Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (67 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Finally, we also are where we are. We are currently in a situation where people are ignoring government advice; going to pubs, socialising, panic buying etc which I believe will ultimately lead to a lock down. Do I think the government planned or want a lock down, no, but they are probably going to have to use it as a measure

If I do not come into work (office) I will not get paid, I can not afford to self isolate for 2 weeks or more.

With no official "You must stay at home", there's not much anyone can do.


Well-Known Member
It's pretty certain they covered this up for some time. October/November is not unreasonable as a start date in China (and many probably had it before anyone even realised it wasn't a standard flu type virus).

I certainly think they've covered it up for some time as they didn't want their position as the No.2 economy in the world to be compromised. Their position as THE manufacturing giant is going to be hugely affected as over the next couple of years as you will see a growing trend of countless companies moving their production to other emerging markets or spreading their supply chains across multiple countries as they want to mitigate the risk to them.

Many companies have already done this due to the US-China trade war and labour prices rising significantly so if anything IMO I think the Coronavirus outbreak was an excuse rather than a sole reason for companies making a swift exit - and the Chinese government probably knew this hence why they covered it up as they realised pretty quickly how countries and businesses would react if they knew the real numbers and how it was going to affect the country if the WHO got a whiff of it.

Might sound a bit tin foil hat but that's my opinion anyway.


Well-Known Member
If I do not come into work (office) I will not get paid, I can not afford to self isolate for 2 weeks or more.

With no official "You must stay at home", there's not much anyone can do.

Can you not work from home? What are management saying? Ours have gone from “over my dead body” to “set yourself up at home for months” in a matter of days.


Well-Known Member
Can you not work from home? What are management saying? Ours have gone from “over my dead body” to “set yourself up at home for months” in a matter of days.

We can sort of, it would be difficult but it is possible, but our CEO is stubborn to let us, as we "can't be trusted".

It's gone from Monday "Nothing to worry about" to today which is "Nothing to worry about".

Or 2 weeks unpaid leave which obviously is no help either....


Well-Known Member
Finally, we also are where we are. We are currently in a situation where people are ignoring government advice; going to pubs, socialising, panic buying etc which I believe will ultimately lead to a lock down. Do I think the government planned or want a lock down, no, but they are probably going to have to use it as a measure
I think that’s a very fair statement to make Steve. A lot of employers just don’t get it and are pressuring people to come into work when they should be isolating and people just generally acting like dicks will be the ultimate reason for a lockdown.


Well-Known Member
If I do not come into work (office) I will not get paid, I can not afford to self isolate for 2 weeks or more.

With no official "You must stay at home", there's not much anyone can do.

Wasnt aimed at workers mate ! That’s essential and whilst I love a beer and night out with my mates, that’s probably not quite the same

also not aimed at going to shops etc. people need to live


Well-Known Member
Wasnt aimed at workers mate ! That’s essential and whilst I love a beer and night out with my mates, that’s probably not quite the same

also not aimed at going to shops etc. people need to live

Sorry, I meant to say, is their much difference to me being in and around people in town/work, to going to the pub with 10 or so people in there?


Well-Known Member
If it has and it works then fine but I’d be very surprised

I believe it has along with a few other drugs at the same time, saw something from a medical bod on Twitter yesterday with proper study details but can’t find it now.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
David, I have a rule that I won't engage with a fool and I have given you benefit of the doubt but it's really becoming clear that I am breaking my own rule.
If you want to stop.talki g to a fool you really need to stop doing your impression of that scene from taxi driver.

I'll leave you to "your" facts

Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
The flatten the curve thing has been confusing. We were never going to do absolutely nothing. From what I can gather, the original plan was to cocoon the vulnerable and hope the rest wouldn’t topple the NHS. Personally I’d have thought even fag packet maths shows that’d destroy the NHS, but regardless it seems the Imperial paper provided some numbers that changed minds to a stronger suppression.

I suspect two or three things at play:

Boris is a liberal and would personally hate to have to have troops on the streets keeping people in their homes. I worry this is still stopping him from taking the steps necessary

Cummings likes “clever” ideas that imply he’s smart and everyone else is stupid which lead to us not going in the obvious direction of suppression.

There’s a Tory mindset about the economy that means that shutting it down is seen as impossible, you see it in this thread. Just incapable of comprehending the scale of the situation and an assumption there must be some way to do it without economic damage. That was naive.

The final fuck up for me has been the communication that’s meant people have genuinely thought herd immunity or let her rip we’re policy and others thinking the current instructions are just friendly advice they don’t have to follow if they don’t want. That’s absolutely criminal in a crisis and for me shows this administration simply isn’t up to the job of running the country. But they’re who we’ve got so I’ll park that one until it’s all over. They still need to sort it out though, communication and trust are absolutely key to their new plan.

Worth watching this (no politicians, just the chief scientific and medical officer - although some might argue Cummings is hidden under the desk telling them how to respond - only kidding !!!)

I recommend anyone who wants to understand a bit more about steps taken/being taken, should watch this. If they are wrong they are wrong, but these guys appear to know what they are talking about. 10 mins to 25mins in particular are useful. Not had the chance to watch all

Ps includes a bit on measuring death rates for the graph debaters ; )


Well-Known Member
Some people on twitter are suggesting the softly softly advice is to provoke such behaviour and make it look like the draconian power grab is for the country's own good. The advice from Johnson has been wishy washy at best. He's even got his own dickhead father undermining him.

Finally, we also are where we are. We are currently in a situation where people are ignoring government advice; going to pubs, socialising, panic buying etc which I believe will ultimately lead to a lock down. Do I think the government planned or want a lock down, no, but they are probably going to have to use it as a measure

Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
Some people on twitter are suggesting the softly softly advice is to provoke such behaviour and make it look like the draconian power grab is for the country's own good. The advice from Johnson has been wishy washy at best. He's even got his own dickhead father undermining him.

There is a lot of that going around, with many proposing that at least a portion of the "emergency powers" will stay in place long after this has been resolved.


Well-Known Member
Well this is worrying... (taken from elsewhere)

Spain numbers today : +2,378 cases and +129 deaths

Spain’s March 12th numbers were 869 new cases and 31 deaths.

Remember they locked down on the equivalent to our Sunday coming up (AM) .

Our numbers today need to be under their March 12th numbers above when announced, and we need to be in lockdown by Saturday at the latest.

Source: Coronavirus Update (Live): 231,203 Cases and 9,390 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer

If not, we will, according to the data trends and the assumption Spain will overtake Italy from now on for total deaths, be well on track to have the most coronavirus deaths on the planet.

We also have 20m more people than Spain. And a population density of 251/sq km to 93/sq km.


Well-Known Member
I think that’s a very fair statement to make Steve. A lot of employers just don’t get it and are pressuring people to come into work when they should be isolating and people just generally acting like dicks will be the ultimate reason for a lockdown.

It's because the government advice has been up to now permissive at best. My employer has only today proactively came out and said it wants people to work from home.


Well-Known Member
Yes a total lockdown as soon as China was symptomatic. Ground all flights unless it's for people being repatriated and quarantined. It would have stopped this virus spreading at source. It would have damaged the global economy but people would have been able to be productive to an extent within their own country. Let's face it the economy has been trashed anyway but rather than one hit it's been 1000 lashes.

But the thing we don't know is if it will re-emerge there after the lockdown is lifted and restrictions eased? They could well face a second wave. As one of the models showed a lockdown is only as strong as its weakest point and it will inevitably let some through as people require food/medicine etc to be brought in from outside the lockdown area.

But even then I take any info from China with a massive amount of salt anyway.


Well-Known Member
Well this is worrying... (taken from elsewhere)

Spain numbers today : +2,378 cases and +129 deaths

Spain’s March 12th numbers were 869 new cases and 31 deaths.

Remember they locked down on the equivalent to our Sunday coming up (AM) .

Our numbers today need to be under their March 12th numbers above when announced, and we need to be in lockdown by Saturday at the latest.

Source: Coronavirus Update (Live): 231,203 Cases and 9,390 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer

If not, we will, according to the data trends and the assumption Spain will overtake Italy from now on for total deaths, be well on track to have the most coronavirus deaths on the planet.

We also have 20m more people than Spain. And a population density of 251/sq km to 93/sq km.

In fairness, the cases are concentrated in the densely populated parts though (Barcelona and Madrid), so overall population density is a bit of a misnomer.

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