Butts Park Arena is new home (12 Viewers)

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Well-Known Member

Pressley to Huddersfield
Mowbray to Fulham
Cove Utd to the Butts

Show me a headline from any Cov paper such as: Exclusively revealed!

Pressley plans move to Huddersfield

Mowbray plans move to Fulham

Cov united plan move to Butts

I seem to remember quotes more like " Fulham show interest in Mowbray " or " Cov United in talks with BPA " - which were not "sold" as exclusive revelations and not as facts. But, maybe you have "fact" the Headlines and can print them here as I did with Les'. it would be helpful in comparing the journalistic styles of our intrepid reporters.


Well-Known Member
[h=1]VEALED: Sky Blues plan to build stadium at Coventry rugby club’s Butts Park Arena[/h]
is the above headline fact or fiction? Has the land owner/ leasee confirmed that Les' exclusive was correct as in the headline? Or did he just confirm that talks had taken place a while ago, but didn't go further because of such things as "size restrictions"? Did the owner say there were problems with pitch not being suitable for both football and Rugby ( in relation to Cov United's "enquiry / talks" ) - as reported by the evil CT? In other words is the Butts' story ( as per headline ) just pure BS from start to finish?

The headline is not the misleading bit although I supposed after speaking to all the relevant people I suppose the headlined "hoped" may have been a bit more apt

The misleading bit is this bit

"THE site identified by the Sky Blues to build a new stadium is the Butts Park Arena home of Coventry rugby club, the Observer can exclusively reveal."

I haven't put the in capitals the article did. It implies this is 'THE' site

Personally for myself and many other this is quite significant and exciting news suggesting SISU have nailed it down to one site. That one site is actually in a better location than the Ricoh.

Few weeks later it transpires we have just had a look at this site like we have with many others and that's it.


Well-Known Member
Reid revealed talks had taken place - he was right.

Where's your mate Gilbert - hiding in your house until it all blows over?

I didn't say he was wrong I said the article is misleading something you in your role as a sgt within the media police are normally all over like a rash.....

THE site identified by the Sky Blues to build a new stadium is the Butts Park Arena home of Coventry rugby club, the Observer can exclusively reveal.


Well-Known Member
The headline is not the misleading bit although I supposed after speaking to all the relevant people I suppose the headlined "hoped" may have been a bit more apt

The misleading bit is this bit

"THE site identified by the Sky Blues to build a new stadium is the Butts Park Arena home of Coventry rugby club, the Observer can exclusively reveal."

I haven't put the in capitals the article did. It implies this is 'THE' site

Personally for myself and many other this is quite significant and exciting news suggesting SISU have nailed it down to one site. That one site is actually in a better location than the Ricoh.

Few weeks later it transpires we have just had a look at this site like we have with many others and that's it.

Yes I am sure you were really excited - especially as you actually though it was on Pickford Green Lane, or Barker Butts Lane or Coundon Road.


Well-Known Member
Yes I am sure you were really excited - especially as you actually though it was on Pickford Green Lane, or Barker Butts Lane or Coundon Road.

Thought I already ruined that one for you by pointing out that I have played rugby for Baker Butts. I have been to Coundon Road stadium and spent a lot of time in the area of Baker Butts lane. I have also had the misfortune of attendng that makeshift ticket office in the BPA. Where it felt like I queuing to buy my tombola tickets not buying tickets for a CCFC.

Anyway you keep monitoring the media let's not have them producing anymore misleading articles in this sorry affair. This time though maybe look both directions before you cross the road


Well-Known Member
I just stated a fact didn't I? I didn't say plant, I just said coming and going. .

Weren't you accusing other members of having multiple accounts the other day?

Yes Grendel and Sickboy I have done for years I believe their terminology views opinions and writing style are too similar.
Pretty sure I was having a debate with grendel once and Sickboy answered the direct question as if he was Grendel. I remember taking the mick pointing out that he had answered me from the wrong account. I would struggle to dig it out now to be fair , when no doubt Grendel will ask me to.
I don't mind you having the balls just to say you think I am a plant. Always think it is a bit better to be straight up about these things. Then I can laugh even harder about it.


Well-Known Member
Anyway we are nicely off the point about the hypocrisy of some people jumping all over the CET for misleading stories then barely a squek from the same people when the Observer did the same thing. I am sure this is just blip and won't happen again
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Well-Known Member
To be fair I've always seen dongle as more of a vegetable than a plant.


Well-Known Member
Top of the league, unbeaten for two and a half months, best home record in the football league, divisions top scorer, brilliant goal difference...weird you weren't posting whilst all that was happening...

Anyway, off to the JSB party now.


Well-Known Member
The headline is not the misleading bit although I supposed after speaking to all the relevant people I suppose the headlined "hoped" may have been a bit more apt

The misleading bit is this bit

"THE site identified by the Sky Blues to build a new stadium is the Butts Park Arena home of Coventry rugby club, the Observer can exclusively reveal."

I haven't put the in capitals the article did. It implies this is 'THE' site

Personally for myself and many other this is quite significant and exciting news suggesting SISU have nailed it down to one site. That one site is actually in a better location than the Ricoh.

Few weeks later it transpires we have just had a look at this site like we have with many others and that's it.

CCFC have refused to confirm or deny that they are planning to build a stadium at The Butts. There is confirmation that it was discussed by the land owner, and that it wasn't taken further because of various problems. The headline was totally over the top. It did not even get to the initial planning stage. It was a non-runner. That is it. And yes CD, if you had a mint of money, you could build an underground carpark - or an over-the-road carpark. That is what the Landesmesse Baden-Würtemburg did by Stuttgart. They built the "Bosch Car Park" over the Autobahn for the trade-fair ground, thus creating parking space in fresh air. But it would have been easier just to have made a high bid for the Ricoh if you have so much money to blow.


Well-Known Member
Yes Grendel and Sickboy I have done for years I believe their terminology views opinions and writing style are too similar.
Pretty sure I was having a debate with grendel once and Sickboy answered the direct question as if he was Grendel. I remember taking the mick pointing out that he had answered me from the wrong account. I would struggle to dig it out now to be fair , when no doubt Grendel will ask me to.
I don't mind you having the balls just to say you think I am a plant. Always think it is a bit better to be straight up about these things. Then I can laugh even harder about it.

Now that you say it Sickboy does seem to turn up everytime Grendull is getting a hard time over his "facts" :thinking about:

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
I just don't get how the media police have not been all over this one.
This is the starting paragraph

THE site identified by the Sky Blues to build a new stadium is the Butts Park Arena home of Coventry rugby club, the Observer can exclusively reveal.

Note the word the is in capitals. Maybe it's just me but does this not imply that this is the site we will be build on and is 'the' site identified. Not one of the sites!

Come on media police get on your high horses this is a misleading article.

I appreciate it doesn't fit into the CET hate us and want to destabilise the club bracket but surely it's worth a bit of a pop.

Les is even producing further articles saying he has been proved right.

The always says that, on twitter he blocks anyone who offers a different opinion and retweets anyone who praises him. He appears oh so very keen on self publicity.


Well-Known Member
The always says that, on twitter he blocks anyone who offers a different opinion and retweets anyone who praises him. He appears oh so very keen on self publicity.

Simon Gilbert in the other hand seems very keen to keep a low profile.

The only publicity les Reid is getting is mainly from Martcov you and Dongle. Are you his agents?


Well-Known Member
Simon Gilbert in the other hand seems very keen to keep a low profile.

The only publicity les Reid is getting is mainly from Martcov you and Dongle. Are you his agents?

I had to release him from my books. Too busy with my four other jobs for the Council, ACL, CET and a PR company. Plus I am cooking for one extra now whilst Simon hides out at my house


Well-Known Member
I had to release him from my books. Too busy with my four other jobs for the Council, ACL, CET and a PR company. Plus I am cooking for one extra now whilst Simon hides out at my house
It wouldn't surprise me tbh. We've been doing brilliantly for a couple of months and you've been nowhere to be seen. Some sort of ethics meeting or court case is on the horizon and you're all over the forum like a rash.
You're either a plant or a strange twat.


Well-Known Member
Top of the league, unbeaten for two and a half months, best home record in the football league, divisions top scorer, brilliant goal difference...weird you weren't posting whilst all that was happening...

Anyway, off to the JSB party now.
Aren't you a tad old Torch? Not sure you can keep getting away with wearing short trousers forever.


Well-Known Member
It wouldn't surprise me tbh. We've been doing brilliantly for a couple of months and you've been nowhere to be seen. Some sort of ethics meeting or court case is on the horizon and you're all over the forum like a rash.
You're either a plant or a strange twat.

Abuse and the old plant line. Both tell me all I need to know ..........
Last time I looked we are doing pretty bloody well at the moment


CCFC Finance Director
This is one of the entries in the CCC strategic housing plan 2011 - 2031


Site Name: Land around the rugby stadium,
between the Butts and railway line
Site Ref:
Site Area Gross
(ha): 1.72
Site Location Plan
Over culvert TPOs b
Contaminated Land Conservation Area
Nature Designation Listed or Local List
Archaeological Merit Flood Concerns
Other: Need to mitigate the proximity to the railway line and ensure that a
suitable environment is created with the existing uses on adjoining sites.
Scheme is likely to involve a mixed use development including leisure, car
parking facilities and an active frontage to the Butts. The provision of
residential development must complement the existing uses and should not
undermine the location of the rugby stadium. Flood concerns are to the far
north of the site, but not within it.
Indicative Density
Site specific density relates to outline proposals as part of the initial
redevelopment of the site.
Potential Delivery Timeframe
Medium term
Potential number of units (net)
Viability Assessment
Site viability is expected to require stronger market conditions linked to
higher density development proposals
Site Assessment Overview
Previous planning permission on site has deemed residential development as
suitable. Site is currently clear, vacant and available now for development.
Site representations have been made through previous consultation; however
delivery of the site is likely to require a stronger market and is more likely to
link in with adjacent on going developments at the former college site.
Include in SHLAA as a mixed use opportunity


Well-Known Member
Cheers OSB! that should put that rumour to bed then


Doesn;t that mean it's being used to expand the Butts / car parking / frontage and a mixed use development?


Well-Known Member
Waiting for a stronger market to build houses?

Fuck me, houses about the only thing that make money in this shittily lop-sided economy.
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