There was a demo in my local town a couple of weeks ago, about 50 people rocked up with banners saying "the media is the virus, no to masks, end lockdown" & trying to harass passers by with leaflets & with their conspiratorial views on COVID. These guys were filthy, to the point where I doubt the virus would want to go near them for fear of catching something even worse. There were a few arrests, and it turns out now that 5 of the protestors & 1 copper is now symptomatic & positive, god knows who else has it without realising after going near them.
I get that there are conspiracies around, and its understandable to question everything in this day and age, but surely its got to the point now with COVID where its beyond any doubt that its real & whatever you think of the govt or authorities, if you don't take precautions you're putting yourself & others at huge risk? I am struggling to empathise with the kind of mind that thinks its all made up purely to restrict & control people.