Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (11 Viewers)

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
If you consider that a good news thread why are you choosing to ignore its clear message?

I find that a bit confusing?

Yeah it clearly says that while it may be milder the amount of cases could still lead to more in hospital

Deleted member 9744

Only thing I'd say is a friend of my Dad's, asthmatic, early 50s so older than you but... double jabbed at the time, five weeks and counting off work because of Covid. It's not just hospitalisation
I know someone in their mid twenties with no known conditions apart from asthma also off work for 5 weeks


My other half is still negative with both lateral flow and PCR and we've spent pretty much all our time together since Saturday including working from home so it can't be that fucking transmissible.

Same with one of my family members, one had a booster and is now positive. Others in the household all with them (2 adults and a child, adults not boosted) and none of the others have it.

That's why I was asking if immune systems might be weaker just after.


Well-Known Member
Not doubting 2 jabs offer protection but the thread you posted also spoke about further protection from the booster.

As i say, I've not fully closed the door on it, im just keeping a watching brief.

There's a link, however small to Myocarditis and pericarditis from the jabs as we know, and with my arrhythmia thats not good news.

I'm waiting to see what a 3rd jab does to them numbers tbf.

And yes I know covid itself can cause the same issues, but as i say id like to think with 2 jabs amd my immune system at 31 years old should hopefully see me through ok

Understand your point of course

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
Genuine question without wanting to to start any shit - is there any benefit in me wearing a mask shortly after I recover from covid?


Well-Known Member
Christ with my recent comments if anyone took any notice they would probably think I was anti all-Covid restrictions/rules.

for fuck sake,‘I’m on a train back from London Euston to Coventry and there are three cunts without face masks around me. One of them is coughing his fucking guts out massive bottle of water in front of him red in the face clearly I’ll looks like shit. WHY THE FUCK WOULDNT YOU WEAR A MASK? I got up and asked him why he isn’t he wearing a mask it’s ridiculous and he just shrugged at me and I moved coaches.

Some people are just fucking cunts


Well-Known Member
Just read that there is going to be a bit of a protest in town tomorrow by the water feature by Waterstones against vaccine passports and about the sacking of NHS workers for not having the jab.

Also, the organiser is urging people to listen to Joe Rohan’s podcast with Dr Peter McCullough and buy The Real Anthony Fauci book.


Well-Known Member
The UK Gov covid dashboard has recently added a new tier for cases.

I believe this was Tuesday.

If you havent seen the UK map, London is starting to turn to this new colour so quickly that they may need to add a new colour tier for cases.

Some places are close to having 3200+ cases per 100,000 population.

Will be interesting to see what happens.

The map shows this is really just the start of this. When further areas are affected more, which they arent a lot behind London, seeing how quickly things have taken hold there.

Things are going to go up like a rocket.


Well-Known Member
The UK Gov covid dashboard has recently added a new tier for cases.

I believe this was Tuesday.

If you havent seen the UK map, London is starting to turn to this new colour so quickly that they may need to add a new colour tier for cases.

Some places are close to having 3200+ cases per 100,000 population.

Will be interesting to see what happens.

The map shows this is really just the start of this. When further areas are affected more, which they arent a lot behind London, seeing how quickly things have taken hold there.

Things are going to go up like a rocket.
London appears to be topping out now mind you

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
How dare you BSB !!! I temperature checked, asked recent illness, wiped down chairs (no real use apart from when an old lady had a little accident), ensured that hands were sanitised, distance maintained and mask were worn ! In one entrance, out a different exit. Slick operation !

Take the point though, if omicron is as transmissible as they reckon, a lot of centres are probably decent spreading hubs, especially a few weeks back when they were making people wait 15 mins post Pfizer jab 😬...actually maybe that’s when I caught it again, not from my mate...dirty fuckers !

Not a slight at you Steve, though you know my thoughts on surface transmission measures 😉

I would still be certain that the bulk of cases weren’t picked up at the vaccination centre, but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if a small number were because it’s so infectious.


Well-Known Member
Not a slight at you Steve, though you know my thoughts on surface transmission measures 😉

I would still be certain that the bulk of cases weren’t picked up at the vaccination centre, but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if a small number were because it’s so infectious.

I was kidding and yes, I do know your views on surface transmission....and agree ! I still had to wipe down to make people feel more comfortable. To be fair, it’s hygienic too anyway (I wasn’t joking about the poor old lady either !)


Well-Known Member

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
I don't know if this is a symptom but I feel like it's properly messed up my thinking

I'm getting side tracked mid thoughts, unable to explain basic stuff to someone even though I know what I mean in my head and just generally forgetting what I'm doing.

Calling it COVID brain right now.

Wyken Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
There were a number of studies from South Africa where it originated that stated Omicron was a mild strain so glad to it being vindicated by our scientists

Scotland, Wales and NI may have jumped too early with additional restrictions, be interesting to see what will be announced after Xmas, hopefully just the continuation of wearing face coverings

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David O'Day

Well-Known Member
There were a number of studies from South Africa where it originated that stated Omicron was a mild strain so glad to it being vindicated by our scientists

Scotland, Wales and NI may have jumped too early with additional restrictions, be interesting to see what will be announced after Xmas, hopefully just the continuation of wearing face coverings

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How many times do people have to point out to you that basic maths shows that even a mild strain of a virus if transmitted enough can cause carnage in the health care system.

This is the issue

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
I mean its almost as if people have been saying for weeks that this is mild and we'll be fine....

The professionals have been saying let's wait until the data's in to be sure and it's still not in.

What's going on in SA isn't a like for like comparison, their population demographic is different to ours.

I think it will be ok but like you and 'the people who've been saying for weeks' it will be fine I'm not qualified so happy to trust the professionals.


How many times do people have to point out to you that basic maths shows that even a mild strain of a virus if transmitted enough can cause carnage in the health care system.

This is the issue

It's as if some might be gutted if it's really not a massive issue.

Maybe you could give a daily update on obesity levels if this isn't a big issue. People could call obese people selfish for not caring about the NHS.
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Wyken Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
How many times do people have to point out to you that basic maths shows that even a mild strain of a virus if transmitted enough can cause carnage in the health care system.

This is the issue
It's been here for a number of weeks now and the hospitalisations are not near the levels earlier in the year with Delta being the primary variant

It's a good news story and I'm hoping things stay the same as they are over the rest of the winter period

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Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
It's as if some might be gutted if it's really not a massive issue.
It might be like shmmee says it’s about numbers infected

Your question has been asked lots on the news today. Is it mild because it’s mild or because of antibodies and vaccines and the answer seems to be possibly

Deleted member 5849

I'll tell you what happens at A&E at present...

You get a letter from your doctor, you go along but you're not let inside as there are too many people waiting already. Once you *are* let inside, you're not allowed to take anyone in with you, so even though you're at death's door, the best they can do is push you inside in the wheelchair, walk out, see the doors shut behind you and wonder if you'll ever see that person again...

Then you wait for hours to be seen, before eventually you are. Then you're admitted, and placed on a bed for yet more hours, waiting for a space on a ward. These spaces are under pressure because, of course, at this stage any infection from Covid could finish you off because you're so weak, and you don't want bellends pointing out you got Covid when in hospital, so its not *really* Covid that killed you. You then get your bed in a ward where they keep the windows open if at all possible (but of course the time of year is not great for that, so it's a payoff of freezing your patients, and giving adequate ventilation in criminally underfunded buildings) and give you a Covid test daily, because any infection spreading in the ward could finish off all who are there with you... and you don't want bellends pointing out you got Covid when in hospital, so its not *really* Covid that killed you. No visitors for that reason either, as they absolutely *need* to keep infection away from you.

Then you get rehabilitated as quickly as they can, and sent home as soon as they can because, even more so than usually, they *need* the beds for the next queue of people waiting for admission. Then again, it might be too soon really, but you haven't seen your family for a couple of weeks, and they haven't seen you, and they need to tell you that they love you. You've avoided being finished off by Covid too, by the measures put in place, but those measures restrict capacity too, of course... exacerbated by an underfunded system, that means there's no spare resource available for a crisis.
And rinse and repeat. Actually, this time we were allowed to bypass A&E and go direct to the ward. Of course, all I could do was sit in a corridor and wait for my Dad before taking him home, where he'll be spending Christmas without his wife for the first time in over 50 years. At least this time I could hold my Mum's hand at home for half an hour, tell her I love her... and pray I get to see her again. I have a present on the stairs from my Mum and I don't know if I can open it, it upsets me too much. At least she got to see me married last year, even if it could only be both sets of parents there. Not what I wanted but, if I'd left it for this year, she'd have never been able to travel.

So, for those who want to tell me that I want to be scared, those who bang on in surety about the fact that we need no restrictions, those who bang on about people dying with, not of Omicron, I want you to consider this...

The policy has always been to protect the NHS. The transmissability of it can overtake any protection that is there if it does turn out to be milder. That is why people are analysing data, rather than just concluding it automatically. That is entirely right and proper.

Deaths are not the sole thing, it's capacity in the health system - capacity to help people like my Mum and to keep her safe, not to make her a statistic that well, she's old anyway. Not, for that matter, to keep her occupying a bed that could be needed for somebody else, because we didn't take measures to protect from complications.

This time last year, a friend's Dad had a fall. He would have recovered from that, but he caught Covid in hospital, died. This year, my friend has Christmas without his Dad around for the first time. He doesn't really care about semantics, what he does know is that without Covid his Dad would still be here.

Wearing a mask, taking a LFT doesn't actually stop you from doing anything. It's incredibly stupid to not try and slow the spread of something before you know what you're dealing with. One lesson we should have learned from March 2020, and 'look at Italy' type posts at the beginning of this thread. I fear I was guilty of that, too. We are in so much a better place than this time last yar, and it would be madness to throw that away on a whim. Better to be cautious, and then celebrate the fact that there is light at the end of a tunnel. Frankly, masks and wfh shouldn't have been taken away in the first place, it makes them so much harder to put back, and they are no big deal really.

So, think of mental health in all ways. My Christmas is trashed, completely. I can't go and see my Mum because they can't let Covid spread to people like her, where vaccine or no, it would have a damned good chance of taking her out before they get a chance to try and save her. Of course, we all hope this variant is actually not *too* bad, that it can blow through fast and then things can start to lift up a little. But, life is not just about me or you... a civilised society looks out for one another, a civilised society learns from the past, a civilised society is prepared to sacrifice a little for the greater good and, again, as it stands what does wearing a mask, taking a LFT actually stop you from doing?

A civilised society listens to the medical experts. Now that is critical thinking... not just looking for the ones that vindicate what you want to happen. We all want our 'old' lives back, it's been hard for all of us. But to get to that point, we have to trust in the consensus of medical experts, and actually show some critical thinking to not try and go down random rabbit holes.

And most of all, remember that you don't know anybody's situation on here, we can all be suffering.

Should I leave this post up, really? I don't like personal posts, really. But, this thread, and board, is getting so full of gung-ho attitudes that are understandable, maybe, because who wants to be restricted. They're not necessarily helpful, however. This thread and board is also getting a prevelance of rather destructive posts that are downright wrong, and damaging, really.


Well-Known Member
So as long as it’s R rate is less than 3 times that of previous strains were golden.
Only data on R rate specifically for the variant I can find is a week old and puts it between 3.5 and 5. Remember the good old days when we were worried it might go over 1?!

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
It's been here for a number of weeks now and the hospitalisations are not near the levels earlier in the year with Delta being the primary variant

It's a good news story and I'm hoping things stay the same as they are over the rest of the winter period

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Yes and there's a lag on hospitalisations of around 17 days so we won't know for a while what the situation will be.

It's perfectly sensible for the devolved admins to plan ahead and give business the clarity and support they will need rather than the Westminster mix message style that means people cancel plans but business gets very little support

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