Had a nice simple message, protect the NHS.
Now we seem to be protecting the NHS / protecting the economy / allowing for eye test trips / keeping schools and universities open etc. etc.
I've no real idea what our strategy is just atm. Maybe it'll become clearer at 3pm(!)
That sums it up really. Was all nice and simple at the start, stay at home, protect the NHS. And those that couldn't work got the money they need to survive via furlough. As soon as Cummings made his trip and rather than sack him they decide to start messing around with the message it all fell apart.
Now its all over the place. The rules in place don't stand up to any scrutiny, and when questioned on things like why after 10pm in a pub is an issue but not before, why you can watch the England game in a pub but nobody can go into a 90K stadium etc they have no answers.
Whatever the message is it needs to be clear, simple and easy to follow. And it has to stand up to scrutiny or people won't buy in.
Think there also has to be an exit strategy. People need to know there's an end in sight even if its months away.