Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (79 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
The public support stricter measures according to latest polling. It’s a loud, well funded minority talking about fewer restrictions and shielding the elderly only.

The other issue is you can’t have a balancing act between these two completely different strategies. Trying to do so is partly why we have handled it so poorly. You need to pick a strategy and ensure it’s consistent and coherent.
Its needs a clear and coherent strategy that is actually 'following the science' so that when the government or experts are questioned they can back up what they are doing and justify it. Couple that of clear explanations of why we're doing things and even at this stage with the amount of confidence lost in those in charge I still think the vast majority would do as instructed.

The problem is the messaging is all over the place, the experts clearly don't agree and they can't justify many of their decisions as they'd have to admit they are prioritising the economy over peoples lives.

When you see reports like this you can take a good guess at what is really driving the decision making process.


Well-Known Member
What happened to the circuit breaker ?
I mean it made it out of bunker?
Rishi pulling the strings now?
There’s been a rumour flying around for a while now that Rishi Sunak is to be Rishi Soon Axed. Apparently his general air of competence is making the rest of them look stupid so he has to go. Took it with a pinch of salt but they do seem to be hanging him out to dry on this one so maybe there’s something in it after all.


Well-Known Member
There’s been a rumour flying around for a while now that Rishi Sunak is to be Rishi Soon Axed. Apparently his general air of competence is making the rest of them look stupid so he has to go. Took it with a pinch of salt but they do seem to be hanging him out to dry on this one so maybe there’s something in it after all.
You get the sense either he goes or Johnson looks worse and worse and gets replaced.

Deleted member 5849

Cant disagree with a lot of that mate. But you can see on here how the country is divided...some want stricter lockdown, otherwise want to best protect those most at risk and everyone else get on with life.

Massive balancing act but as you say it’s important that people understand what the bigger picture/plan is and that’s just not coming across at the moment, hence there’s little ‘buy in’ from either side
It's down to leadership to lead. I'll say this for Thatcher, chances are I'd have ended up disgreeing with whatever she decided, but she'd have stayed in, studied all the evidence, heard from the experts, asked pertinent questions, and been involved. Furthermore she'd have done what she thought was right, not what was popular.

And then, even if people disagreed, you're more likely to get some grudging buy-in if your leaders appear sincere.
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Well-Known Member
Is that supposed to be funny? Dear oh dear. Classic example of twitter litter......about as funny as Covid-19.

Fucking everyone’s a Twitter comic these days. There’s been a couple of decent ones but on the whole this entire character comedy shtick on Twitter is terrible.


Well-Known Member
The public support stricter measures according to latest polling. It’s a loud, well funded minority talking about fewer restrictions and shielding the elderly only.

The other issue is you can’t have a balancing act between these two completely different strategies. Trying to do so is partly why we have handled it so poorly. You need to pick a strategy and ensure it’s consistent and coherent.

Yeah, I think I mentioned yesterday that I’d seen a 2/3 to 1/3 polling split on wanting stricter measures.

I’d imagine some of this relates to personal (and family) risk, age and potentially even to job security though. For example I wonder if the pollsters asked those wanting a stricter National lockdown if they’d still want this if they would likely lose their job because of it, what the answer would be.

I know a lot of people involved in the hospitality/nightlife sector and especially for younger people that’s the reality of the situation for many. In addition they can see a larger proportion of the enjoyment of their lives removed (even though they appear to be at a relatively tiny risk). I’m now aware of three younger adults that have taken their lives during this mess (friends of friends), the most recent being Sunday. I’m also aware of many (what Id class as intelligent) people, mainly those who aren’t in relationships and/or don’t have kids etc that will not follow the new stricter measures.

That’s all part of the governments balancing act, a fair bit of which I admit I don’t agree with, thats being attempted. I don’t think it’s a rich (well funded) and poorer division between those that want/don’t want stricter measures, there are various dividing lines as mentioned above, probably more age related, and I can see both sides depending on what people’s circumstances are.

Ps I agree 100% though that a clearer more coherent message/strategy needs to be delivered and has been one of the major failings during this nightmare.
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Well-Known Member
followed the science first time and the country collapsed. would you want a full lockdown?

No they didn't. Johnson specifically stated that we'd "stay open" and be the economic powerhouse while others locked themselves away despite scientists saying this was a terrible idea. By the time they actually listened to a bit of the science is was already to late to stop the rise and we had to lockdown for much longer than we would've done otherwise. Same thing happening now.

If a full lockdown for two/three weeks reduces the infection rate considerably to level it out then so be it, because if not we're heading down a path that should see us locked down in a month or so anyway until beyond Xmas. Either than or many, many more deaths and serious infections and how much do you think that's going to cost the economy?

Besides, as I've mentioned before, if the country 'collapsed' then it just goes to show the way we do things is not at all robust and is therefore something we should be looking to change, not return to. it's being offered tuppence now in exchange for giving up a quid later.


Well-Known Member
Without trying to figure out all the coded bullshit they put out.

Can I still play football on Friday and have a couple of beers after?

As long as it's six a side or less and neither team enters the others half. The beers are fine, as long as you drink them alone and don't touch the glass with your hands. Unless you live in a post code with an odd number but in an even numbered house in which case you can only have one beer, to be consumed via a colonic.


Well-Known Member
They've fucked this right up. Can anyone see any semblance of normality anytime soon because i fucking cant.

Just want to go watch us play in the championship with my kids ffs

If that happens this season now I'd be amazed. There will be no sense of normality until into next year and probably when the days are getting longer and it's getting warmer. Even then I wouldn't guarantee it.

Unless of course the govt just says fuck it and sends everything back to normal regardless of the information in front of their face.


Well-Known Member
The public support stricter measures according to latest polling. It’s a loud, well funded minority talking about fewer restrictions and shielding the elderly only.

It's amazing these loud, well funded minorities always call themselves the 'silent majority' isn't it?

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Jenrick still claiming they are always led by the science, the balls on him though are kind of impressive



You can tell which nonces are making those images.

Why not "Guac Factory" or something equally as noncey?

Deleted member 5849

Matt Hancock said:
We do not rule out further restrictions in the hospitality, leisure, entertainment or personal care sectors. But retail, schools and universities will remain open.

How long for them to hold to that? Until early November, 10th at latest, I reckon.

Fuck me, even Jeremy Hunt's looking a wise old sage nowadays in comparison.


Well-Known Member
That’s all part of the governments balancing act, a fair bit of which I admit I don’t agree with, thats being attempted. I don’t think it’s a rich (well funded) and poorer division between those that want/don’t want stricter measures, there are various dividing lines as mentioned above, probably more age related, and I can see both sides depending on what people’s circumstances are.
A fair point when talking about the general public. I was thinking more about the commentators pushing the idea of lockdown being economically damaging and the herd immunity strategy who tend to be shills for libertarian think tanks. More of an issue in America though, in fairness.


Well-Known Member

You can tell which nonces are making those images.

Why not "Guac Factory" or something equally as noncey?
Yeah, renowned “nonce” territory chain restaurant Wagamama’s...

Real men go to ‘spoons I guess.


Well-Known Member
If those pictures have indeed been made by someone who knows about Wagamama AND Pret then it's absolutely disgusting

Deleted member 5849

Can I just ask how it affects my lefty credentials that I think Wagamama and Pret are both utter shite, and I've never heard of a Guac Factory? I'm assuming this helps me keep a social distance from Gove and others like him? If so, I'd like to keep it that way thanks :)
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