Ashbyjan or anyone from the Sky Blue Trust.... (4 Viewers)


New Member
:) haha no problems TT , IMO I think it could be a good idea, that way fans could at least have a look at what goes on or gets said at these meetings, living outside of Cov does make you feel isolated and an outsider at times looking in, and from past comments and discussions on here the big question of your not a fan as you don't go to the games does come up, even though they have no clue of past times others who no longer live in Coventry may have put into supporting the club, this way those who live outside of the area could feel involved and feel part of being a Cov fan even though they may not be able to get to match days.
Also if they have put forward a question they have raised they would get allowed a certain time slot to discuss there question? Just a thought.

We'll look at the limitations of whatever we use I suppose. Worse case is maybe if members have e-mailed something in they could see it being discussed by other members attending the meeting.


Jack Griffin

Damn! You're right I've done it again.
Anyway, we're gonna try set something up so we can stream meetings,
Sorry ICHAN (once again :) )

Sounds good. Will lurkers be able to make comments while the meetings are in progress?

Though I imagine any reponses will have to be filtered & dealt with after the meetng, but it should help with understanding the consensus..

Democracy alive! And it helps to slay the dragon the nay sayers have been trying to suggest exists ..
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New Member
The sbt should not be ran as it is, with some in the know and others being told we have been told something but cannot tell you.

It is starting to come across as a means of a few to make a name for themselves, which is wrong

Just out of interest when has this been said?
It's not a trick question, if you can point it out to me I'll do my best to explain (if I know the answer)


New Member
Sounds good. Will lurkers be able to make comments while the meetings are in progress?

Though I imagine any reponses will have to be filtered & dealt with after the meetng, but it should help with understanding the consensus..

Democracy alive! And it helps to slay the dragon the nay sayers have been trying to suggest exists ..

I would expect that a lot of questions/ challenges will be very similar as we try to unravel what's going on. Whether your a trust member or not we've all got the same fears and hopes for the club. I guess a lot of organizations are accused of elitism and or individuals wanting to make a name for themselves. It goes with the territory, I can honestly say I've not met anyone from the trust board who comes across that way. We'll look at anything that makes us more transparent because whatever the future brings the fans need to stick together. The more of us there are the louder our voice.

Jack Griffin

I would expect that a lot of questions/ challenges will be very similar as we try to unravel what's going on. Whether your a trust member or not we've all got the same fears and hopes for the club. I guess a lot of organizations are accused of elitism and or individuals wanting to make a name for themselves. It goes with the territory, I can honestly say I've not met anyone from the trust board who comes across that way. We'll look at anything that makes us more transparent because whatever the future brings the fans need to stick together. The more of us there are the louder our voice.

I agree, I joined SBT, but I do not go to meetings (so far), but if I thought it was being run by an elite that ignored or circumvented the will of the membership I would help to bring it down. The more you can do to make the decision making process transparent, the will be for better I believe..

PS The people posting aganst the SBT etc. are not very helpful types IMHO.. plough on regardless... achieve something +ve, it will be worthwhile I think.


New Member
I agree, I joined SBT, but I do not go to meetings (so far), but if I thought it was being run by an elite that ignored or circumvented the will of the membership I would help to bring it down. The more you can do to make the decision making process transparent, the will be for better I believe..

PS The people posting aganst the SBT etc. are not very helpful types IMHO.. plough on regardless... achieve something +ve, it will be worthwhile I think.

:) I hope it'll be worth while. You'll always get the odd troll in these message boards, that's what makes them fun, and I'm sure there are a number of posters who come across as being negative and quiet angry at times and I don't blame them if they have a perception of us. Perceptions are harder to deal with than reality. If the trust is accused if something that's true then fine. Here's why we done something that way, and we'll have to stand or fall by it. But how can you argue with someone's perception?!? It's there perception.


Well-Known Member
PS The people posting aganst the SBT etc. are not very helpful types IMHO.. plough on regardless... achieve something +ve, it will be worthwhile I think.

See that's the exact problem "anyone who isn't 100% happy with the trust isn't helpful. Support the trust at all costs"

What's not helpful is being an echo chamber for the members of the trust that have quite obviously given people the impression that's its an elite clique.

Whether true or not that is the perception and if the trust wants to be successful they need to address it.

The current setup is leaving many members feeling left out and without a voice in the trusts position. The core group who reformed the trust all have basically the same viewpoint (boo Sisu! Yay anyone else!) which is m


Well-Known Member
PS The people posting aganst the SBT etc. are not very helpful types IMHO.. plough on regardless... achieve something +ve, it will be worthwhile I think.

See that's the exact problem "anyone who isn't 100% happy with the trust isn't helpful. Support the trust at all costs"

What's not helpful is being an echo chamber for the members of the trust that have quite obviously given people the impression that's its an elite clique.

Whether true or not that is the perception and if the trust wants to be successful they need to address it.

The current setup is leaving many members feeling left out and without a voice in the trusts position. The core group who reformed the trust all have basically the same viewpoint (boo Sisu! Yay anyone else!) which is not reflective of their members, just of the small hardcore. What was attendance at the last meeting as a % of membership?

And to answer the other question about when have the trust played the "I know something you don't know" card. How about the meeting with PHIV?

Where's the detail on his plans? Where's the minutes of this meeting? Where was the notice it was happening?

I accept it was set up late in the day, but a quick email to members asking for questions could've been done from an iPhone in the meeting FFS! Where's the SBT forum for communication outside of meetings? Basically where's the communication to membership?

As a member all of my info comes from after the fact mail shots telling me what the trusts position is or from seeing Jan on the media.
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Well-Known Member
See that's the exact problem "anyone who isn't 100% happy with the trust isn't helpful. Support the trust at all costs"

What's not helpful is being an echo chamber for the members of the trust that have quite obviously given people the impression that's its an elite clique.

Whether true or not that is the perception and if the trust wants to be successful they need to address it.

The current setup is leaving many members feeling left out and without a voice in the trusts position. The core group who reformed the trust all have basically the same viewpoint (boo Sisu! Yay anyone else!) which is not reflective of their members, just of the small hardcore. What was attendance at the last meeting as a % of membership?

And to answer the other question about when have the trust played the "I know something you don't know" card. How about the meeting with PHIV?

Where's the detail on his plans? Where's the minutes of this meeting? Where was the notice it was happening?

I accept it was set up late in the day, but a quick email to members asking for questions could've been done from an iPhone in the meeting FFS! Where's the SBT forum for communication outside of meetings? Basically where's the communication to membership?

As a member all of my info comes from after the fact mail shots telling me what the trusts position is or from seeing Jan on the media.

what an unhelpful post!:) well said mate


Well-Known Member
what an unhelpful post!:) well said mate


Not sure if serious.

Just wanted to add that I guess my overall point is: if you want to engage with City fans do it on their terms. Come on here and GMK. Put out polls etc.



Not sure if serious.

Just wanted to add that I guess my overall point is: if you want to engage with City fans do it on their terms. Come on here and GMK. Put out polls etc.

Agree and have said this to Steve and he is going to put the point across. Find out why people don't want to join rather than saying "Well what are you doing to help", "at least we are trying" etc etc.


Well-Known Member
See that's the exact problem "anyone who isn't 100% happy with the trust isn't helpful. Support the trust at all costs"

What's not helpful is being an echo chamber for the members of the trust that have quite obviously given people the impression that's its an elite clique.

Whether true or not that is the perception and if the trust wants to be successful they need to address it.

The current setup is leaving many members feeling left out and without a voice in the trusts position. The core group who reformed the trust all have basically the same viewpoint (boo Sisu! Yay anyone else!) which is not reflective of their members, just of the small hardcore. What was attendance at the last meeting as a % of membership?

And to answer the other question about when have the trust played the "I know something you don't know" card. How about the meeting with PHIV?

Where's the detail on his plans? Where's the minutes of this meeting? Where was the notice it was happening?

I accept it was set up late in the day, but a quick email to members asking for questions could've been done from an iPhone in the meeting FFS! Where's the SBT forum for communication outside of meetings? Basically where's the communication to membership?

As a member all of my info comes from after the fact mail shots telling me what the trusts position is or from seeing Jan on the media.

I totally agree with this post.

It has to be said the SBT are doing things that don't involve all its members, I recognise that not all of SBT members could have met PHIV, but like quoted by the honourable gentleman, the SBT could have E-Mailed other SBT Members for questions to ask during the meeting.

I have to say I ain't the greatest of fans of groups like SBT and PST (Portsmouth Supporters Trust) simply because of two things,

1 > Every fan has a differing opinion in some aspects of the Football Club, how can any one group make a decision without upsetting other fans of the same club based on their opinions?

2 > Would every memeber be treated on the same level as it's peers?

Just a note on the highlighted comment I don't support SBT, I have a few issues sure, but I respect what they are trying to achieve, my support shall continue to go too CCFC that's who we should support at all costs. Every single fan who supports Coventry City FC is the lifeblood of the Football Club, young or old, new fan or long term fan, not one group who speak on behalf of.


New Member
See that's the exact problem "anyone who isn't 100% happy with the trust isn't helpful. Support the trust at all costs"

What's not helpful is being an echo chamber for the members of the trust that have quite obviously given people the impression that's its an elite clique.

Whether true or not that is the perception and if the trust wants to be successful they need to address it.

The current setup is leaving many members feeling left out and without a voice in the trusts position. The core group who reformed the trust all have basically the same viewpoint (boo Sisu! Yay anyone else!) which is not reflective of their members, just of the small hardcore. What was attendance at the last meeting as a % of membership?

And to answer the other question about when have the trust played the "I know something you don't know" card. How about the meeting with PHIV?

Where's the detail on his plans? Where's the minutes of this meeting? Where was the notice it was happening?

I accept it was set up late in the day, but a quick email to members asking for questions could've been done from an iPhone in the meeting FFS! Where's the SBT forum for communication outside of meetings? Basically where's the communication to membership?

As a member all of my info comes from after the fact mail shots telling me what the trusts position is or from seeing Jan on the media.

Shmmeee, your perception is your perception, how can the trust alter that?
How would you like information?
As far as the meeting with Mr Haskell goes, a call was made to someone from the trust at around the same time that it was released in the press. We were as surprised as everyone else.
The trust put out a press release straight afterwards stating how the meeting went. Some folk have latched on to one sentence in that press release about Mr Haskells ideas for CCFC. What was say was said to others and was reported on. Not a great deal of info but a general over view.
Some fans are quite happy to point a finger at the trust, they also seem quite happy to let comments calling the trust board "scumbags"
To suggest the board is an elite group is not only wrong it's childish.
One basic fact. Every board member has to step down after 2 years. That is in our rules. That is fair, that is democratic. Yes we get things wrong, and we'll continue to get things wrong, but we are getting more and more professional week by week. I would gladly step aside to allow someone with more skills than me and can bring more to the table but at this moment in time we are still looking for those fans to step up to the plate.
If fans do have genuine concerns about the trust, raise them in the correct way and you'll be surprised at the response. I'll certainly be as honest and open as I can be.


Why is it childish though? He said it is quite obviously the impression, surely instead of calling him childish the normal way would be to show that it isn't an elite clique?

Surely you should be trying to find out people's perceptions of the trust to see how it can move forward rather than just saying "your perception is your perception".

Maybe there should be a policy on who posts on forums on behalf of the trust online too?


New Member
Agree and have said this to Steve and he is going to put the point across. Find out why people don't want to join rather than saying "Well what are you doing to help", "at least we are trying" etc etc.

Nick, are you being a bit naughty here? :)
Lets look at how it works, folk come on here to troll the trust, you know it, I know it, you can't troll a troller ;)(hence my unfortunate name when I first registered here a while ago)
Folk also come on here with genuine questions or want a genuine debate with board members. As soon as a board member for example Jan, comes on here and says something he is jumped upon with comments like "is that the official policy of the Trust" that stifles debate and doesn't help anyone. So you'll get board members posting some comment, like "the trust statement will be issued later" which makes the trust board sound like a bunch of elitist tits. So those that are anti trust have a self fulfilling prophecy.


Why am I being naughty?

People come on here to talk about coventry city, whether it is about the trust, the stadium, the pies, the chips, the kit, the players, the manager etc. Just because people don't agree with the trust why does that mean they are trolling?

People ask if it is the policy of the trust because there has to be a divide between it being on behalf of the trust or their opinion so it is clear.

My point about Steve was that he basically wanted to know why people didn't want to join up and took the time out rather than just calling people childish for not agreeing with his views.


New Member
Why is it childish though? He said it is quite obviously the impression, surely instead of calling him childish the normal way would be to show that it isn't an elite clique?

Surely you should be trying to find out people's perceptions of the trust to see how it can move forward rather than just saying "your perception is your perception".

Maybe there should be a policy on who posts on forums on behalf of the trust online too?

Because its lazy, if the trust is going to be accused of something then those making the accusations should do their homework and have their facts to back up the points they are making.
Question for you nick, how many times have folk posted on here "what are the trust aims?" And how many times has that question been answered? Including links to the web site?
How many times has the trust been accused of organizing a bloody film night? At best lazy at worse childish.
You have mention a number of times the the trust get aggressive when challenged (I've not seen it) but you're happy for someone to call the trust board "scumbags" to go unchallenged and pass without comment. Again accusations that's threats were made privately to a poster on here, made continually without proof is left to continue.
I remember having a meeting once with two shop Stewards who thought it was ok to use foul and abusive language to a manager but not receive it in return because a manager shouldn't swear at the workforce.
Double standards spring to mind.


New Member
Why am I being naughty?

People come on here to talk about coventry city, whether it is about the trust, the stadium, the pies, the chips, the kit, the players, the manager etc. Just because people don't agree with the trust why does that mean they are trolling?

People ask if it is the policy of the trust because there has to be a divide between it being on behalf of the trust or their opinion so it is clear.

My point about Steve was that he basically wanted to know why people didn't want to join up and took the time out rather than just calling people childish for not agreeing with his views.

Where did I call someone childish for not agreeing with my views? I said its childish when folk make comments that they can't back up with fact?


I agree about the film night and I have personally corrected him every time I have seen it because I know Deano worked hard on that film night.

My point about who posts on here on behalf of the trust is that it can have a negative influence when people are posting on behalf of the trust who could make it look bad but then people like Steve who give across a great impression of it.

If you feel that a thread / post is out of order then feel free to report it to me so I can take a look at it and deal with it whether it is removing the post or PM'ing the user. I haven't called the trust scumbags? If and where somebody has and has made claims about the trust that are false and can't back them up then let me know by reporting the thread and it will be dealt with.

Personal comments aren't constructive in either direction.


Shmmeee, your perception is your perception, how can the trust alter that?
How would you like information?
As far as the meeting with Mr Haskell goes, a call was made to someone from the trust at around the same time that it was released in the press. We were as surprised as everyone else.
The trust put out a press release straight afterwards stating how the meeting went. Some folk have latched on to one sentence in that press release about Mr Haskells ideas for CCFC. What was say was said to others and was reported on. Not a great deal of info but a general over view.
Some fans are quite happy to point a finger at the trust, they also seem quite happy to let comments calling the trust board "scumbags"
To suggest the board is an elite group is not only wrong it's childish.
One basic fact. Every board member has to step down after 2 years. That is in our rules. That is fair, that is democratic. Yes we get things wrong, and we'll continue to get things wrong, but we are getting more and more professional week by week. I would gladly step aside to allow someone with more skills than me and can bring more to the table but at this moment in time we are still looking for those fans to step up to the plate.
If fans do have genuine concerns about the trust, raise them in the correct way and you'll be surprised at the response. I'll certainly be as honest and open as I can be.

Here, the guy didn't suggest it he just said that is the perception that can come across. He didn't even say it was.

I am by no means a PR guru by the way so I might be wrong but if a crowd of people were to say "we wont use one of your websites because of x,y,z" then I would try my hardest to find out what x,y and z were and how I could fix them.


New Member
Maybe the trust should have a "sky blue trust" log in for "official" stuff. I dunno. At least then trust members can post freely the views of their own.


Maybe the trust should have a "sky blue trust" log in for "official" stuff. I dunno. At least then trust members can post freely the views of their own.

I think people get confused if Jan or somebody who they know is part of the trust posts something as they don't know if it is the trust or jan.

I am more than happy to create an official sky blues trust login with the logo etc etc for official announcements etc if it will help stop the confusion.


New Member
Here, the guy didn't suggest it he just said that is the perception that can come across. He didn't even say it was.

I am by no means a PR guru by the way so I might be wrong but if a crowd of people were to say "we wont use one of your websites because of x,y,z" then I would try my hardest to find out what x,y and z were and how I could fix them.

Yes, I then went on to explain why, you didn't make that bit bold.
This elitist tag has been banded about for a while, and it's clear that those banding the tag about pay no interest to facts, I will now list those facts and would be most grateful if you respond to each fact as you agreed with the poster.
1. The trust board are elected.
2. The trust board have to step down after 2 years.
3. At any time trust members can call for a vote of no confidence in the board and remove and replace them.

Those are facts, faced with that information how are the board or members of the board elitist?


New Member
I think people get confused if Jan or somebody who they know is part of the trust posts something as they don't know if it is the trust or jan.

I am more than happy to create an official sky blues trust login with the logo etc etc for official announcements etc if it will help stop the confusion.

I think that might help, it would certainly sort out those that are confused and those that are in it for a bit of mischief, although I'm not totally adverse to a bit of mischief, it's what makes the world go round ;)


Well-Known Member
I still don't get all of the sniping at the trust. If you don't like what they're doing then I'd say you've got three basic options:

  1. Don't join (and criticise from the sidelines)
  2. Set up an alternative (and prepare to be criticised!)
  3. Join, and change things using the democratic structures within the SBT

I don't think there's anything elitist about an organisation that lets anyone join, attend meetings, have their say, and suggest/vote on new proposals.

As for the idea that the trust should represent opinions based on an open poll on a message board, that's surely a non-starter. The trust is clearly there to represent the opinions of its members, not necessarily of all fans, or of those who may respond to an online poll.

And the idea of sending out an email to every trust member prior to meeting PHIV, and collating all of the possible responses into a succinct few questions in a matter of hours - that doesn't seem very likely, does it?

I'm in the trust. If there was something I didn't like about what it was doing, I'd let one of the board members know about it. If I thought it was important enough, I'd ask for a change of policy to be put to a vote. That seems fair enough to me.


New Member
I think that might help, it would certainly sort out those that are confused and those that are in it for a bit of mischief, although I'm not totally adverse to a bit of mischief, it's what makes the world go round ;)

Turkey, why not try a change of tactic and announce: the Sky Blue Trust is a self-appointed, elitist organisation, has never communicated with its members ever, has never ever consulted members about its stance, knows loads of secret things but won't tell anyone, does not post info on its website/facebook page/twitter, cannot possibly succeed, is just sisu out in disguise, refuses to listen to other views, and its 12 board members only want their names in the paper and a seat on the club board (not a word of truth in any of it but when I've posted more times than I care to remember 'any questions/comments email me at [email protected] ' and have only ever had one person do so, I despair...)


Nick, are you being a bit naughty here? :)
Lets look at how it works, folk come on here to troll the trust, you know it, I know it, you can't troll a troller ;)(hence my unfortunate name when I first registered here a while ago)
Folk also come on here with genuine questions or want a genuine debate with board members. As soon as a board member for example Jan, comes on here and says something he is jumped upon with comments like "is that the official policy of the Trust" that stifles debate and doesn't help anyone. So you'll get board members posting some comment, like "the trust statement will be issued later" which makes the trust board sound like a bunch of elitist tits. So those that are anti trust have a self fulfilling prophecy.

So anybody who is not 100pc behind the trust / asks questions / wishes to know what the aims and desires of the trust are trolls ?


New Member
No worries :)
Whatever issues you have with the trust just ask us, either in here or e-mail Michael. We'll try and give you a straight answer


New Member
Colin - I think your questions are of interest to others so I will post them and my answers here. If I've missed anything, feel free to PM again.

Q: What arethe aims of sbt ? (medium to long term)
A: Trust aims and objs are at [URL=""][/URL] copied below)
Q:If the sbt manage to gain this fantastic opertunity and get a seat on the board ...What part/s of the club do you wish to influence and why ? (short term)
A:Representation on the club Board is a key means of giving voice to trustmembers to achieve its aims, as below.

But more importantly, as I said to Stuart Linnell, I think you are asking the wrong questions. The Trust is no more nor less than the sum of its members, and represents its members’ views – it is a democratic organisation. The aims were the result of extensive consultation with members. In the current situation the key questions are things like: which fan-led ownership model (if any!) is best for us; does the Trust stance with third parties need to be adapted; does the Trust position on finance need to be developed etc - and the answers will not be handed down by an elite but worked through and discussed at meetings, through mailouts to members and when it gets to key decisions by voting. If the kinds of questions you are asking were put to other parties their slick PR machines would no doubt churn out the usual plausible attitudes which are easy to swallow but invariably don't seem to bear fruit (eg remember how everyone was so impressed with sisu's presentations back in the day). The Trust is a very different kind of body and it's important to understand that, and then why answers are as they are. I am guessing that what you may be asking for is in fact a detailed business plan but at this stage that's putting the horse before the cart
[do I get an award from Nick for most mixed metaphors in a single post?]


The Sky Blue Trust is an independent, democratic, not for profit, supporters’ group which operates transparently and with membership open to all Sky Blues supporters.

The Sky Blue Trust wants a Coventry City Football Club which has success on the pitch, is financially stable and rooted in the community. We believe that greater involvement of supporters is vital for the future of the Club.

The Trust’s Aims are to:

· obtain an ownership stake in CCFC, giving supporters a direct say in the running of the Club and having at least one democratically elected Trust member on the CCFC Board – like at Swansea;

· advocate financial stability for CCFC, with a business model based on avoiding unsustainable debt, and profits being reinvested directly in the Club;

· have City fans recognised as the lifeblood of the Club and at the heart of everything CCFC does.

To achieve these Aims the Trust will:

· seek to work in partnership with the Club and all other stakeholders in CCFC;
· represent and give voice to the views of Trust members;

· pursue any viable opportunity to gain an ownership stake in CCFC;

· campaign for improvements to thematch day experience.


Well-Known Member
Colin - I think your questions are of interest to others so I will post them and my answers here. If I've missed anything, feel free to PM again.

Q: What arethe aims of sbt ? (medium to long term)
A: Trust aims and objs are at [URL=""][/URL] copied below)
Q:If the sbt manage to gain this fantastic opertunity and get a seat on the board ...What part/s of the club do you wish to influence and why ? (short term)
A:Representation on the club Board is a key means of giving voice to trustmembers to achieve its aims, as below.

But more importantly, as I said to Stuart Linnell, I think you are asking the wrong questions. The Trust is no more nor less than the sum of its members, and represents its members’ views – it is a democratic organisation. The aims were the result of extensive consultation with members. In the current situation the key questions are things like: which fan-led ownership model (if any!) is best for us; does the Trust stance with third parties need to be adapted; does the Trust position on finance need to be developed etc - and the answers will not be handed down by an elite but worked through and discussed at meetings, through mailouts to members and when it gets to key decisions by voting. If the kinds of questions you are asking were put to other parties their slick PR machines would no doubt churn out the usual plausible attitudes which are easy to swallow but invariably don't seem to bear fruit (eg remember how everyone was so impressed with sisu's presentations back in the day). The Trust is a very different kind of body and it's important to understand that, and then why answers are as they are. I am guessing that what you may be asking for is in fact a detailed business plan but at this stage that's putting the horse before the cart
[do I get an award from Nick for most mixed metaphors in a single post?]


The Sky Blue Trust is an independent, democratic, not for profit, supporters’ group which operates transparently and with membership open to all Sky Blues supporters.

The Sky Blue Trust wants a Coventry City Football Club which has success on the pitch, is financially stable and rooted in the community. We believe that greater involvement of supporters is vital for the future of the Club.

The Trust’s Aims are to:

· obtain an ownership stake in CCFC, giving supporters a direct say in the running of the Club and having at least one democratically elected Trust member on the CCFC Board – like at Swansea;

· advocate financial stability for CCFC, with a business model based on avoiding unsustainable debt, and profits being reinvested directly in the Club;

· have City fans recognised as the lifeblood of the Club and at the heart of everything CCFC does.

To achieve these Aims the Trust will:

· seek to work in partnership with the Club and all other stakeholders in CCFC;
· represent and give voice to the views of Trust members;

· pursue any viable opportunity to gain an ownership stake in CCFC;

· campaign for improvements to thematch day experience.

Lots of words, but still jibber jabber. Sorry.

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