Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (18 Viewers)

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
they were actually due to appear at one and were in the building, (may have been Saturday), but got bumped at the last minute.
That was Monday after Cummings statement

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Well-Known Member
Former right wing sweetheart and the excellent dan hodges are having a tiff on Twitter but it does raise a wider issue past Coronavirus. What do rules and laws mean if you have instinct. This is setting a stupid precedent.

It completely undermines the basis of law and the written and unwritten norms that are the basis of a functioning society. It’s turning the ‘rights of the individual’ of conservatism into anarchy.

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Well-Known Member
Was just reading about a spike in South Korea but hopefully not a sign of a second wave, seems related to the nightclub outbreak. This caught my eye, kids going back to school there today, guessing we won't have a similar setup.


Well-Known Member
Was just reading about a spike in South Korea but hopefully not a sign of a second wave, seems related to the nightclub outbreak. This caught my eye, kids going back to school there today, guessing we won't have a similar setup.

Had temp checked at work with a thermal camera last week, needs to be done everyday though, IMO. Doing schools will have the resources for that and government advice will be “wash your hands” and hope for the best.

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Well-Known Member
Was just reading about a spike in South Korea but hopefully not a sign of a second wave, seems related to the nightclub outbreak. This caught my eye, kids going back to school there today, guessing we won't have a similar setup.

We’ve got one of those where I work. Set it off and they do a manual check. Set that off, sent home. Easy to set up. Absolutely no excuse for not having one in every school.

Saying that though. “I wish them well”


Well-Known Member
Had temp checked at work with a thermal camera last week, needs to be done everyday though, IMO. Doing schools will have the resources for that and government advice will be “wash your hands” and hope for the best.

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Most schools don’t have the capacity for all its students to wash their hands regularly throughout the day - certainly not in a timely manner at the very least.


Well-Known Member

You know that unassailable lead that stumpy fingers grendal was saying the tories had?

It's tightening in Westminster VI as well

(YouGov as well so wank fingers should be happy with it)

Trouble is:
a. The Tories despite all this are still ahead
b. We're four and a half years from the next general election


Well-Known Member
If you get the cock womble they shops are open let's go attitude you do.

There is a danger the spoonsqho rush to KFC and b and q will so the same thing

Dying high streets will see a short lived boom just because people can use them again. Don't appreciate what you've got till it's gone.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Trouble is:
a. The Tories despite all this are still ahead
b. We're four and a half years from the next general election
But they were recently 15 points ahead.

It maybe 4 years but if the tories damage themselves ala Major 1993 it could be hard for them to get momentum back

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Well-Known Member
Turns out the most worrying aspect of Cummings visit to Barnard Castle was he was actually supposed to be going to Binchester Roman Fort. :)

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Greece is to reopen flights to the islands from July 1st, but high infection countries can't go until the 15th. If that holds, it's 5 days too late for us

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
And more better news.....

Thread below the tweet

My take from that is that on the 11th of May the new cases were much lower than they are in the uk right now. When they reopened schools etc they had 61 new cases.

It's promising but the evidence at the moment is you need to be really careful about when you start loosening

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David O'Day

Well-Known Member

Could the decrease in london cases be making possible increases elsewhere?

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David O'Day

Well-Known Member
West Midlands PCC has confirmed people ate using DC as and excuse noe

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Well-Known Member
As soon as we went into lockdown we only had 2 flights a day to Gran Canaria, and 1 flight a day ( knocked down to 1 a week a month ago) to Madrid. My daughter is still waiting for her ERTE as she didnt have a bank account, they wouldn't pay it into my wife's account, the bank account is finally sorted today which took 3 weeks to sort out. My wife was sacked, with the guarantee of returning to work, when things return to more normality. She is the day time manager of the busiest bar in our town. It seems that her boss may have done the right thing compared to others putting their staff on ERTE. My daughters boss owns 3 bars, whilst putting 35 members of staff on ERTE, he was still paying over 10,000€ a month in staff taxes, where as my wife's boss has paid nothing, and now has his money ready for reopening, and can bring staff back as and when required.

As for tourists coming back, those of us in business really need them. I am a market trader, so our market wont open until tourist return. Most of the bars that have reopened are relying on pensioners only to keep them going, after the early Serge most bar owners are now regretting opening so soon as they can not temporary close again as the government wont restart their ERTE.

However we also want people to arrive here healthy, hoping that airlines and airports can sort out tourist entries sensibly.
Yes, approx 300€ per month per member of staff, he must be pulling his hair out.
I think most out here done ERTE as i don't think anyone expected this to go on so long
I only know of 1 person who was sacked with the promise of having his job back after this (he asked to be sacked as he thought PARO would be much faster than ERTE and he got his money straight away).

The bar owners out here met up before opening and decided that the small ones would open first as only locals here and the bigger ones with lot's of staff could not risk opening and then having to close again with no ERTE offered once you reopen.
Appears now though, that how can open up again and reduce staff hours so that they can get a smaller ERTE payment.

Do you have much of a winter trade? we do very well with Scandinavians although they prefer the restaurants to the bars.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Well the ICU is down on last week? That’s good....

Cases will go up and down for a while but the trend is downwards
That's clearly not what Andy Burnham is saying though.

He's saying locally the trend might be upwards in Greater Manchester.

As I said is the reduction in cases in London might be making localised increases just blithely saying but the trend is down is not an answer. Yes the national trend is slowly reducing but are large reductions in cases in the regions being masked by the larger reductions in London.

Even the regions are of a size where local increases could be hidden.

Don't just parrot lines. Andy Burnham things there may be a possible upwards trend in his city.

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David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Boris making things worse again

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Well-Known Member
Well the ICU is down on last week? That’s good....

Cases will go up and down for a while but the trend is downwards

The trend is not downwards if there is a 39% increase in new cases in Greater Manchester hospitals. That is pretty alarming as increased cases in hospitals means increased cases out in the community.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
This lovely another car crash.

I like the bit about having evidence that what he admitted to himself was actually a false allegation.

Judging by my facebook etc people who normally don't give a fuck are watching and fuming

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David O'Day

Well-Known Member
The trend is not downwards if there is a 39% increase in new cases in Greater Manchester hospitals. That is pretty alarming as increased cases in hospitals means increased cases out in the community.

We need to know what these localised trends are.

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