Back to being the biggest club in Coventry? (5 Viewers)


New Member
Is a bit odd. Think you're the only one on here that is not a fan of either team or even an opposing team like Leicester. Have a local interest but spend time abroad? Not saying you're not genuine or that you don't add a reasonable perspective. Can understand the suspicions though.

As did I understand the suspicions initially ..... but does it necessitate keep going over and over them each and ever time I don't share the opinion of one of the prominent members of this board. I do have a local interest in that I live locally when I'm in the UK so why wouldn't I be interested ? It just so happens I spend a fair amount of time working outside the UK, nothing really unusual in that and is probably half the reason I don't have the time or settle to go and watch either football or rugby matches. If I had the time I'd probably go and watch both. I watch F1 and go to races if I can but I don't support a particular team as do some who are more fanatical (I appreciate that is slightly different but you get the point)


New Member
It's extremely odd behaviour for someone with just a passing interest to post so vigorously on a subject they don't particular care about. I suspect he's a wasps fan or works for wasps/acl's Comms team

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - so please excuse any spelling or grammar errors :)

Did I say I had a passing interest ? or dont care ? .... another conspiracy theorist :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
A couple of people have been banned who have been very pro SISU and anti CCC....

You tread on a couple of ants in the colony and we're supposed to notice?? ;)


New Member
A random member of the public can be somebody who lives locally.

Do you mean local to the Ricoh or to London?

Why would I be interested in the Ricoh if I lived in London ? ..... locally means locally less than 10 min to the Ricoh

Blimey I feel like I'm being interrogated by the gestapo :)

Nick, however hard you try you wont catch me out because I'm completely up front and as I say, if you think its strange, suspicious or anything else fair enough but unfortunately life isn't black and white !.


Well-Known Member
Do you post on the Telegraph website? Would that not be a more appropriate platform if all you have is a local view, it is the local newspaper after all. The problem on here if that during the whole dispute we had people like PWKH coming on and making out he was one of us. Only to disappear once the ricoh had been sold. Therefore you will always encounter mistrust.


Do you post on the Telegraph website? Would that not be a more appropriate platform if all you have is a local view, it is the local newspaper after all. The problem on here if that during the whole dispute we had people like PWKH coming on and making out he was one of us. Only to disappear once the ricoh had been sold. Therefore you will always encounter mistrust.

Let's not forget intheknow, florence1989 or whatever their name was ;)


New Member
Do you post on the Telegraph website? Would that not be a more appropriate platform if all you have is a local view, it is the local newspaper after all. The problem on here if that during the whole dispute we had people like PWKH coming on and making out he was one of us. Only to disappear once the ricoh had been sold. Therefore you will always encounter mistrust.

No I dont post on the Telegraph website

I'm not sure what there is to mistrust ? I'm only posting views at the end of the day. Obviously I'm not aware of PWKH but can understand what you are saying


Well-Known Member
They didn't really need to ..... your contradictory posts spoke for themselves

In other words no they didn't.

I would say most posters agreed on this issue that the strategy is a poor ill conceived one did they not?

We know that Italia has a vested interest and Tony is a simpleton so it's hardly a PR victory is it? Better try harder in future.


New Member
In other words no they didn't.

I would say most posters agreed on this issue that the strategy is a poor ill conceived one did they not?

We know that Italia has a vested interest and Tony is a simpleton so it's hardly a PR victory is it? Better try harder in future.

Did anybody positively agree with you ? no ... it works both ways .... perhaps best not assume what people think just to suit your argument.

Nothing alters your apparently flawed explanation and attempt at sounding as though you are some kind of marketing and branding expert, the reality is you have zero knowledge of the subject. If you don't mind me making an observation you seem to consider yourself an expert in many things judging by your posts on this board and someone who resorts to insults and swearing very quickly if things aren't going your way. If you knew what you are talking about you would have no need to do that. Just an observation.

The reality is that you and few posters on here are hardly representative of the general population of Coventry, so it matters not what you or I think, I guess they will be the judges of whether its a poor ill conceived strategy :)


Well-Known Member
Did anybody positively agree with you ? no ... it works both ways .... perhaps best not assume what people think just to suit your argument.

Nothing alters your apparently flawed explanation and attempt at sounding as though you are some kind of marketing and branding expert, the reality is you have zero knowledge of the subject. If you don't mind me making an observation you seem to consider yourself an expert in many things judging by your posts on this board and someone who resorts to insults and swearing very quickly if things aren't going your way. If you knew what you are talking about you would have no need to do that. Just an observation.

The reality is that you and few posters on here are hardly representative of the general population of Coventry, so it matters not what you or I think, I guess they will be the judges of whether its a poor ill conceived strategy :)

The public already have decided on the strategy.

If you observe last year the free offers were portrayed as you have said to built a customer base. At the time I said brand devaluation on such a scale is doomed to fail as it sets a value on a product that you can never walk up from. VM strategies like this juxtaposed with premium branding never ever work.

This season initially the offers were withdrawn. Low and behold gates plummeted. Then, of course, they again have to go back on the VM distress drug. They will now stay there for ever more.

As you only supporter is only capable of play ground style abuse I'd go easy on that one if I were you.

So I agree - the public will decide - they have - they only see value in attending when the price is pitched at an appropriate level for the brand - in this case £1

You still miss the salient point. Prestige Brands use media to promote positive messages - uniqueness, craftsmanship, exclusivity - they never use it to do bogof deals. That's the domain of the door to door double glazing salesman.

Is that what you do?


Well-Known Member
(My Wasps Google alert has sounded again ;) )

Agreed - whats the issue with selling tickets cheap? Clearly not many with a business brain on here ! ..... A £1 or free ticket will potentially generate income from parking (although not necessarily to the Ricoh ;) ), drinks, food, ticket for another game, club shop purchases etc etc etc. I don't believe for one second that CCFC dont give away tickets or offer incentives to less popular games, would be dull not to !

Excellent point, CCFC do indeed do special offers a few times a year and give tickets out to School etc.

but when a club is doing it for 95% of matches it's a bit of a joke, if I was a rugby season ticket holder I would feel robbed of my season ticket money this year.


Well-Known Member
It's extremely odd behaviour for someone with just a passing interest to post so vigorously on a subject they don't particular care about. I suspect he's a wasps fan or works for wasps/acl's Comms team

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - so please excuse any spelling or grammar errors :)
If he was a fan I don't see why he would hide it, if he was the latter his posts would make suddenly make sense and I can also see why he would try to hide it on here.


Well-Known Member

I appreciate you control this board and 'own' it, which is fine and I fully respect that but I don't need to justify myself to you or anyone else.

If you don't want me posting here or if the content of my posts offends you or anyone else then please feel free to block my account, I really wont lose any sleep over it.

What I have done in the last 24 hours is highlight someone spouting nonsense and I've called them out on it as have others. That said I have done it respectfully and civilly. I really cant see what the problem is ? It seems that anytime I disagree with someone albeit it civilly you want to out me as a Wasps supporter !

I would ask that perhaps you either accept that I'm not a Wasps supporter and let it go or block my account if you feel that necessary.


Oh woe everyone look at me. Perhaps PM Nick next time instead of posting frankly cringe worthy ultimatums.


New Member
Oh woe everyone look at me. Perhaps PM Nick next time instead of posting frankly cringe worthy ultimatums.

Explain why cringe worthy ? ..... if I'm being called out in public why not deal with it in public ?

Its no more cringe worthy than a lot of the ill educated shite that gets posted by some on here who can hardly string two words together !

Like a pack of school bullys


Well-Known Member
Explain why cringe worthy ? .....

If you don't understand that, its not worth explaining.

Some of the stuff you post is a trite toe curling. If only we could all be as well educated, but remember its not just you who lives local unless you are abroad. :whistle:


New Member
If you don't understand that, its not worth explaining.

Some of the stuff you post is a trite toe curling. If only we could all be as well educated, but remember its not just you who lives local unless you are abroad. :whistle:

clearly you can't explain ..... and what's the last comment ? Some kind of veiled threat ? .... Don't make me laugh :)


Well-Known Member
If you don't understand that, its not worth explaining.

Some of the stuff you post is a trite toe curling. If only we could all be as well educated, but remember its not just you who lives local unless you are abroad. :whistle:

clearly you can't explain ..... and what's the last comment ? Some kind of veiled threat ? .... Don't make me laugh :)

Cringe worthy as you came out bleating. You are playing game to try to act all affronted. Poor you. There you go, I am sure it will give you something to argue about.

Veiled threat, wow you are looking at conspiracies. I hope your tinfoil hat didn't fall off as you got to the keyboard. The ironic thing is the comment is a replication of one you made.

If you want to know the meaning of it, I was actually amused by what you said, so when you say don't me laugh, you actually made me laugh when you weren't even trying. You see I live locally, well unless I am abroad, and then I am abroad, and when I come back I live locally. Anyone who goes away to work or on holiday does the same, you are just trying to look so far into something that isn't there that you couldn't just see the simple generalisation of what you said. Lighten up sunshine you might feel better.


New Member
Cringe worthy as you came out bleating. You are playing game to try to act all affronted. Poor you. There you go, I am sure it will give you something to argue about.

Veiled threat, wow you are looking at conspiracies. I hope your tinfoil hat didn't fall off as you got to the keyboard. The ironic thing is the comment is a replication of one you made.

If you want to know the meaning of it, I was actually amused by what you said, so when you say don't me laugh, you actually made me laugh when you weren't even trying. You see I live locally, well unless I am abroad, and then I am abroad, and when I come back I live locally. Anyone who goes away to work or on holiday does the same, you are just trying to look so far into something that isn't there that you couldn't just see the simple generalisation of what you said. Lighten up sunshine you might feel better.

Funny how like your chums on here you selectively pull things out of context to suit your own argument

Notice how you didn't really contribute anything to the discussion at hand ..... just came in here to join your mates, jump on my back and criticize me personally


New Member
It doesn't need a Wasps supporter to see that Wasps have pulled off a shrewd bit of business by moving to the Ricoh, regardless of all the historical politics.

Likewise it doesn't need a Wasps supporter to see that in the short time that they have been there they have done pretty well on and off the pitch, raking in a pretty good income from the whole operation, sitting in a play off place in the league, in a European quarter final, buying in some of the best players in world rugby, not bad for a team that's going to fail because they sell £1 tickets to school kids. Whether that continues remains to be seen but if it was my business/franchise I'd be pretty happy at the moment.

There a few on here who are hardly representative of decent and loyal CCFC supporters and you sit with your head up your arse in complete denial of whats happening before you, finding excuses to cling on to, blowing smoke up each others arses and bullying anyone who dares to have a differing opinion (like I say hardly representative of the decent and loyal CCFC supporters in the city). Whilst there are hundreds if not running into thousands of decent CCFC supporters who have embraced the change and are enjoying it, along with thousands of other local people who have likewise found a new interest in sport for their families, which probably equally applies to CCFC as it does to Wasps. Whatever your sport of choice or whatever team you support the Ricoh now seems a decent place to go.

Wake up !!!


Who signs up to a forum and posts like that as a neutral who doesn't support Wasps or CCFC? Just because they live locally? It isn't the behaviour of somebody who lives locally who is interested in it, there is more to it.... There is more passion in your posts than just somebody who lives locally and takes an interest.

Nobody is bullying people because they have a different opinion. I disagree with a lot of things Dongo, Italia, Tony say but at the end of the day they are city fans. Yes people disagree but the thing is on a Saturday it is all about CCFC and I'd happily buy any of them a beer and discuss CCFC. The same as on a thread about SISU / CCC / Wasps I might totally disagree with Italia, but then on a match thread or a thread about "what is your favourite colour" I might agree with his points.

We have had PR people sign up, we have had people from ACL and no doubt SISU as well signing up on here and posting to try and sway opinions. We have had somebody from Wasps come on and post also. None of them have been up front about who they are (Apart from PWKH from ACL), they all give it the "normal fan" act...

When random people sign up, it is different isn't it ;)


Well-Known Member
I do agree with some of ranstone's points. Wasps have done well and at the moment they appear to be here for the long haul. For me SISU handled the Ricoh situation badly...and ultimately were out manoeuvred by the council who they had antagonised and another hedge fund.
Of course I want CCFC to have their own ground in the city of Coventry (I will never forgive us being taken to Northampton) and I'm sure true wasp fans feel the same about being here. However there are enough new fans, unlike us at sixfields, for them to make a go of it. Therefore we (CCFC) either need to accept the situation...being guests at the Ricoh. Or we need to build a new ground. The latter is very unlikely at this point in time and therefore we have no option but to get on with what we have...get the best deal and work with wasps for the benefit of both.
I don't believe anything the club puts out about their plans until I actually see action. Good luck to Mr Anderson but I will reserve judgement until I see results

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New Member
Who signs up to a forum and posts like that as a neutral who doesn't support Wasps or CCFC? Just because they live locally? It isn't the behaviour of somebody who lives locally who is interested in it, there is more to it.... There is more passion in your posts than just somebody who lives locally and takes an interest.

Nobody is bullying people because they have a different opinion. I disagree with a lot of things Dongo, Italia, Tony say but at the end of the day they are city fans. Yes people disagree but the thing is on a Saturday it is all about CCFC and I'd happily buy any of them a beer and discuss CCFC. The same as on a thread about SISU / CCC / Wasps I might totally disagree with Italia, but then on a match thread or a thread about "what is your favourite colour" I might agree with his points.

We have had PR people sign up, we have had people from ACL and no doubt SISU as well signing up on here and posting to try and sway opinions. We have had somebody from Wasps come on and post also. None of them have been up front about who they are (Apart from PWKH from ACL), they all give it the "normal fan" act...

When random people sign up, it is different isn't it ;)

Nick - I completely get what you are saying but I'm sure you also know that not everybody fits the black and white mould you describe. Perhaps I am passionate in my posts but that passion doesn't stem from a support of Wasps it stems from being passionate about my views and experiences, there is a subtle difference. I don't have an agenda ! I could have easily said I'm a supporter of one team or another (that might have made life easier :)) but I'm not.

Perhaps bullying is not the right description but my point is that some just join in and make posts to have a go at the person because they disagree rather than contribute to the discussion and say why they don't agree, which frequently involves throwing insults and swearing.

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