Ashbyjan or anyone from the Sky Blue Trust.... (3 Viewers)


Well-Known Member

Just a thought.



Well-Known Member
Just got home and thought I would check what is going going on and can see your online.
Hope your well and have had a nice day?


New Member
grendel you can understand (a mysanthropic loner with grudges and a lot of time), torchy you can listen to (but disagree with) and live with them because there is no qualification needed to be a supporter of a team, but things like psgm1 make you wonder if you want to be on the same forum supporting the same team. Vile doesn't really capture him.


Well-Known Member
They said from DAY ONE they were moving in AS A LAST RESORT!

Now they want a place on the board! Why should these self elected people have anymore say than anyone else?

Just look at the way they react when you say something they don't like! If sisu did that there would be uproar!

Certain of their supportes act as bullies, and we don't want MORE bullies on the board!

Just look at the response! Yet these people claim to be representative of the fans - they most certainly ARE NOT

If they want part of the club - It's a clique - nothing more!

I imagine I'm in a minority here but I wholly agree with this statement.


New Member
I imagine a lot of things..
Even at school my teacher told me I had a vivid imagination.

Nick we're looking at something called Ustream or something like that for an open meeting. One of the younger ones has been tasked with trying to get it sorted.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to disappoint you but I am not a representative of the SBT I am just your normal Cov Kid I am sorry if I upset you but you have upset me!!!
I work in Birmingham and have to put up with this shit about my team about my Town but I expect that from them. but I come on here and all I see is "My Own" so called Coventrians doing the same I don't take that shit from them so why should I take it from you??? and if the fans are that shit, if the trust is that shit, if our town is that shit, if CCC are that shit, etc etc etc then why not just leave and move to Brum,. I AM A COVENTRIAN BORN BRED AND PROUD and don't take kindly to people slagging it off.
I my friend do all my talking on here if you have proof of treats against you then do the thing you are always ranting about be open about it or do you have to ask your other board members and you go on about Hidden agendas...



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Jack Griffin

Is this highly approprite, whoops bit of a give away about my age...

Jack Griffin

We could our goings on of late into a musical.
CCFC The Musical. I'm sure to would be a west end smash!

I'd prefer a book/film like Moneyball, only with a rather darker outcome.

The book is a good read, the film so-so.. but the ladies will like its star if they don't dig its content..


Well-Known Member
has this thread descended into a free for all quip thread or what,
the original purpose, i assume, being for a SBT person to update us,
so, therefore, let all CCFC fans come together & not diversify into petty bickering,


Well-Known Member
I imagine a lot of things..
Even at school my teacher told me I had a vivid imagination.

Nick we're looking at something called Ustream or something like that for an open meeting. One of the younger ones has been tasked with trying to get it sorted.

Their we go again TT ;) how did you know my name was Nick from a user name of ICHAN, others getting credit for others ideas, just like being at work and some tosser of a gaffer taking all the credit for work getting done when others done it :)


As far as I am concerned the lack of trust in sbt is evident, if ccfc, sisu the administrator or ph4 says I will tell the sbt board something but you cannot tell your members, the answer should be anything you tell us will be passed on to our members. The sbt should not be ran as it is, with some in the know and others being told we have been told something but cannot tell you.

It is starting to come across as a means of a few to make a name for themselves, which is wrong


New Member
Damn! You're right I've done it again.
Anyway, we're gonna try set something up so we can stream meetings,
Sorry ICHAN (once again :) )


New Member
As far as I am concerned the lack of trust in sbt is evident, if ccfc, sisu the administrator or ph4 says I will tell the sbt board something but you cannot tell your members, the answer should be anything you tell us will be passed on to our members. The sbt should not be ran as it is, with some in the know and others being told we have been told something but cannot tell you.

It is starting to come across as a means of a few to make a name for themselves, which is wrong

What do you think you haven't been told?
I can assure you all trust members know as much from the trust meeting as the rest of the board.


Well-Known Member
listen all, we're not talking about politicians here,
they predominantly are the seekers of self interest & hierarchy,
we're talking about a means for the fans to put across their views,
if, you want a voice, is it not a positive move to unite as a CCFC fan & not a political activist,


Well-Known Member
:) haha no problems TT , IMO I think it could be a good idea, that way fans could at least have a look at what goes on or gets said at these meetings, living outside of Cov does make you feel isolated and an outsider at times looking in, and from past comments and discussions on here the big question of your not a fan as you don't go to the games does come up, even though they have no clue of past times others who no longer live in Coventry may have put into supporting the club, this way those who live outside of the area could feel involved and feel part of being a Cov fan even though they may not be able to get to match days.
Also if they have put forward a question they have raised they would get allowed a certain time slot to discuss there question? Just a thought.


I think one of the main issues with the Trust is confidentiality. Unfortunately is the poisoned chalace, and it's something I struggle with, along with other board members and yes I still do struggle with it. As a manager it's easy for me, I'm told something in a managers meeting that's not to get out on the shop floor then I've not got a problem with it, that's my job, that's what I'm paid to do but as a board member of the Trust it's a different ball game. I put myself in the firing line to try to do something about the lack of transparency and then I'm asked not to be transparent, it's a shit sandwich. I understand the frustrations (boiling over to insults) when the Trust is accused of knowing stuff that "ordinary" fans don't and it looks like we're holding stuff back and it's easy for me to say "we can't tell you" because we know and you don't so we come across as being a holes. The trouble is if we are told something in confidence for a specific reason we have to honour that whether we like it or not, if we don't we may not be able to find out something we can discuss openly and we certainly will have lost trust with the parties involved.

This is your statement that I was responding too


New Member
This is your statement that I was responding too

Ahh right, I see. It's something that will always get emotive responses from both sides. I guess you have to look at the potential end result. If you're being told something that if it got out in the wider domain right now it could damage what was trying to be achieved then you have to take that on board. But I do agree with you, if you're being told something in confidence that won't matter but youre still being asked for confidentiality then it's just tittle tattle and we shouldn't get involved.
We do do our best to lay the ground rules down prior to any meetings so everyone understands that we would like to report back to the members what was discussed.

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