Its clear you have no understanding of what I know or what I do for a living

Sounds like you have quoted that from a textbook or an internet search.
In the context of Rugby give me an example of a 'top brand' that you refer to if Wasps are at the lower end ?
High end brands in many (most) industries lower their prices or offer deals to get sales, attract customers and ultimately make money (isn't that the goal of any business ?) Of course the way that is done differs from business to business.
BMW, AUDI, MB, JLR all offer deals, schemes and incentives to gain custom, does that damage their brand? I suggest not. I get 20% discount on BMW's just because I happen to be in a certain profession (I don't work for BMW) they are lowering their price to attract me as a customer does that put them in the low end of car makers ? No ! Harrods have a sale and drastically reduce prices to clear stock, does that damage their brand ? I could go on but wont.
You contradict yourself slightly by saying ".... the importance of creating a brand value that encourages the consumer to believe they get value for money" and then go on to say that top brands don't lower their prices ..... surely "Buy one get one for a £1 " is value for money to a customer ?
You wont agree I'm sure because your one eyed anti-Wasps stance taints your view.
With no disrespect I think you are the one who has no understanding (or perhaps don't want to understand)