the international team represents the entire country.
On past performances, the Country would be wise to distance itself from the football team
the international team represents the entire country.
On past performances, the Country would be wise to distance itself from the football team
What I don't get with England fans is that they will slag players off week in week out in the Premiership then cheer them when they put an England shirt on. I don't think there is too much honour in playing for England nowadays. Going by how piss poor THEY* are.
The England attitude annoys me. The expectation that they are a big side who somehow deserve success. Still going on about '66 and all that nearly fifty years later. It would be unbearable if England actually won something, but that is never likely to happen.
*I put "they" as they're not my team.
Each and every to their own I guess.
Do think people may well change their minds though should England ever win anything. It would the party to end all parties. A whole nation in unison and I think the feel good factor could well carry on for quite some time. Would give the whole country such a boost and we'd all be feeling so much better about ourselves.
I just think an England win would be so much bigger than just the football.
So you would genuinely get more of a buzz if Rooney, Cole, Gerrard etc were to win the Euros than if a bunch of mainly local kids won promotion for Coventry next season? I am gobsmacked, but like you say, each to their own.
Totally understand that feeling.
No ground, owners that don't give a shit about us and many players seemingly behaving in the same vein.
It's been nothing but pain for many, many years.
With me being a City supporter, but also a proud Englishman living in Wales for the past 25 years, I would have to say country.
I love living here and most of the people are friendly enough, but I do get fed up with the small-minded vitriolic spite that I get whenever England are participating in either the WC or Euro finals. It's always the same old shite.
1. You always go on about 1966 (what.....???)
2. You always reckon you're better than you are (never in a million years - the vast majority of England fans know that we are average and have been for a while)
3. You always reckon you're going to win the thing (we've got no chance - and have had no chance of winning anything for a long time)
4. BBC/ITV are ALWAYS banging on about England when they're covering another game (yes - England do often get a mention, say during half-time, but I expect it would be the same for any other home nation if they qualified. England just happen to be the only home nation in the finals (again!). I'm sure German TV mention any news on their their own national team when they're covering another game. Same with all the other participating nations)
It would just give me a lot of pleasure to see England win something and shut them up.
I just hope one day that Wales qualifies for a major finals tournament and they can concentrate on their own team, instead of always cheering on "whoever's playing against England". Perhaps they will just see what it's like to enjoy the "buzz" of following their nation in a major finals - win, lose or draw.
Scotland are the leicester of international football
The thing that most Scottish and Welsh fans hate about England is the unbelievable arrogance. For instance you invented football, yes the FA was the first to be founded and the first to decided the rules but football was played all over Britain for centuries and the way it's played today i.e you can pass forwards, 4-4-2 formation instead of 2 defenders and eight up front was originally pioneered by teams like Queen of the South, Queens Park, Aberdeen etc. Also you all seem to believe that Britain = England, hence flying the Union Jack at England games, advertisments and television reminding people to support England throughtout the whole of the U.K, singing the "RAF from England" constantly going on about the Second World War as if you won it single handed, by the way it always makes me laugh that England fans think they have a massive rivalry with Germany. 1966 is ALWAYS fucking mentioned and, although attitudes have changed at this Euro's you always think you're a massive footballing power who deserves to win it.
Yes Scotland are piss poor but at least we know we are.
I'm English, nearly all my friends are English and over the years I must have worked with hundreds and hundreds of England fans. Don't know where you get your info from but no-one hardly ever talked about 66 if at all, almost certainly all but never mentioned the war and like me most of them couldn't give a rats arse about the Union Jack. And most certainly people hardly ever talked about us winning anything.
It's always been the English press that have built up our expectations. England fans are always a lot more realistic.
Think you are getting mixed up maybe with banter and people just winding you up. Of course a conversation between England and Scotland fans is going to end up with a bit of ribbing on both sides. You're probably taking things too seriously.
Most England fans don't believe or bang on about anything you have alluded to above.
While arrogant tossers like Rooney are wearing the 3 Lions I will always put CCFC 1st.
Cov then Homeland!
How so? Lots of money? Get bigger crowds than us? Or do Scotland hate Nottingham Forest aswell?
The thing that most Scottish and Welsh fans hate about England is the unbelievable arrogance. For instance you invented football, yes the FA was the first to be founded and the first to decided the rules but football was played all over Britain for centuries and the way it's played today i.e you can pass forwards, 4-4-2 formation instead of 2 defenders and eight up front was originally pioneered by teams like Queen of the South, Queens Park, Aberdeen etc. Also you all seem to believe that Britain = England, hence flying the Union Jack at England games, advertisments and television reminding people to support England throughtout the whole of the U.K, singing the "RAF from England" constantly going on about the Second World War as if you won it single handed, by the way it always makes me laugh that England fans think they have a massive rivalry with Germany. 1966 is ALWAYS fucking mentioned and, although attitudes have changed at this Euro's you always think you're a massive footballing power who deserves to win it.
Yes Scotland are piss poor but at least we know we are.