Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (63 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
I ain't bothered about Boris or conservatives, I am how ever bothered about corbyn and his stance to go against the British people and scrap the referendum results, that's why they got my vote this time around, and honestly if Labour don't sort there shit they will get it next time around aswell.
Corbyn has wanted out of the EU longer than you've been alive I'm gonna guess.


Well-Known Member
I used to live in Sweden.

The general consensus over there is not of them owning their policies. I've seen one or two people come out (like one of the posts above), but they generally are standing fairly firm on what they've done.

At this point I'm not saying it is right or wrong, I'm completely disillusioned by it all and think something still doesn't add up to be honest. But for sure the swedes generally aren't very accepting that they've made a catastrophic mistake or anything like that.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
I used to live in Sweden.

The general consensus over there is not of them owning their policies. I've seen one or two people come out (like one of the posts above), but they generally are standing fairly firm on what they've done.

At this point I'm not saying it is right or wrong, I'm completely disillusioned by it all and think something still doesn't add up to be honest. But for sure the swedes generally aren't very accepting that they've made a catastrophic mistake or anything like that.

You'd never ever get even close to this in this country

Ministers kept talking about our success even when are numbers were appalling and I'm fairly sure they never took responsibility for covid patients being returned to care homes. That's just for starters.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
You'd never ever get even close to this in this country

Ministers kept talking about our success even when are numbers were appalling and I'm fairly sure they never took responsibility for covid patients being returned to care homes. That's just for starters.

The most we've got is Hancock saying they lost control of the virus. Even then he'll pin that on something else


Well-Known Member
Fekkin got it for Christmas. Had test at Ricoh yesterday and just found out. Typical, worked right throughout lockdown helping keep others safe with sanitation stations and screens etc, now looking forward to break and seeing family and can't go! Plenty others worse in hospital I know, but still majorly pissed off!
Just don't croak it and you'd be fine even if you did these lot be like "it ain't that bad".


Well-Known Member
You'd never ever get even close to this in this country

Ministers kept talking about our success even when are numbers were appalling and I'm fairly sure they never took responsibility for covid patients being returned to care homes. That's just for starters.
Back to normal by Xmas, said Boris.


Well-Known Member
It seems like it.

If the new Strain was known about in September like they have said then why would they not mention it then and lockdown at that point?

It all seemed nicely timed.
Sort of what I was thinking. I do stress it was his wife said it and not him. Not saying she’s prone to exaggeration but I haven’t talked to him in yonks because he’s basically not stopped work all year working 7 day weeks and 12+ hours a day, don’t think he’s taken a single days holiday either. Which was why I was interested in what FP had heard.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of test and trace I see they're now reaching 92% of contacts. Not at all related to changing the counting method.

This is good news (assuming correct). The counting method changes are sensible and should’ve been implemented sooner. From what I’ve read, now they aren’t trying to contact every separate member of the household. Previously this led to numerous calls to the same household especially when kids were involved, which I’m guessing led to ignoring of calls etc, presumably impacting tracing percentages.

The system is kind of irrelevant anyway if only c20% properly self isolate but let’s hope more people properly follow the reduced self isolation periods and Track and Trace continue to do what they’re paid to do


Well-Known Member
This is good news (assuming correct). The counting method changes are sensible and should’ve been implemented sooner. From what I’ve read, now they aren’t trying to contact every separate member of the household. Previously this led to numerous calls to the same household especially when kids were involved, which I’m guessing led to ignoring of calls etc, presumably impacting tracing percentages.

The system is kind of irrelevant anyway if only c20% properly self isolate but let’s hope more people properly follow the reduced self isolation periods and Track and Trace continue to do what they’re paid to do
Regarding kids we’ve only ever been contacted by the school, not track and trace. If that’s common to all schools I suspect that the kid excuse is somewhat of a red herring and more likely that they’re counting the schools track and trace as their own and adding to the numbers to make them look better. Sceptical I know but this government has worked hard to deserve scepticism.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
This is good news (assuming correct). The counting method changes are sensible and should’ve been implemented sooner. From what I’ve read, now they aren’t trying to contact every separate member of the household. Previously this led to numerous calls to the same household especially when kids were involved, which I’m guessing led to ignoring of calls etc, presumably impacting tracing percentages.

The system is kind of irrelevant anyway if only c20% properly self isolate but let’s hope more people properly follow the reduced self isolation periods and Track and Trace continue to do what they’re paid to do

I don't think that's right Steve because every member of a household doesn't have to isolate so they only contact the person who has been named by the infected person. As far as I'm aware and in my experience, it's always been like that.


Well-Known Member
I don't think that's right Steve because every member of a household doesn't have to isolate so they only contact the person who has been named by the infected person. As far as I'm aware and in my experience, it's always been like that.
I think you’re right CD. When our kids have been told they have to self isolate (by the school, not track and trace) it’s only the one child and no adults that have to self isolate. Both my kids have had to have one round of self isolating, both in the same school and not once has the school said the sibling should also be off and not once were either myself or my wife contacted by track and trace and told to self isolate. And I believe that’s 100% to the guidelines too.


Well-Known Member
Fekkin got it for Christmas. Had test at Ricoh yesterday and just found out. Typical, worked right throughout lockdown helping keep others safe with sanitation stations and screens etc, now looking forward to break and seeing family and can't go! Plenty others worse in hospital I know, but still majorly pissed off!

Get well soon. And don’t scare us by taking any internet breaks until you’re better!


Well-Known Member
Pass I like they way it's type, I am correct though she is a spastic, c**t can't even count to 4.

You're a very nice person, with a much greater understanding of politics than the little sound bites you bleat suggest. It's just a shame someone has shuffled all the keys on your keyboard around, otherwise I'm sure we'd get on.


Well-Known Member
I don't think that's right Steve because every member of a household doesn't have to isolate so they only contact the person who has been named by the infected person. As far as I'm aware and in my experience, it's always been like that.

The percentage Dave posted (and where they changed the counting method) was close contact tracing. Im not an avid Mirror reader but here’s a link (first google result)

My additional comment was separate and about number of people fully self isolating ie what’s the point in us spending vast sums tracking and tracing and then people don’t isolate anyway. Probably wasnt clear but think both points are correct
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Well-Known Member
Regarding kids we’ve only ever been contacted by the school, not track and trace. If that’s common to all schools I suspect that the kid excuse is somewhat of a red herring and more likely that they’re counting the schools track and trace as their own and adding to the numbers to make them look better. Sceptical I know but this government has worked hard to deserve scepticism.

Im not sure about schools Tony. My understanding is that the change in counting method was more about say a household (mum, dad, three kids) had been in contact with someone with Covid, it appears that track and trace would previously try and call/contact all five of them separately, now it sounds like they’d just speak to mum or dad and tick the box

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
" Official figures show the UK has recorded 36,804 new daily cases of COVID-19 and a further 691 deaths following a positive test "


Well-Known Member
Thx all. Feel ok, obviously annoyed at no family contact but in hindsight a smalll price to pay for them all to be ok. As for symptoms I actually feel ok. No energy and pretty lethargic, but assumed a it down to working hard for months, it was the loss of smell that encourage me to get tested. Otherwise fairly symptom free and certainly no pain etc or not yet. Hopefully remains like this.


Well-Known Member
" Official figures show the UK has recorded 36,804 new daily cases of COVID-19 and a further 691 deaths following a positive test "

A few hours ago the BBC posted a story about how deaths were going down. The current death count trend is something that seems to be bucking the experts opinion - that there's a 2 or 3 week lag between cases and deaths. 3 weeks ago were about to leave lockdown and cases were half what we are now reporting so the death rate shouldn't really be ramping up for a week or two.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
The percentage Dave posted (and where they changed the counting method) was close contact tracing. Im not an avid Mirror reader but here’s a link (first google result)

My additional comment was separate and about number of people fully self isolating ie what’s the point in us spending vast sums tracking and tracing and then people don’t isolate anyway. Probably wasnt clear but think both points are correct

Got ya. They were counting every member I thought you meant they were contacting every member


Well-Known Member
I'm sure the media are trying to get everybody scared about the "mutant covid".

All the science boffins appear genuinely concerned about the spread of new strain but agree, the media, like throughout the pandemic, love to whip up further panic ! Like they have done with the French port border issue - whilst we might run out of certain items of fruit/veg for a short period we aren’t going to starve, however, they then cause panic buying which leads of stock shortages of other unrelated items ie bog rolls !!!

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Previously tried to contact every household member (even kids), now contacting one person and counting whole household as contacted.

think that’s right anyway

Now I haven't got ya! They definitely weren't contacting every house hold member previously.
Unless we're going back months


Well-Known Member
Now I haven't got ya! They definitely weren't contacting every house hold member previously.
Unless we're going back months

Haha, I’m only relaying what I’d read (could be wrong !!!) If the whole household had been in contact with the Covid person and they each had their details provided to track and trace (or I’m guessing all of their details were individually picked up by the app), it sounds like track and trace would try to contact each of them individually. That’s what the articles have been saying. Whether they did, who knows.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
A few hours ago the BBC posted a story about how deaths were going down. The current death count trend is something that seems to be bucking the experts opinion - that there's a 2 or 3 week lag between cases and deaths. 3 weeks ago were about to leave lockdown and cases were half what we are now reporting so the death rate shouldn't really be ramping up for a week or two.

You can't say there's a lag as most people don't die on the day they are reported.


Well-Known Member
You can't say there's a lag as most people don't die on the day they are reported.
The lag between cases and deaths is longer than 3 weeks. Cases to hospitalisations is 2-3 weeks at least and deaths are a week or two more. There will be a few days of 1k + deaths in the first week or two of January at least

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
The lag between cases and deaths is longer than 3 weeks. Cases to hospitalisations is 2-3 weeks at least and deaths are a week or two more. There will be a few days of 1k + deaths in the first week or two of January at least

also yesterdays deaths had people who had died at the start of November

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