The news today all seems pretty gloomy. Record numbers and increasing restrictions in many places around Europe.
Pubs, bars, restaurants and cafes across central Scotland, including Glasgow and Edinburgh, will be forced to close for two weeks from Friday.
Given the way things have gone so far can see this happening in England in a couple of weeks. Same is happening in Paris and in Brussels to try and get things back under some sort of control.
The Pasteur Institute is warning critical care beds in Paris will be at capacity by the end of the month just with covid patients. BBC reports patients with other critical conditions are already either being deferred treatment or moved to hospitals outside the Paris region.
In todays PMQs Johnson was asked for the evidence behind the 10pm pub closures and couldn't answer. Was also asked about local lockdowns and why 19 out of 20 areas in lockdown had seen cases rise, no answer for that either.
The only positive news seems to be that New Zealand are back to the lowest alert level nationwide following their breakout. Auckland was the last place under restrictions and now with zero new cases those have been removed.
Still, at least the billionaires are doing well out of it.
The wealth of the world's billionaires grew by more than a quarter (27%) during the height of the coronavirus between April-July to reach $10.2tn (£7.9tn), a new report says.