I don't buy this shit of not reopening schools. Me and my daughters mother are key workers. My daughters been in school all the way through, along with around 30 other pupils.
Not one child has been suspected. Not one member of staff, '( and a lot of them have been in). Its an excuse in my eyes. Why am i able to have contact with people in my line of work (delivery driver), where i am in contact with over 50 people a day, yet teachers can't?. Screams of a cant be arsed till September attitude to me. Education is important.
Luckily my daughter has been taught around 2 hours per day ( shes in reception) so won't struggle, but what about other children who haven't learnt a thing since March?
Open the schools with measures out in place best as possible. Same now with most workplaces. The furlough money and business grants etc aren't a bottomless pit of money. We need to get back to normal asap now.
Sheild the vulnerable best we can, and take precaution best we can and crack on.