird.

Surely you mean our precious football club? Who cares about SISU, or ACL for that matter.

What is weird is the sense of loyalty people feel toward a completely separate 3rd party corporate entity like ACL. It is very odd. Somebody on here once said they sided with ACL in the dispute because SISU had a 'moral and legal obligation to pay them'. Well, Pompey had a legal and moral obligation to pay the taxman but I didn't see many Pompey fans siding with HMRC and urging them to force the club they supported out of business. That would be ludicrous wouldn't it? Only at Coventry City would that happen. And it did.

The most baffling part of this whole sorry shitfest was how so many sided with ACL during the rent dispute - perhaps if we'd been a bit more united at that point we'd be looking forward to a season at the Ricoh, and on much better financial terms.

Even now people are urging ACL to go after the club. Unbelievable. Here's an idea, why don't we suggest they TALK to SISU and we can get back to being a normal football club? Perhaps then somebody might actually think about trying to fucking buy it eh?

But no, let's destabalise the club even further. Fuck-wits.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Surely you mean our precious football club? Who cares about SISU, or ACL for that matter.

What is weird is the sense of loyalty people feel toward a completely separate 3rd party corporate entity like ACL. It is very odd. Somebody on here once said they sided with ACL in the dispute because SISU had a 'moral and legal obligation to pay them'. Well, Pompey had a legal and moral obligation to pay the taxman but I didn't see many Pompey fans siding with HMRC and urging them to force the club they supported out of business. That would be ludicrous wouldn't it? Only at Coventry City would that happen. And it did.

The most baffling part of this whole sorry shitfest was how so many sided with ACL during the rent dispute - perhaps if we'd been a bit more united at that point we'd be looking forward to a season at the Ricoh, and on much better financial terms.

Even now people are urging ACL to go after the club. Unbelievable. Here's an idea, why don't we suggest they TALK to SISU and we can get back to being a normal football club? Perhaps then somebody might actually think about trying to fucking buy it eh?

But no, let's destabalise the club even further. Fuck-wits.

Just because your pea-brain doesn't understand it, it doesn't mean that it isn't a common sense viewpoint. Fuckwit.


Surely you mean our precious football club? Who cares about SISU, or ACL for that matter.

What is weird is the sense of loyalty people feel toward a completely separate 3rd party corporate entity like ACL. It is very odd. Somebody on here once said they sided with ACL in the dispute because SISU had a 'moral and legal obligation to pay them'. Well, Pompey had a legal and moral obligation to pay the taxman but I didn't see many Pompey fans siding with HMRC and urging them to force the club they supported out of business. That would be ludicrous wouldn't it? Only at Coventry City would that happen. And it did.

The most baffling part of this whole sorry shitfest was how so many sided with ACL during the rent dispute - perhaps if we'd been a bit more united at that point we'd be looking forward to a season at the Ricoh, and on much better financial terms.

Even now people are urging ACL to go after the club. Unbelievable. Here's an idea, why don't we suggest they TALK to SISU and we can get back to being a normal football club? Perhaps then somebody might actually think about trying to fucking buy it eh?

But no, let's destabalise the club even further. Fuck-wits.

I'm not siding with ACL, I just want SISU gone. A new owner could unite the football club with the stadium, and that is what is required for success - all of the revenue streams going through CCFC.

SISU aren't football people and hold no sporting ambitions. They want to get their hands on the arena, and mark my words, once they do they won't give a toss about the football side of it.

What they have done to this football club is a disgrace, and they need to sod off.

ACL letting them play at the Ricoh on the cheap may help somewhat, but it's all about revenue streams.

Frankly, what you're failing to miss is that SISU are holding the club hostage and using it to torture the City fans and ACL.


Chief Commentator!
Hopefully give up. Contacting the football league about what?

Grendel makes a valid point here. What have ACL got to appeal about? I thought They werent one of the final 4? Not like they're one of the parties to miss out! No point in them contacting the football league at all.

Unless they care to admit they'll struggle without the football contract, and are using it as a bargaining tool to try and reignight talks?


Well-Known Member
Surely you mean our precious football club? Who cares about SISU, or ACL for that matter.

What is weird is the sense of loyalty people feel toward a completely separate 3rd party corporate entity like ACL. It is very odd. Somebody on here once said they sided with ACL in the dispute because SISU had a 'moral and legal obligation to pay them'. Well, Pompey had a legal and moral obligation to pay the taxman but I didn't see many Pompey fans siding with HMRC and urging them to force the club they supported out of business. That would be ludicrous wouldn't it? Only at Coventry City would that happen. And it did.

The most baffling part of this whole sorry shitfest was how so many sided with ACL during the rent dispute - perhaps if we'd been a bit more united at that point we'd be looking forward to a season at the Ricoh, and on much better financial terms.

Even now people are urging ACL to go after the club. Unbelievable. Here's an idea, why don't we suggest they TALK to SISU and we can get back to being a normal football club? Perhaps then somebody might actually think about trying to fecking buy it eh?

But no, let's destabalise the club even further. feck-wits.
Heard your arguments before , see we're your coming from but how do you explain that most high profile city supporters , most independent football reporters and the vast majority of ccfc supporters think that sisu have behaved disgustingly and we would be better off without them.


Well-Known Member
Just because your pea-brain doesn't understand it, it doesn't mean that it isn't a common sense viewpoint. Fuckwit.

Just more name calling with no attempt to actually answer the points.

Yes, because what we really need at this point is more legal action - those lawyers haven't earnt enough out of this have they? That's the common sense viewpoint - more conflict and confusion?

An idea, we draw a line under it, and get back around the table to thrash out a new deal, even if for one season. Then as supporters, we can continue to pressure SISU to sell, and for some that might be 'not one penny more', for others it might take another form. That's a sensible 'common sense' position where the emphasis is on a short term fix to ensure the club stay in the city with the long term aim of getting SISU out.

But no, we want to go back to court! We haven't had nearly enough of all that yet!

Yep, a fuckwit.


Well-Known Member
Heard your arguments before , see we're your coming from but how do you explain that most high profile city supporters , most independent football reporters and the vast majority of ccfc supporters think that sisu have behaved disgustingly and we would be better off without them.

And where have I disagreed with that? That is a universally accepted fact. Those urging ACL to continue the legal fight and dressing it up as the 'common sense' position are pretty clueless though. Take that route and it pretty much GUARANTEES that the club leave the city, the very thing people say they want to avoid.


New Member
Surely you mean our precious football club? Who cares about SISU, or ACL for that matter.

What is weird is the sense of loyalty people feel toward a completely separate 3rd party corporate entity like ACL. It is very odd. Somebody on here once said they sided with ACL in the dispute because SISU had a 'moral and legal obligation to pay them'. Well, Pompey had a legal and moral obligation to pay the taxman but I didn't see many Pompey fans siding with HMRC and urging them to force the club they supported out of business. That would be ludicrous wouldn't it? Only at Coventry City would that happen. And it did.

The most baffling part of this whole sorry shitfest was how so many sided with ACL during the rent dispute - perhaps if we'd been a bit more united at that point we'd be looking forward to a season at the Ricoh, and on much better financial terms.

Even now people are urging ACL to go after the club. Unbelievable. Here's an idea, why don't we suggest they TALK to SISU and we can get back to being a normal football club? Perhaps then somebody might actually think about trying to fucking buy it eh?
But no, let's destabalise the club even further. Fuck-wits.

Let me try and be civil about this and not use emotive "fuck-wit" comments which are uncalled for and inurbane.

What I do not understand is you and those few that share your views is how you so quickly and easily forget how come ACL even exists, and why it is 50% council owned.
Have you really already forgotten how Richardson, Micginnity and the other prior owners over the last two or three decades had driven the club to the very edge of financial ruin, had sold off and somehow managed to make disappear the proceeds of selling Highfield Road, had come up with a crazy moving-pitch, moving-roof giant of a stadium to replace it that continuously got downsized as the money ran out until eventually they had no money at all to build the stadium and were homeless and close to going out of existence? Do you remember that the council and the charity came in and saved the club, built the stadium and let us play in it for the absolute minimum cost they could afford to service the debt that they had taken up on behalf of our club. Have you already forgotten all of this in so short a time that you perceive ACL as a completely unrelated third party?

I and many others do not feel a "sense of loyalty" towards ACL, but perhaps there is a justifiable sense of gratitude towards ACL, Higgs and the council for saving our sorry arses when we are at rock bottom, and we don't like to see the kind of "thanks" that SISU/Fisher and fans who think like you give to them.
From our side of the equation, we cannot fathom how you can stand there and see the people who saved our club from the dreadful actions of the prior owners be abused and cheated by a hedge fund.
From our side, we cannot see how you could possibly support a lying and cheating hedge fund over the people who saved our club.
That you can even think of supporting SISU/Fisher over the people who have helped save our club is beyond the ken of many of us.


Well-Known Member
Just more name calling with no attempt to actually answer the points.

Yes, because what we really need at this point is more legal action - those lawyers haven't earnt enough out of this have they? That's the common sense viewpoint - more conflict and confusion?

An idea, we draw a line under it, and get back around the table to thrash out a new deal, even if for one season. Then as supporters, we can continue to pressure SISU to sell, and for some that might be 'not one penny more', for others it might take another form. That's a sensible 'common sense' position where the emphasis is on a short term fix to ensure the club stay in the city with the long term aim of getting SISU out.

But no, we want to go back to court! We haven't had nearly enough of all that yet!

Yep, a fuckwit.

YOU called me a fuck-wit: if you are going to take that approach, don't be surprised when people respond in kind. You fat handed twat :)

You may have "given up", you may not hate SISU as much as you do ACL, but on that we'll beg to differ.


Well-Known Member
What is weird is that some people seem to forget who stepped in and built the stadium. Without that, the club would have gone into liquidation years ago.

ACL didn't build anything, they are the management company that was set up to run it once it was built.

The council didn't build it either. Their contribution (from their own coffers) to the construction costs amounted to about £2million, for a stadium that cost £130million to construct.

There was a shortfall yes, but this was made up by the bank, a loan secured by the council, and because of that the council assumed control and ownership of a facility worth tens of millions having parted with next to nothing. So they did pretty well from it I think you can conclude.

This stuff has been done to death, but amazingly some people still don't get it.

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
Let me try and be civil about this and not use emotive "fuck-wit" comments which are uncalled for and inurbane.

What I do not understand is you and those few that share your views is how you so quickly and easily forget how come ACL even exists, and why it is 50% council owned.
Have you really already forgotten how Richardson, Micginnity and the other prior owners over the last two or three decades had driven the club to the very edge of financial ruin, had sold off and somehow managed to make disappear the proceeds of selling Highfield Road, had come up with a crazy moving-pitch, moving-roof giant of a stadium to replace it that continuously got downsized as the money ran out until eventually they had no money at all to build the stadium and were homeless and close to going out of existence? Do you remember that the council and the charity came in and saved the club, built the stadium and let us play in it for the absolute minimum cost they could afford to service the debt that they had taken up on behalf of our club. Have you already forgotten all of this in so short a time that you perceive ACL as a completely unrelated third party?

I and many others do not feel a "sense of loyalty" towards ACL, but perhaps there is a justifiable sense of gratitude towards ACL, Higgs and the council for saving our sorry arses when we are at rock bottom, and we don't like to see the kind of "thanks" that SISU/Fisher and fans who think like you give to them.
From our side of the equation, we cannot fathom how you can stand there and see the people who saved our club from the dreadful actions of the prior owners be abused and cheated by a hedge fund.
From our side, we cannot see how you could possibly support a lying and cheating hedge fund over the people who saved our club.
That you can even think of supporting SISU/Fisher over the people who have helped save our club is beyond the ken of many of us.

That's a very narrow perspective of what really happened if I may say so. You act as if the council did not benefit from all of that? Others gave up a lot of money, negotiated contracts with the likes of Tesco and so it goes on and on... far more to it than that narrow view I'm afraid and too much for me to be arsed to go over it all yet again. Go research again with a more open mind.


Well-Known Member
YOU called me a fuck-wit: if you are going to take that approach, don't be surprised when people respond in kind. You fat handed twat :)

You may have "given up", you may not hate SISU as much as you do ACL, but on that we'll beg to differ.

No I didn't, I said 'fuckwits' (note: plural) in response to a post by somebody else (note: not you) who had labelled somebody else an arsehole.

So no personal insults were aimed at you at all before your little rant. Funny how the same people who have freely used the words 'areshole' and 'bellend' in this thread get all girly when someone issues an insult in return - even a rhetorical one.


Well-Known Member
No I didn't, I said 'fuckwits' (note: plural) in response to a post by somebody else (note: not you) who had labelled somebody else an arsehole.

So no personal insults were aimed at you at all before your little rant. Funny how the same people who have freely used the words 'areshole' and 'bellend' in this thread get all girly when someone issues an insult in return - even a rhetorical one.

My views matched those of peoples who you labelled fuckwits: I'm a fuckwit by proxy, which is enough for me to fling it back. You are the one who got all precious after dishing it out.


Well-Known Member
My views matched those of peoples who you labelled fuckwits: I'm a fuckwit by proxy, which is enough for me to fling it back. You are the one who got all precious after dishing it out.

If you want to take personal offence to an insult aimed at a notional group of people who share a particular viewpoint then fine. I say grow a pair.


Well-Known Member
If you want to take personal offence to an insult aimed at a notional group of people who share a particular viewpoint then fine. I say grow a pair.

It's a forum, isn't it-if a viewpoint that is one I share is being called fuckwits, then the "growing a pair" response is to argue against it-not to ignore it. So you need a more logical riposte, I'm afraid!


Well-Known Member
It has to be said whether your a fuckwit or not SISU have won this game and ACL should give up and think about the fans because this debacle is pathetic


Well-Known Member
That's a very narrow perspective of what really happened if I may say so. You act as if the council did not benefit from all of that? Others gave up a lot of money, negotiated contracts with the likes of Tesco and so it goes on and on... far more to it than that narrow view I'm afraid and too much for me to be arsed to go over it all yet again. Go research again with a more open mind.

You're wasting your breath. No matter how matter times they are told they don't get it.

All the council ever did was secure a bank loan to make up a funding shortfall for the building of a facility where the vast majority of funding was already in place.

Not only that, GR has gone on record to say they already had plans to buy back HR had the arena project collapsed. He has said categorically that the club would not have gone into administration in that scenario. Clearly the club over-egged their woes at the time to ensure it went through, there was a sense that he had gone so far that it needed to be followed through, and that the club needed the fresh start. A big mistake on behalf of the club.

So they didn't 'save the club', they didn't 'build the stadium', in fact they contributed next to nothing to get it built, and yet people still go on as if we owe them this massive debt of gratitude. I mean, a £130 million facility with all the economic benefits it brings at a cost to them of £2 million and people feel sorry for them?

James Smith

Well-Known Member
Let me try and be civil about this and not use emotive "fuck-wit" comments which are uncalled for and inurbane.

What I do not understand is you and those few that share your views is how you so quickly and easily forget how come ACL even exists, and why it is 50% council owned.
Have you really already forgotten how Richardson, Micginnity and the other prior owners over the last two or three decades had driven the club to the very edge of financial ruin, had sold off and somehow managed to make disappear the proceeds of selling Highfield Road, had come up with a crazy moving-pitch, moving-roof giant of a stadium to replace it that continuously got downsized as the money ran out until eventually they had no money at all to build the stadium and were homeless and close to going out of existence? Do you remember that the council and the charity came in and saved the club, built the stadium and let us play in it for the absolute minimum cost they could afford to service the debt that they had taken up on behalf of our club. Have you already forgotten all of this in so short a time that you perceive ACL as a completely unrelated third party?

I and many others do not feel a "sense of loyalty" towards ACL, but perhaps there is a justifiable sense of gratitude towards ACL, Higgs and the council for saving our sorry arses when we are at rock bottom, and we don't like to see the kind of "thanks" that SISU/Fisher and fans who think like you give to them.
From our side of the equation, we cannot fathom how you can stand there and see the people who saved our club from the dreadful actions of the prior owners be abused and cheated by a hedge fund.
From our side, we cannot see how you could possibly support a lying and cheating hedge fund over the people who saved our club.
That you can even think of supporting SISU/Fisher over the people who have helped save our club is beyond the ken of many of us.
+1 to that, the charity didn't have to step in and bail us out just like they didn't have to build the Alan Higgs Centre to the very high standard it is, for our Academy. The fact that they did probably wasn't the best move for them given what's happened now but it did give the club a lifeline, which SISU have been trying to cut through. I wonder if they should have just left us to go into Admin the first time around.
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New Member
That's a very narrow perspective of what really happened if I may say so. You act as if the council did not benefit from all of that? Others gave up a lot of money, negotiated contracts with the likes of Tesco and so it goes on and on... far more to it than that narrow view I'm afraid and too much for me to be arsed to go over it all yet again. Go research again with a more open mind.

I have read your slanted views on this and I totally disagree with them. Like you, I really cannot be bothered getting into an argument with you on this.

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