CET: Nene park a potential new "home" (1 Viewer)

Mucca Mad Boys

Well-Known Member
Yes I agree about the initial insistence on negotiation but that was prior to the court order and now a deadline. Its now time to be realistic if they actually want to complete a deal.

Idea is, IMO, is to get ACL to the negotiation table (now we have to negotiate) and come to agreement, we want 200k, ACL want 400k, I reckon they'd (SISU/TF etc.) settle for 300k as that is realistic.

We have to remember there are little details have to be agreed as well, if SISU just accepted 400k like that, they may regret it.

For example, we still have to pay the debt we owe, but SISU are saying, no, that rate is too high, we'll agree a new price and back date, as well as having match day revenue.

All of which cuts costs, so if we get promoted, the losses we've made would be made up. Assuming if we got promoted or were top of the league, or thereabouts, our attendances would increase, thus more revenue and so on.


Well-Known Member
We have a better record away from 'home' anyway. What's the issue? Points, points, points!

Those Sisu folk are clever little so and so's.....:whistle:


New Member
Just a thought but for SISU to get their investors money back then the club has to stay at the Ricoh. They wont get the money back from the "profits" :facepalm: from playing at Nene Park. They need to get hold of the stadium to recoup their money. If they move out all ties between CCFC and Ricoh Arena will be severed. Doesnt seem to be a great plan to move out really?

Only way they could possibly keep any control would be to buy the loan from Yorkshire Bank (there is a market in such things) then engineer circumstances to call it in. Would cost them up to £15m (estimated balance on loan)to do that. That would be a concern for ACL but then perhaps ACL realise this and are taking steps to avoid it

OSB, this has always been their endgame, FACT, from the inside.

Mucca Mad Boys

Well-Known Member
OSB, this has always been their endgame, FACT, from the inside.

Wouldn't anyone who would take over CCFC want to own the RICOH? So what's the big deal with SISU being able to get a share? I'm pretty sure ACL would safeguard the club. Honest question(s).

Mucca Mad Boys

Well-Known Member
Sisu want the Ricoh, CCFC is secondary

But how are SISU different to any other similar investors? Secondly, how is that necessarily bad, they want RICOH, but to get to there, they need a successful CCFC.

As I said in the previous post, ACL would surely safeguard the club. Realistically, we can only get 50% share now anyway, the council won't sell up, too much money for the, to give up.


Well-Known Member
Is this the time. Where we switch again. SISU are nasty bastards again because if they went through with this they would be shafting us, this time.

ie back to the hypocrisy, they shaft a charity with their tactics it is not a problem if it benefits CCFC (for some)

They now potentially shaft us with their tactics and it is now f off SISU you nasty bastards.
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Well-Known Member
When was the last time we believe what the fucking Telegraph told us. Bloody comical


New Member
Is there any chance that Nene Park could be transplanted to the Coventry area, and expanded to allow more space?


Well-Known Member
Club Statement Issued
Coventry City have issued a statement regarding an alternative playing venue if a deal with Arena Coventry Limited over the amount of rent, the Sky Blues as tenants are expected to pay, cannot be agreed.
As mentioned on this site on Saturday, local radio stations and elsewhere, City have checked out Nene Park in Northamptonshire, the home of now defunct Rushden & Diamonds FC as one alternative.
City's statement is as follows:
“Following the issuing of a statutory demand by ACL last week the board of directors of CCFC will, first and foremost, continue to work hard at bringing about a resolution regarding the rent dispute with ACL that will enable the football club to remain at the Ricoh Arena.
“However, in the interim period, they must consider other alternative and appropriate venues which are affordable for a football club to ensure CCFC fulfil their future fixtures.
"The club has therefore commenced the sensible process of making contact with other football clubs to evaluate if their stadiums meet our requirements should negotiations with ACL fail to reach a mutually agreed position on the rent with the result that CCFC is forced to move away from the Ricoh to a new venue.”


Well-Known Member
Being 40+ miles away I would think this contravenes the FA rule that they put in when Wimbledon got shafted, that you cannot move a club outside the conurbation that gave the club its name????


Well-Known Member
Well, personally I don't see it happening. Heads need to be knocked together and put this whole situation to bed once and for all. However if it did as other have mentioned there are so many negatives the big losers would be the football club and us battered fans, who seem to go from one crisis to another.

Firstly the season ticket holders, how would they accomodate them, I beleive Nene only holds 6,500. Second are we actually allowed to move mid season. Third we would lose more gate receipts. Forth would I travel and extra 90 mile on top of the 200 I already do for home games, not sure to be honest.


Well-Known Member
Going to cost the club surely.

A lot of people will be wanting money back on the ST's. They either pay that back or end up with thousands of very irate fans.

If we move to Nene Park I won't be going. I wouldn't be able to go.

They are truly idiots in charge of this club. Doing something like this is snubbing their noses at ACL.

But it is also their snubbing their noses at the fans. They must be too dumb to realise this though.

Just read through CCFC Customer Charter 2012/13. In the section about ticketing it says " 3.12 No refunds will be issued on season tickets"


Well-Known Member
Only half the mugs on here would even begin to believe that pile of shite about moving to Nene Park.

CCFC have got restricted bargaining power if they can't present any alternative to staying at the Ricoh, surely you understand that.


Well-Known Member
True. I am known as Torcho "1D" Matic.


No actually I have the ability to see two sides to an argument. Your the sort of one dimensional football supporter that gets the rest of us a bad name. The sort where their club can do no wrong.


New Member
Does it matter that - in doing so - they also scaremonger us, the fans?

There are many for whom their football and their team is a really important factor in their life. Those who maybe haven't got cars, who walk to the games, or use public transport. Those who have invested - within their comparative income - heavily on season tickets and for whom a 90-mile round trip is an impossibility. Does it matter what they think right now, so long as old floppy-hair gets what he wants?

Don't be scared mate. Everything will be just fine. I promise.


Well-Known Member
exactly who at the club issued that statement,
we've started listing the sisu ideas / actions, that have been proffered,
i.e. text a sub, orange one on the bench, onye's regular contact with fans, etc.,
think we should have a sisu profanasaurus


New Member
FL Rule on groundsharing
Threat's by Coventry City's Board to play matches at Rushden & Diamonds and Kettering Town's former Nene Park home are in contrast to Football League regulations.
City, last week checked out the prospect of playing matches at Nene Park which is some forty five miles from Coventry. However, Football League Rule 13.4 states:
"Ground sharing will only be approved at the discretion of the Board. The Board will not generally approve any ground-sharing arrangement where the club plays its matches outside the conurbation, as defined by the Board, from which the Club takes its name or with which it is otherwise traditionally associated."*
City would also fall foul of rule 13.7.3; "would not adversely affect such Club's Officials, players, supporters, shareholders, sponsors and others having an interest in its activities;"*


New Member
FL Rule on groundsharing
Threat's by Coventry City's Board to play matches at Rushden & Diamonds and Kettering Town's former Nene Park home are in contrast to Football League regulations.
City, last week checked out the prospect of playing matches at Nene Park which is some forty five miles from Coventry. However, Football League Rule 13.4 states:
"Ground sharing will only be approved at the discretion of the Board. The Board will not generally approve any ground-sharing arrangement where the club plays its matches outside the conurbation, as defined by the Board, from which the Club takes its name or with which it is otherwise traditionally associated."*
City would also fall foul of rule 13.7.3; "would not adversely affect such Club's Officials, players, supporters, shareholders, sponsors and others having an interest in its activities;"*
The FL's priority is for a club to complete its fixtures, if we are locked out Nene Park may be the best solution for the FL.


New Member
It will never happen, nowadays (As in Rotherhams recent case) you have to pay a half million pound bond, and promoise to be back in your 'own' town withing 5 years, or something like that.

Not many would travel, the club would lose money, surely!


The soothsayer

New Member
This pathetic bluff is fooling nobody. Is there no end to the foolish incomptence of these clowns sisu. this kind of extortion should never be rewarded. How the hell anybody is dumb enough to invest any funds with sisu is beyond me.


Well-Known Member
No more pathetic than ACL saying they could survive without the football club.

This pathetic bluff is fooling nobody. Is there no end to the foolish incomptence of these clowns sisu. this kind of extortion should never be rewarded. How the hell anybody is dumb enough to invest any funds with sisu is beyond me.

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