@Nick is correct, the traffic used to flow really well down Coundon Road and Barker butts lane, now it's stop start, extra set of traffic lights, side roads are a night mare to pull out from, Bablake school is horrendous around drop off/pick up times. The council have made a right mess of it, but I generally think it's the correct thing to do, they just need to do it properly. I think long term, I think the council would be best off buying all the houses along one side of all the main roads and just knocking them down and buying proper cycle infrastructure.
I also think the council should have a long term project in mind for things like solar and wind. Maybe for the next 5 years, charge each household an extra £5 a month with all the proceeds going into a wind farm on the edge of the city. Have the city supplied by our own energy and slowly expand it until all energy needs are covered in the city and surrounding areas, potentially sell it back to the grid and knock it off the council tax in later years.