Interesting article, worth a read.
You don’t have to sanitize your apples anymore, but you do have to wear a mask
Really interesting article Dave. The viral load discussion has been going on for a while now and I’m no scientist but it seems to make logical sense
‘And even if some viral particles do get through, the viral dose will still be much smaller, so the person will be less likely to get seriously ill’
I know and understand why many want to have stricter national lockdown implemented but im still of the view that unless it’s to help avoid nhs capacity issues (which Id be 100% behind) there seems little point. The virus will continue to come in waves until a vaccine is found. Until then, wear masks in confined spaces, distance where possible and wash hands regularly. This will hopefully (again I’m no scientist) mean if/when you do get it it’s less likely to cause as significant illness. If you are higher risk and/or want to minimise chance of getting it full stop then obviously avoid going to busier places and only meet friends/family outdoors during peak spread (like now). For those that are more comfortable about it go about your ordinary business following the measures.
It’s been mentioned before about home transmission. I wonder if we will get to the point where people insist on wearing masks when visiting friends and relatives. Kind of makes sense to reduce spread/load and whilst I’m not a fan of wearing masks everywhere (I don’t see there is huge benefit unless in confined spaces - I still wear it though as it’s not worth taking the risk of passing stuff on) I think I would 100% keep it on if visiting any elderly/higher risk people I know.