Doubled down primary school parents should send them to school apart from London and south east
Schools are safe
Risks tiny
To pupils and staff! Don’t see how he can say that
Saga can’t open schools and on top of new variant
Johnson says evidence not clear - he’s waiting to see if it’s going to work. He’s such an idiot
Driven by public health. He doesn’t accept schools need to be shut to get on top of it
Talking long term damages mental health deprivation etc other consequences
What’s he going to do to Brighton? No legal action this time
No doubt in his mind schools are safe
He says we’ve kept them open!!!! He hasn’t - teachers have
He’s still in hopeful optimism mode - tit he doesn’t learn
Local authority’s are going there own way. He doesn’t accept this and for public health reasons they should keep primary schools open
Again we are ramping up testing - who is we?? He’s not testing anything
Few weeks and months before vaccine is in place.
Will they open on. 18th? Can’t guarantee it.
Exam question now. Need to be realistic about spread of new variant. Didnt really answer about exams. Maybe tougher in different areas of the country using the same set of tools
Tier 5? Obviously a range of tougher measures but he’s not going to speculate about them
57000 cases today so when ?? Pm very difficult months. Bumbling now and didn’t answer exams
Tougher restrictions not yet!! Knob head
Vaccines thought 30m then down to 4m
He didn’t know the numbers ready to go but it wasn’t anywhere near that much.
Need to be 2m a week - praised the Astra Zeneca vaccine but didn’t give assurances of getting to this point. Everyone working flat out. Promised tens of millions in the next few months
Talk about how we got here
July -,report in the winter. Have you read it? Danger of mutation - warned in advance - stop community transmission and we didn’t
Be clear the government has done everything it could but new variant has messed everything up.
He’s now talking about lockdown all year. Marr being pretty good on this show.
He’s pretty much saying the deaths were a price to pay for keeping the economy going. He’s probably right
Blaming the mutation but marr had already pointed out the report said this was sensible to consider
He really doesn’t want to act he’s a hopeless optimist. He’s challenged him now saying he’s waiting too long each time
He’s saying yes really they are reticent to lockdown