Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (7 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Have job actually listened to what he says ?!

what do you mean shown up ? The premier league (with EFL following) has made a decision for themselves not the fans. Do you believe if arteta, Hudson-odoi and others that aren’t available and teams werent in self isolation, they would’ve suspended fixtures ?!

By shown up I mean they've basically ignored the government's advice and taken a decision themselves, that will cost them tens/hundreds of millions of pounds, because they clearly don't trust the government's recommendations and think it's safer for everyone (players, fans, whoever) to cancel/postpone.


Well-Known Member
By shown up I mean they've basically ignored the government's advice and taken a decision themselves, that will cost them tens/hundreds of millions of pounds, because they clearly don't trust the government's recommendations and think it's safer for everyone to cancel/postpone.

They’ve taken the decision upon themselves as they were having to cancel games due to players not being available and clubs self isolating.

Ps do have a watch of the press conferences you get the time free as it’s useful context. As someone has just indicated this is a football forum page so will jump off now as my posts are all about coronavirus and not football.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
What? I'm not just reading the headlines. I have done plenty of reading on the subject and my opinion was, and has been for a while, that we haven't been doing anywhere near enough. And my opinion on the latest news is that it's too late and has been an appalling response to this crisis.

I say again, almost every other country on the planet has put in stricter measures than we have. We've had the 'benefit' of seeing what's happened in Italy and Spain and our government's response was literally: 'let everyone catch it.'

I mean come on, that is just disgusting.
You don’t agree that herd immunity is what’s necessary? Why? What do you know? Seems to make sense to me. Have you seen the death toll in Italy and China? We don’t know. You don’t know.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
By shown up I mean they've basically ignored the government's advice and taken a decision themselves, that will cost them tens/hundreds of millions of pounds, because they clearly don't trust the government's recommendations and think it's safer for everyone (players, fans, whoever) to cancel/postpone.
No way that’s not why they’ve done it at all.

Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
65 pages for the flu

this could beat the Conor Chaplin thread

I’m going for the Brexit thread record.
You don’t agree that herd immunity is what’s necessary? Why? What do you know? Seems to make sense to me. Have you seen the death toll in Italy and China? We don’t know. You don’t know.

As it turns out the experts and the government don’t really have much idea either.


Well-Known Member
You don’t agree that herd immunity is what’s necessary? Why? What do you know? Seems to make sense to me. Have you seen the death toll in Italy and China? We don’t know. You don’t know.

No I don't know, you're correct. But pretty much everything I have read suggests that it is not the best way to deal with such a virus hence why, and I keep repeating myself here, every other country put strict measures in place. Nobody did less than us.

Are we total maverick geniuses and every other country on earth has got it wrong? Seems unlikely. Seems even less likely now they are starting to backtrack...

Anyway, I'm off to bed. Night all.


Well-Known Member
Kind of is. Ok, they are wheeling out experts and following their advice, but we don’t know what parameters those experts have been asked to work under. And before I get shot down I’m not claiming they are deliberately killing people, just that every country has a balance to strike between the economy and public health (the two are not mutually exclusive tbf). Other countries appear from some perspectives to be swinging more towards the public health aspect of this situation than we do.
I only know about France as my wife and younger kids live there. Got back Sunday night after nearly 3 weeks there.

France is about a week ahead of the UK with the virus. Everything was as usual until a couple of days ago. We got informed on Thursday that all schools were closing after Friday. So schools/colleges are now closed until further notice. This includes the areas of low density population.....most of France. So how about those who are having a go at the way we are handling the situation having a go at others instead of saying everyone else has done it in a different way?

France is next to Northern Italy. Northern Italy as everyone should know is where it is worse. But the east coast of France is where most people have become infected. But if the theorists on here were always correct it would have been bad where France borders Northern Italy.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
No I don't know, you're correct. But pretty much everything I have read suggests that it is not the best way to deal with such a virus hence why, and I keep repeating myself here, every other country put strict measures in place. Nobody did less than us.

Are we total maverick geniuses and every other country on earth has got it wrong? Seems unlikely. Seems even less likely now they are starting to backtrack...

Anyway, I'm off to bed. Night all.
Night sir
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Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
Really? Well I think we may find out in the longer term and I mean years rather than today or tomorrow or even this month. Is your success criteria taking obvious action or number of deaths being limited?

Listen- you don’t get to question me, you don’t get to make out I need to have all the answers, there are people whose job it is to make these decisions, and so far they’ve ignored everything elsewhere in the world, been shown up by the Premier League and sporting events, and now been forced to do an about face. That’s not my issue, it’s theirs, so cut the indignation at me and aim it where it needs to go.


Well-Known Member
What? I'm not just reading the headlines. I have done plenty of reading on the subject and my opinion was, and has been for a while, that we haven't been doing anywhere near enough. And my opinion on the latest news is that it's too late and has been an appalling response to this crisis.

I say again, almost every other country on the planet has put in stricter measures than we have. We've had the 'benefit' of seeing what's happened in Italy and Spain and our government's response was literally: 'let everyone catch it.'

I mean come on, that is just disgusting.

Without wishing to over over all this again (so I will), the reasoning behind the approach was sound to a point (but my knowledge is such that what the fuck do I know really) and that point being that despite all these measures, it is very likely that most people will catch it at some point, possibly during a second wave that models predict will emerge next winter, and that it's inevitable, so the idea is to flatten the curve now, and build up immunity in the meantime. It's not a message that plays well though for obvious reasons and also one that assumes a vaccine won't be available in the next 9 months.

People have since tried to weaponise the herd immunity thing and suggest sinister motives. It may be wrong, but I think it does come from people trying to do the right thing. Anyway, enough ramblings from me.
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Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Listen- you don’t get to question me, you don’t get to make out I need to have all the answers, there are people whose job it is to make these decisions, and so far they’ve ignored everything elsewhere in the world, been shown up by the Premier League and sporting events, and now been forced to do an about face. That’s not my issue, it’s theirs, so cut the indignation at me and aim it where it needs to go.
No indignation. Genuine question. And if you think you no better than them explain why. No one has been shown up by the premier league taking a decision that had nothing to do with public health and everything to do with molly coddling highly paid athletes who are upset about things. I just wonder what your success criteria is?

the government is wanting to limit the number of deaths, seems pretty reasonable as an aim doesn’t it?
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Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
No indignation. Genome question. And if you think you no better than them explain why. No one has been shown up by the premier league taking a decision that had nothing to do with public health and everything to do with molly coddling highly paid athletes who are upset about things. I just wonder what your success criteria is?

the government is wanting to limit the number of deaths, seems pretty reasonable as an aim doesn’t it?
You mean the mollycoddled highly paid athletes who were tested positive and who come into close contact with lots of others on a daily basis?

That’s such a weird thing to say, you’re making no sense.


Well-Known Member
Somehow this makes sense to you. I'm lost.

Just clarify. What do you want them to do? Follow the advice? You didn't like that. Bow to pressure and ignore the advice? You don't like that either.
If they were following advice to the letter why were the rest of the world’s
Experts giving different advice to ours.


Well-Known Member
Somehow this makes sense to you. I'm lost.

Just clarify. What do you want them to do? Follow the advice? You didn't like that. Bow to pressure and ignore the advice? You don't like that either.
It seems that some want what is best for themselves but also want to use it to bash politicians they don't like/from a different party they vote for.

How about a for instance?

We need to finish the football season. But if a Tory doesn't want to stop people congregating it is his fault.

The problem we have with shutting down life as we know it is it will get to people's sanity. People have things to do. People need to make a living. Life needs to go on. But you need to put this against people getting infected. Life needed to carry on as usual for as long as we could let it. Have we reached the point where we need to shut everything down yet?

It is all down to opinion. And those with an agenda will have a biased opinion as usual.


Well-Known Member
You don’t agree that herd immunity is what’s necessary? Why? What do you know? Seems to make sense to me. Have you seen the death toll in Italy and China? We don’t know. You don’t know.
Looks like Italy will be worst than China, let's hope not but Spain Germany and France are all climbing with cases now. Herd immunity is a excellent idea they should possibly start helping it infecting healthy people on porpoise

Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
Why are national league games on?

stop asking me stupid questions, like I said it’s not my fault the govt are pissing people around. I could try that- “tell me why you think League football should be going ahead when several players have tested positive and every country in the world has banned public gatherings & sporting events?”, but what’s the point

Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
Looks like Italy will be worst than China, let's hope not but Spain Germany and France are all climbing with cases now. Herd immunity is a excellent idea they should possibly start helping it infecting healthy people on porpoise

talk about sanity slipping, from what I can glean from that we’re now promoting infecting people and sticking them on dolphins.


Well-Known Member
The editor of the Lancet was actually one of the ones who was criticising the UKs approach, Richard Horton I think he’s called.

I’m almost at coronavirus saturation point.

Yeah I'm aware of that. The article that graph appears in was quite detailed. Red is basically do nothing, the green line is social distancing measures over a long period which was the line the UK wanted to follow, and blue a model of very strict social distancing over a short period. I think the criticism was that to follow the green line, you still need to implement measures and he didn't feel we were doing enough, the counter argument and disagreement being about timing.
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steve cooper

Well-Known Member
Looks like Italy will be worst than China, let's hope not but Spain Germany and France are all climbing with cases now. Herd immunity is a excellent idea they should possibly start helping it infecting healthy people on porpoise
Porpoises won't catch it I don't think

Mr Panda

Well-Known Member
Well, with Corona virus effectively cancelling MOTD at least it's been replaced by Mrs Browns Boys



Well-Known Member
What? I'm not just reading the headlines. I have done plenty of reading on the subject and my opinion was, and has been for a while, that we haven't been doing anywhere near enough. And my opinion on the latest news is that it's too late and has been an appalling response to this crisis.

I say again, almost every other country on the planet has put in stricter measures than we have. We've had the 'benefit' of seeing what's happened in Italy and Spain and our government's response was literally: 'let everyone catch it.'

I mean come on, that is just disgusting.
So you are saying that we should have shut down life as we know it when we hardly had any cases of the virus in the UK because it had spread around the globe?

Should we have banned flights from any country that has had cases of the virus? Should we ban people travelling?

As has been said previously if it was so far out other political parties would have been Tory bashing by now. As we all know they bash each other for the slightest reason when they can.

But step outside your front door. Look at anything you want. Someone makes a living out of everything you can see. Should we all just sit inside where we live until it is all over? Should we stop people making a living? Or should we let people continue for as long as we can as safely as we can?

If we hide totally from it how long will we have to hide away? If it isn't just shut ourselves away what would we be allowed to do? Would we still be allowed to go shopping? If not hiw about those who couldn't afford to buy everything needed for a long quarantine?

The whole thing is unprecedented in modern times. Everyone has their own idea what should happen. Can you imagine being the person to make all the final decisions? Millions will be unhappy whatever you decide. Life v saving life. Not an easy call.


Well-Known Member
So you are saying that we should have shut down life as we know it when we hardly had any cases of the virus in the UK because it had spread around the globe?

Should we have banned flights from any country that has had cases of the virus? Should we ban people travelling?

As has been said previously if it was so far out other political parties would have been Tory bashing by now. As we all know they bash each other for the slightest reason when they can.

But step outside your front door. Look at anything you want. Someone makes a living out of everything you can see. Should we all just sit inside where we live until it is all over? Should we stop people making a living? Or should we let people continue for as long as we can as safely as we can?

If we hide totally from it how long will we have to hide away? If it isn't just shut ourselves away what would we be allowed to do? Would we still be allowed to go shopping? If not hiw about those who couldn't afford to buy everything needed for a long quarantine?

The whole thing is unprecedented in modern times. Everyone has their own idea what should happen. Can you imagine being the person to make all the final decisions? Millions will be unhappy whatever you decide. Life v saving life. Not an easy call.
200 something cases today, number will only grow and grow.

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