All very good points but they are a legacy left over from when we "were" part of the Warwickshire.
When applying for jobs you will always put in West Midlands because on all sites they list Coventry and Warwickshire as being based in the West Midlands
This doesn't take away the fact that Warwickshire is its own County.
Interesting fact. The term "SHIRES" goes back to the time of William the Conqurer! The county was named by selecting the city (or town) that lay at the heart of that county e.g. Lincolnshire = Lincoln , Warwickshire = Warwick, Derbyshire = Derby & Leicestershire = Leicester etc). Learnt that while i was working at Warwick Castle. Was doing my research for the King Maker exhibit lol
Another interesting fact to note is that Warwick University is actually a university of Coventry, not of Warwickshire so Coventry has two University within its boarders lol! We're a greedy lot!
Ah! I stand corrected lol
You actually have to pay a little more if your getting a single fair from Cov to Leam or vice versa. BUT if you get a regular £3.60 daysaver from Coventry, there is no extra charge lol
Doesn't work the same way if your going to Birmingham though, you have to pay an extra 20p on the daysaver (or 10p for a single) when going either way lol
I'm full of useless facts i know but hey i like it this way
