Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (66 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Yeah in an ideal world we’d have the resource to do proper track and trace and shit down clusters.

Life expectancy was mostly pedantry but there is a serious point about assuming anyone past 80 has “had their time”

Yeah, I obviously didn’t mean it like that (sorry if it came across that way)

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
When you say it is doable what do you consider an acceptable number of deaths to achieve herd immunity?
As many as it takes so long as I can believe the memes on Facebook or Instagram or Twitter that can blame others for everything that happens and it doesn’t affect me personally

Anyway we just need to be fearless and we will beat it even if we do get infected. The answer isn’t herd immunity it’s fearlessness and optimism and positivity



Well-Known Member
It is an interesting theory though. I'm not saying do it, but if we take into account they say antibody immunity last between 3-6 months, and t-cell immunity forever, you've gotta assume its now doable, to at least get us through winter?

If im talking out my arse let me know
Sweden tried it and eventually admitted defeat saying they got it wrong.

Deleted member 5849

It is an interesting theory though. I'm not saying do it, but if we take into account they say antibody immunity last between 3-6 months, and t-cell immunity forever, you've gotta assume its now doable, to at least get us through winter?

If im talking out my arse let me know
We still don't know the full consequences of people who are basically alright, either. There's certainly an argument you hold off anything like herd immunity type scenarios until you can be sure they're not too debilitating.

Deleted member 5849

Anyway, work now getting in a tizz about when is a cough a cough, and when should you not come in?

I was quite comfortable the cough I've had for the past month, and now the ever so slight shortness of breath, was linked to what usually happens in the colder damper weather for me. Now? I'm ever so slightly paranoid!

Guess this is our future for the next few months!


Well-Known Member
Always rate Tim Harford, very much my thoughts on the lockdown skeptic scientists.



Well-Known Member
Being as it is claimed almost daily .
You'd assume prevailance would likely inflate demand?

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Being as it is claimed almost daily .
You'd assume prevailance would likely inflate demand?
Yep New Zealand are rubbish at testing people


Well-Known Member
The news today all seems pretty gloomy. Record numbers and increasing restrictions in many places around Europe.
Pubs, bars, restaurants and cafes across central Scotland, including Glasgow and Edinburgh, will be forced to close for two weeks from Friday.
Given the way things have gone so far can see this happening in England in a couple of weeks. Same is happening in Paris and in Brussels to try and get things back under some sort of control.

The Pasteur Institute is warning critical care beds in Paris will be at capacity by the end of the month just with covid patients. BBC reports patients with other critical conditions are already either being deferred treatment or moved to hospitals outside the Paris region.

In todays PMQs Johnson was asked for the evidence behind the 10pm pub closures and couldn't answer. Was also asked about local lockdowns and why 19 out of 20 areas in lockdown had seen cases rise, no answer for that either.

The only positive news seems to be that New Zealand are back to the lowest alert level nationwide following their breakout. Auckland was the last place under restrictions and now with zero new cases those have been removed.

Still, at least the billionaires are doing well out of it.
The wealth of the world's billionaires grew by more than a quarter (27%) during the height of the coronavirus between April-July to reach $10.2tn (£7.9tn), a new report says.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
The additional Scottish measures are fucking stupid as hospitality is not a main driver of infection at the moment.

It's a government without a clue making stupid gesture politics.
If you ran the country we'd be covid free and you could introduce a 1% income tax increase to fund the Real IRA.


Well-Known Member
I’ll be very interested to see what the Scottish education system will roll out now they’ve cancelled next years National 5 exam series.


Well-Known Member
Anyone been keeping an eye on German numbers recently? They've jumped from 400 per day about 3 weeks ago and now are over 3.5k cases a day, I wonder if football fans in Germany will be restricted again from entering grounds.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Also looking at the MSOA map the centre of Cov has risen to 17 cases in a 7 day period but Cannon Park is the definite driver for Coventry cases


Well-Known Member
Real interesting. Surprised (and pleased) not more Birmingham entries. Selly oak is very much Birmingham uni area. Looks like a fair chunk of the spike is being driven by uni’s returning...not from general population
Oh yeah, of the places I know on there Manchester and Leeds, every MSOA is proper studentville

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
This is where the Scottish version of HMI/OFSTED need to get involved to formally ratify each set of school submissions.

The problem is those National 5s are one year courses (OH taught in Scotland for a few years) so the data available is tiny compared to what you or I would have for Year 11s.


Well-Known Member
What is MSOA? Is it just a way of dividing the country up into chunks with each having roughly the same population?


Well-Known Member
The last PHE figures showed that Hospitality was a single figure percentage cause of outbreaks
How are they pinpointing exactly where people got it without reliable testing or tracing in place? Be interesting to know the methodology in use.

For example person A goes to work in an office, then stops at the supermarket on the way home, picks up a takeaway from a restaurant and takes it home to a house shared with his family. Later on goes to the pub and when that shuts at 10pm back to his mates house. How are PHE determining where he became infected when he tests positive?

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